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STEM 12-YA18

I’m Thankful for…

In my 17th year of existence in this world. Life is tough and also enjoyable. Sometimes
it's hard but that was the most beautiful part of being human experiencing hardship because it
reminds us of the purpose of our life and that's the most thankful part of my life. why? because
every time I encounter a problem, that is the time that I measure my strength and mentality
battling every circumstance in my life. Also, because of problems and struggles in life, I see
those people I'm counting on. That is the time that you will know who is those people that will
stay in your life and help you in dealing with your problem. In another part of my existence, I'm
thankful that I am a Salcedo, even though we're not a perfect family but for me it was. Having a
mother who trying to be strong by supporting her siblings not only financially but also by being a
responsible person in choosing the best decision that will make us better humans. Lastly, I'm
thankful for being me. A person that can love, give and be strong and brave for not giving up on
my dreams and problems that I face.

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