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Footing Type : F-1

Total unfactored load , P = 107 kips Strength reduction factor Ø
Total factored load, Pu = 138 kips 0.9 = Ø Flexure
Compressive strength of concrete, f'c = 3 ksi 0.85 = Ø Shear
Yield stress of steel, fy = 40 ksi
Clear rebar cover = 3 in.

Width of column, C1 = 14 in 1.2 = Safety factor of D-L

Width of column, C2 = 14 in 1.6 = Safety factor of L-L
Avarage unit weight of soil & concrete = 125 pcf
Allowable bearing capacity, qa = 3.136 ksf
Depth of footing below the final grade = 8 ft

(1) Calculate the effective bearing capacity
Effective bearing capacity, qe = 2.14 ksf

(2) Calculate the area of footing

Required footing area, A = Unfactored Load / Effective Bearing Capacity
A = 50.09 sqft

Required footing width & length, B & L = 7.08 ft

Used footing width & length, B & L = 5 ft

Assume total depth of footing = 12 in

Assume effective depth, d = 9.00 in

(3) Net upward pressure

Net upward pressure, qu = Factored Load / Used area of footing
qu = 5.52 ksf

(4) Check depth due to two-way shear

Perimeter of the critical section, bo = 2 (C1 + d) + 2 (C2 + d)
bo = 92.00 in
(C1 + d) = 23.00 in
(C2 + d) = 23.00 in

Two-way shear, Vu2 = Pu - qu [(C1 + d)(C2 + d)]

Vu2 = 117.72 kip

The depth required for two-way shear , d = Vu2 / (4 Ø sqrt fc' bo)
d = 6.87 in < Ass. Eff. " d " = 9 in Satisfy

(5) Check depth due to one-way shear

The dis. from edge of footing to dis "d" from

col. face = (B/2) - (C1/2) - d
= 1.17 ft
The dis. from edge of footing to dis "d" from
col. face = (L/2) - (C2/2) - d
= 1.17 ft Control

Isolated Footing Design Continued

One-way shear, Vu1 = qu b [(L/2) - (C2/2) - d]

Vu1 = 32.20 kip

The depth required for one-way shear , d = Vu1 / (2 Ø sqrt fc' b)

d = 5.76 in < Ass. Eff. " d " = 9 in Satisfy
Use effective depth of footing = 9.00 in
Use total depth of footing = 12.00 in

(6) Calculate the bending moment and steel reinforcement

The dis. from edge of footing to col. face = (B/2) - (C1/2)
= 1.92 ft

The dis. from edge of footing to col. face = (L/2) - (C2/2)

= 1.92 ft Control

Bending moment, Mu = qu x L2/2 x width of footing

Mu = 50.70 k-ft

Ru = Mu / ( bd2 )
Ru = 125.17 psi

Steel ratio, r = 0.85 fc' / fy [ 1 - sqrt ( 1 - (2 Ru / Ø (0.85 fc')))]

r = 0.0036

Required " As" = r b d

As = 1.93 in2

rmin (fluxure) = 200 / fy = 0.0050

Minimum " As" = 2.70 in2 > Req. " As" = 1.93 in2/ ft
Use area of steel reinforcement, As = 2.70 in2
As = 0.540 in2/ ft

Provided steel = 16 mmØ @ 6 in. C/C

Provided, As = 0.623 in2/ ft > Req. " As" = 0.540 in2/ ft Satisfy

(7) Check development length

Required development length, ld = [fy / 25 sqrt (fc')] db for No.6 (20 mm ) and smaller bars
Required development length, ld = [fy / 20 sqrt (fc')] db for No.7 (22 mm ) and larger bars

Required development length, ld = 18 in

Provided development length, ld = L/2 - C1/2 - 3
ld = 20 in > Req. " ld" = 18 in2/ ft Satisfy

Provided development length, ld = L/2 - C2/2 - 3

ld = 20 in > Req. " ld" = 18 in2/ ft Satisfy

Footing Type : F-1

Length x width x height Bottom Steel
5' x 5' x 12" 16 mmØ @ 6 in. C/C (mesh)

Footing Type : F-4

Total unfactored load , P = 445 kips Strength reduction factor Ø
Total factored load, Pu = 683 kips 0.9 = Ø Flexure
Compressive strength of concrete, f'c = 4 ksi 0.85 = Ø Shear
Yield stress of steel, fy = 60 ksi
Clear rebar cover = 4.5 in.

Diameter of column, D = 30 in 1.4 = Safety factor of D-L

Avarage unit weight of soil & concrete = 125 pcf 1.7 = Safety factor of L-L
Allowable bearing capacity, qa = 5 ksf
Depth of footing below the final grade = 4 ft

(1) Calculate the effective bearing capacity
Effective bearing capacity, qe = 4.50 ksf

(2) Calculate the area of footing

Required footing area, A = Unfactored Load / Effective Bearing Capacity
A = 98.89 sqft

Required footing width & length, B & L = 9.94 ft

Used footing width & length, B & L = 10 ft

Assume total depth of footing = 24 in

Assume effective depth, d = 19.50 in

(3) Net upward pressure

Net upward pressure, qu = Factored Load / Used area of footing
qu = 6.83 ksf

(4) Check depth due to two-way shear

Perimeter of the critical section, bo = π (D + d)
bo = 155.51 in

π (D + d)2 /4 = 13.36 ft2

Two-way shear, Vu2 = Pu - qu [ π (D + d)2 /4 ]

Vu2 = 591.72 kip

The depth required for two-way shear , d = Vu2 / (4 Ø sqrt fc' bo)
d = 17.70 in < Ass. Eff. " d " = 19.5 in Satisfy

(5) Check depth due to one-way shear

The dis. from edge of footing to dis "d" from

col. face = (L/2) - (D/2) - d
= 2.13 ft
Isolated Footing Design Continued

One-way shear, Vu1 = qu b [(L/2) - (D/2) - d]

Vu1 = 145.14 kip

The depth required for one-way shear , d = Vu1 / (2 Ø sqrt fc' b)

d = 11.25 in < Ass. Eff. " d " = 19.5 in Satisfy
Use effective depth of footing = 19.50 in
Use total depth of footing = 24.00 in

(6) Calculate the bending moment and steel reinforcement

The dis. from edge of footing to col. face = (L/2) - (D/2)
= 3.75 ft

Bending moment, Mu = qu x L2/2 x width of footing

Mu = 480.23 k-ft

Ru = Mu / ( bd2 )
Ru = 126.29 psi

Steel ratio, r = 0.85 fc' / fy [ 1 - sqrt ( 1 - (2 Ru / Ø (0.85 fc')))]

r = 0.0024

Required " As" = r b d

As = 5.59 in2

rmin (fluxure) = 200 / fy = 0.0033

Minimum " As" = 7.80 in2 > Req. " As" = 5.59 in2/ ft
Use area of steel reinforcement, As = 7.80 in2
As = 0.780 in2/ ft

Provided steel = 22 mmØ @ 6 in. C/C

Provided, As = 1.178 in / ft
> Req. " As" = 0.780 in2/ ft Satisfy

(7) Check development length

Required development length, ld = [fy / 25 sqrt (fc')] db for No.6 (20 mm ) and smaller bars
Required development length, ld = [fy / 20 sqrt (fc')] db for No.7 (22 mm ) and larger bars

Required development length, ld = 41 in

Provided development length, ld = L/2 - D/2 - 3

ld = 42 in > Req. " ld" = 41 in2/ ft Satisfy

Footing Type : F-4

Length x width x height Bottom Steel
10' x 10' x 24" 22 mmØ @ 6 in. C/C (mesh)

Footing Type : F-3

Total unfactored load , P = 79 kips Strength reduction factor Ø
Total factored load, Pu = 114 kips 0.9 = Ø Flexure
Compressive strength of concrete, f'c = 3 ksi 0.85 = Ø Shear
Yield stress of steel, fy = 40 ksi
Clear rebar cover = 3 in.

Width of column (short direction), C1 = 12 in 1.4 = Safety factor of D-L

Width of column (long direction), C2 = 24 in 1.7 = Safety factor of L-L
Avarage unit weight of soil & concrete = 125 pcf
Allowable bearing capacity, qa = 1.792 ksf
Depth of footing below the final grade = 6 ft

(1) Calculate the effective bearing capacity
Effective bearing capacity, qe = 1.04 ksf

(2) Calculate the area of footing

Required footing area, A = Unfactored Load / Effective Bearing Capacity
A = 75.82 sqft

Used footing width, B = 7.5 ft

length of footing, L = 10.11 ft
Used footing length, L = 10 ft

Assume total depth of footing = 14 in

Assume effective depth, d = 11.00 in

(3) Net upward pressure

Net upward pressure, qu = Factored Load / Used area of footing
qu = 1.52 ksf

(4) Check depth due to two-way shear

Perimeter of the critical section, bo = 2 (C1 + d) + 2 (C2 + d)
bo = 116.00 in
(C1 + d) = 23.00 in
(C2 + d) = 35.00 in

βc = 1.33 < ( Use Vc = 4 Ø sqrt fc' bo d )

Two-way shear, Vu2 = Pu - qu [(C1 + d)(C2 + d)]

Vu2 = 105.50 kip

The depth required for two-way shear , d = Vu2 / 4 Ø sqrt fc' bo

d= 4.88 in < Ass. Eff. " d " = 11 in Satisfy

(5) Check depth due to one-way shear

The dis. from edge of footing to dis "d" from
col. face (short direction) = (B/2) - (C1/2) - d
= 2.33 ft

Isolated Footing Design Continued-1

The dis. from edge of footing to dis "d" from
col. face (long direction) = (L/2) - (C2/2) - d
= 3.08 ft Control

One-way shear, Vu1 = qu b [(L/2) - (C2/2) - d]

Vu1 = 35.15 kip

The depth required for one-way shear , d = Vu1 / (2 Ø sqrt fc' b)

d = 4.19 in < Ass. Eff. " d " = 11 in Satisfy
Use effective depth of footing = 11.00 in
Use total depth of footing = 14.00 in

(6) Calculate the bending moment and steel reinforcement

Long Direction
The dis. from edge of footing to col. face
(long direction) = (L/2) - (C2/2)
= 4.00 ft

Bending moment, Mu = qu x L2/2 x width of footing

Mu = 91.20 k-ft

Ru = Mu / ( bd2 )
Ru = 100.50 psi

Steel ratio, r = 0.85 fc' / fy [ 1 - sqrt ( 1 - (2 Ru / Ø (0.85 fc')))]

r = 0.0029

Required " As" = r b d

As = 2.83 in2

rmin (fluxure) = 200 / fy = 0.0050

Minimum " As" = 4.95 in2 > Req. " As" = 2.83 in2/ ft
Use area of steel reinforcement, As = 4.95 in2
As = 0.660 in2/ ft

Provided steel = 16 mmØ @ 5 in. C/C

Provided, As = 0.748 in / ft
> Req. " As" = 0.660 in2/ ft Satisfy

Short Direction
The dis. from edge of footing to col. face
(short direction) = (B/2) - (C1/2)
= 3.25 ft
Bending moment, Mu = qu x L2/2 x width of footing
Mu = 80.28 k-ft

Ru = Mu / ( bd2 )
Ru = 66.34 psi

Steel ratio, r = 0.85 fc' / fy [ 1 - sqrt ( 1 - (2 Ru / Ø (0.85 fc')))]

r = 0.0019

Isolated Footing Design Continued-2

Required " As" = r b d
As = 2.47 in2

rmin (fluxure) = 200 / fy = 0.0050

Minimum " As" = 6.60 in2 > Req. " As" = 2.47 in2/ ft
Use area of steel reinforcement, As = 6.60 in2

Reinforcement in band width = 2/(β + 1) x Total reinforcement

= 5.657 in2
As = 0.754 in2/ ft

Provided steel = 16 mmØ @ 4.5 in. C/C

Provided, As = 0.831 in2/ ft > Req. " As" = 0.754 in2/ ft Satisfy

Reinforcement left on each side = [1 - 2/(β + 1)] x Total reinforcement / 2

= 0.471 in2
As = 0.377 in2/ ft

Provided steel = 16 mmØ @ 9 in. C/C

Provided, As = 0.416 in / ft
> Req. " As" = 0.377 in2/ ft Satisfy

(7) Check development length

Required development length, ld = [fy / 25 sqrt (fc')] db for No.6 (20 mm ) and smaller bars
Required development length, ld = [fy / 20 sqrt (fc')] db for No.7 (22 mm ) and larger bars

Required development length (long

direction), ld = 18 in

Provided development length (long

direction), ld = L/2 - C1/2 - 3
ld = 51 in > Req. " ld" = 18 in2/ ft Satisfy

Required development length (short

direction), ld = 18 in

Provided development length (short

direction), ld = B/2 - C2/2 - 3
ld = 30 in > Req. " ld" = 18 in2/ ft Satisfy
Footing Type : F-3
Bottom Steel
Length x width x height
Long Direction Short Dir. (In Band Width)
10' x 7.5' x 14" 16 mmØ @ 5 in. C/C 16 mmØ @ 4.5 in. C/C

Short Dir. (Left on Each Side)

16 mmØ @ 9 in. C/C




Vc = 4 Ø sqrt fc' bo d ) Vc = (2 + 4/βc ) Ø sqrt fc' bo d )

4 Ø sqrt fc' bo (2 + 4/βc ) Ø sqrt fc' bo

L [(B/2) - (C1/2) - d] b [(L/2) - (C2/2) - d]
Footing Type : F-4

Total unfactored load , P = 445 kips Strength reduction factor Ø
Total factored load, Pu = 683 kips 0.9 = Ø Flexure
Compressive strength of concrete, f'c = 4 ksi 0.85 = Ø Shear
Yield stress of steel, fy = 60 ksi
Clear rebar cover = 4.5 in.

Diameter of column, D = 30 in 1.4 = Safety factor of D-L

Avarage unit weight of soil & concrete = 125 pcf 1.7 = Safety factor of L-L
Allowable bearing capacity, qa = 5 ksf
Depth of footing below the final grade = 4 ft

(1) Calculate the effective bearing capacity
Effective bearing capacity, qe = 4.50 ksf

(2) Calculate the area of footing

Required footing area, A = Unfactored Load / Effective Bearing Capacity
A = 98.89 sqft

Used footing width, B = 8.5 ft

length of footing, L = 11.63 ft
Used footing length, L = 12 ft

Assume total depth of footing = 24 in

Assume effective depth, d = 19.50 in

(3) Net upward pressure

Net upward pressure, qu = Factored Load / Used area of footing
qu = 6.70 ksf

(4) Check depth due to two-way shear

Perimeter of the critical section, bo = π (D + d)
bo = 155.51 in

π (D + d)2 /4 = 13.36 ft2

βc = 1.41 < ( Use Vc = 4 Ø sqrt fc' bo d )

Two-way shear, Vu2 = Pu - qu [ π (D + d)2 /4 ]

Vu2 = 593.51 kip

The depth required for two-way shear , d = Vu2 / 4 Ø sqrt fc' bo

d= 17.75 in < Ass. Eff. " d " = 19.5 in Satisfy

(5) Check depth due to one-way shear

The dis. from edge of footing to dis "d" from
col. face (short direction) = (B/2) - (D/2) - d
= 1.38 ft

Isolated Footing Design Continued-1

The dis. from edge of footing to dis "d" from
col. face (long direction) = (L/2) - (D/2) - d
= 3.13 ft Control

One-way shear, Vu1 = qu b [(L/2) - (D/2) - d]

Vu1 = 177.86 kip

The depth required for one-way shear , d = Vu1 / (2 Ø sqrt fc' b)

d = 16.22 in < Ass. Eff. " d " = 19.5 in Satisfy
Use effective depth of footing = 19.50 in
Use total depth of footing = 24.00 in

(6) Calculate the bending moment and steel reinforcement

Long Direction
The dis. from edge of footing to col. face
(long direction) = (L/2) - (D/2)
= 4.75 ft

Bending moment, Mu = qu x L2/2 x width of footing

Mu = 642.09 k-ft

Ru = Mu / ( bd2 )
Ru = 198.66 psi

Steel ratio, r = 0.85 fc' / fy [ 1 - sqrt ( 1 - (2 Ru / Ø (0.85 fc')))]

r = 0.0038

Required " As" = r b d

As = 7.57 in2

rmin (fluxure) = 200 / fy = 0.0033

Minimum " As" = 6.63 in2 < Req. " As" = 7.57 in2/ ft
Use area of steel reinforcement, As = 7.57 in2
As = 0.891 in2/ ft

Provided steel = 20 mmØ @ 6 in. C/C

Provided, As = 0.974 in2/ ft > Req. " As" = 0.891 in2/ ft Satisfy

Short Direction
The dis. from edge of footing to col. face
(short direction) = (B/2) - (D/2)
= 3.00 ft

Bending moment, Mu = qu x L2/2 x width of footing

Mu = 361.59 k-ft

Ru = Mu / ( bd2 )
Ru = 79.24 psi

Steel ratio, r = 0.85 fc' / fy [ 1 - sqrt ( 1 - (2 Ru / Ø (0.85 fc')))]

r = 0.0015

Isolated Footing Design Continued-2

Required " As" = r b d
As = 4.18 in2

rmin (fluxure) = 200 / fy = 0.0033

Minimum " As" = 9.36 in2 > Req. " As" = 4.18 in2/ ft
Use area of steel reinforcement, As = 9.36 in2

Reinforcement in band width = 2/(β + 1) x Total reinforcement

= 7.762 in2
As = 0.913 in2/ ft

Provided steel = 20 mmØ @ 6 in. C/C

Provided, As = 0.974 in / ft
> Req. " As" = 0.913 in2/ ft Satisfy

Reinforcement left on each side = [1 - 2/(β + 1)] x Total reinforcement / 2

= 0.799 in2
As = 0.457 in2/ ft

Provided steel = 20 mmØ @ 10 in. C/C

Provided, As = 0.584 in / ft
> Req. " As" = 0.457 in2/ ft Satisfy

(7) Check development length

Required development length, ld = [fy / 25 sqrt (fc')] db for No.6 (20 mm ) and smaller bars
Required development length, ld = [fy / 20 sqrt (fc')] db for No.7 (22 mm ) and larger bars

Required development length (long

direction), ld = 30 in

Provided development length (long

direction), ld = L/2 - D/2 - 3
ld = 54 in > Req. " ld" = 30 in2/ ft Satisfy

Required development length (short

direction), ld = 30 in

Provided development length (short

direction), ld = B/2 - D/2 - 3
ld = 33 in > Req. " ld" = 30 in2/ ft Satisfy

Footing Type : F-4

Bottom Steel
Length x width x height
Long Direction Short Dir. (In Band Width)
12' x 8.5' x 24" 20 mmØ @ 6 in. C/C 20 mmØ @ 6 in. C/C

Short Dir. (Left on Each Side)

20 mmØ @ 10 in. C/C




Vc = 4 Ø sqrt fc' bo d ) Vc = (2 + 4/βc ) Ø sqrt fc' bo d )

4 Ø sqrt fc' bo (2 + 4/βc ) Ø sqrt fc' bo

L [(B/2) - (D/2) - d] b [(L/2) - (D/2) - d]

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