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Dear Hiring Manager

As a communication graduate, I have always been interested in the dynamics of how

information is transmitted, received, and processed in different contexts. However, I have
also developed a keen interest in finance and the stock market. The idea of being a trainee
broker, where I could combine my communication skills with my passion for finance, is very
appealing to me.

Being a trainee broker would provide me with the opportunity to learn about the complexities
of the financial world and develop my analytical skills. I would be able to work closely with
experienced brokers and traders, observe how they make decisions, and learn about the
strategies they use to manage risk and maximize profits. This would be an invaluable
learning experience for me, and I am eager to immerse myself in this environment.

Furthermore, as a communication graduate, I believe I can bring a unique perspective to the

role of a broker. Effective communication is crucial in any business, but especially in finance,
where decisions can have far-reaching consequences. With my training in communication, I
can help brokers and clients communicate effectively, ensuring that everyone is on the same
page and working towards the same goals.

Overall, I am excited about the prospect of being a trainee broker. I believe that my
communication skills, combined with my passion for learning about finance, make me an
excellent candidate for this role. I am eager to learn, grow, and contribute to this dynamic

Maria-Jose Ramos Cuadrado

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