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Fighting for Utopia

"If you don't give life any meaning,don't worry, the market will do it for you.You'll spend your whole life
paying monthly instalments,and you'll think you're getting ahead by buying new things,but in the
meantime,you'll be a useless old man.The other alternative is spend part of your life fighting for
utopia.That's, building better society for those who come after you on earth.But this is conscious choice
that you must make one day and if you don't make this conscious choice then you will live unknowingly
on the ground and believe that progress means replacing the motorbike with car,then that simple car
with more expensive car and so on.This choice must be made. Maybe when you're old and rheumatism
and bone pain finally get to you,one fine day you will look in the mirror and ask yourself question:have I
betrayed the child inside me?But it'll be too late..."

These words belong to the former president of Uruguay,José Mujica,with which he addressed to the
youth in 2019 in Mexico, during the ceremony to the award of an honorary doctorate by the Sistema
Universitario Jesuita.

I see myself as a citizen of country with democratic values,an individual living in capitalist system.For
me the words of Mr. José Mujica are like thorns in my heart and in my thoughts,but remembering the
past years and understanding the present,I realize that I have already made my choice to fight for
making the world a better place in deep childhood when I saw the problem in the fact that New Year's
Eve was not an equally happy holiday for all my peers.I made a choice with childish mind that did not
know what the social problems meant.More time passes and I am convinced that every step I take in life
is an echo of the pursuit of the goal that Mr. Jose Mujica called the fight for utopia.This is the biggest
reasons why I choose to study international relations after graduating from public school.

I was born in Georgia,in country which has long history of wars and self-preservation,in country where
people have endured many hardships,a nation struggling for freedom,independence and the
establishment of a socially and economically equal society,under the conditions of being surrounded by
an imperialist neighbor which is ready to end your existence as an independent country at any time.

Regardless of the list of issues we have today,I see the energy of my people fighting for western liberal
democracy,but since the coin has two sides,I also see people,who have succeeded in accumulating
financial capital and raising their social status are playing with people's destiny.The above-mentioned
situation sometimes makes me think that I may lose hope of serving my country for the better.But this
isn't the case because I have hope for the future,my generation,I believe that there are young people in
Georgia who love their homeland as much as I do.

I believe that by accumulating appropriate knowledge and getting an education,I will reach state where I
will be able to serve democracy and the people,bring at least a little good to my country and society
with my actions,I believe that participating in this program,the experience and the knowledge which I
will get from here will help me on the way to my goal,and To the question: "Did I betray the child inside
me?", I will be able to give a decent answer,but not when I get old, but every day when I'll wake up, I'll
get up and i'll look in the mirror,because I will not have betrayed the little boy who always wanted to
make the world a better place.

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