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Caterina Mangini

Mr. Gardner

Violent voluptuous rat tacos

1 May 2023

Open for the future

Dear Brighton High Administration,

Doors at Brighton that lock have been a problem for students this whole year.

Locking the doors is something that started for the first time this year, and even though

it brings more safety to the school, problems have been found among the students. “It’s

the first year that we do this,” said Dawn (Mcnutt Dawn). The doors are a very big

problem at Brighton for students, who often find themselves locked outside at every

hour during the day.

“The doors by the seminary building are the ones that create the most problems

personally,” said Lizzie (Sheffield Lizzie). Most of the students I’ve talked to during this

time period have agreed with the fact that the doors by the seminary building and the

athletics building are the ones that are always locked and the ones that students can’t

ever get into. This could seem like not a big problem for people, especially adults in the

school, who have not experienced this. Getting stuck outside is really frustrating for

every student, especially when attendance is really important for most of the teachers.

My proposal is to install some scanner by the doors by the seminary building and

the athletics building. The scanner would be similar to the ones that teachers already

use for flex, so that every student could easily access the school with their students IDs

without having to wait and also without losing the safety of the school.

Thanks to the survey that I made for students, I understood that some of the

students were concerned about losing their safety at school even though we are in a

pretty safe place. “If we let doors unlock, adults could come in and walk around the

school, " said Dawn, (Mcnutt Dawn). For this reason I decided not to unlock all the

doors. Using scanners only in the doors that create more problems is cheaper than

installing a scanner in all doors, but it could make the students' life a little bit easier.

Students have experienced in the past being stuck outside, sometimes for more than 10

minutes, which can be very frustrating especially when you need to go to the next class.

Scanners are not very expensive when looking on the internet, also my proposal

is to only install two of them, one by the seminary building and the art building, and one

by the athletic building, since themajority of students at Brighton agree that those two

are the ones that students have problems getting in.

My action plan is to find the right scanners first, buy them and then install them.

All of this could be done during the summer so that when students go back to school

they can use the new scanners and have no problems with doors.

Work Cited

Sheffield, Lizzie, and Mcnutt, Dawn. Personal Interview. 25 April 2023.

Caterina Mangini. Blocked From Learning! A survey about problems concerning the

locked doors. Cottonwood Heights, UT, Brighton High School, 17th April 2023.

Unpublished Survey.

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