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Reflection Day and night

In Lubna Bint Hubab, I have taught grade one.. I teach the students
about sorting during, Morning "message time" and song. I began my
lesson with the morning message by asking them about the day,
date, and month and then connecting their existing knowledge to
what they had studied the day before. Then I show the students video
about the lesson and ask them what they learned from the video. The
students was understood the lesson to fast and they was enjoying the
activity, I feel that the lesson was so interesting from what I was
seeing from the students and how was they busy during activity time
and just they want to work. I explain the activity for the students we
was work as a group on the carpet we make a big circle and let the
students to bring scissor , glow and pencil it was more fun for the
students because they work all together as a big group and
communicatee with each other’s. My lesson was effective, and I
enjoyed teaching the students we had fun at the same time they
achieve learning objective. By the end of the lesson, they were able
to know what does sun, moon and stars mean.I'll try to include more
strategies for reinforcement and keep the students' attention
throughout my next lecture.

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