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Ho Chi Minh City 

University of Foreign Languages - Information Technology

Faculty of Business Administration

Student’s name: Dương Gia An

Student ID: 21DH485375
Topic: 04 - Aristotle, one of the greatest philosophers in history, once said, “Pleasure in the job
puts perfection in the work.” What do you think about this saying in terms of human resource
management? In which way should staff be managed to ensure the best job performance? Give
your opinion and case studies to support your ideas.


I. Introduction
A. Attention Getter: Ask a question the audience about your topic.
B. Thesis statement: Human resource management plays a decisive role in the success of the
C. Previewing the body of speech:
1. The explanation of the saying.
2. The case of Google.
3. Lessons learned from the saying
II. Body
1. The explanation of the saying
a. The meaning of saying about pleasure in the job.
b. Examples
** Mini Transition
2. The case of Google
a. Google's HR strategy
b. The success of Google in human resource management.
** Mini Transition
3. Lessons learned from the saying
a. The company's success comes from putting employees' interests first.
b. A pleasant workplace encourages people to work.
III. Conclusion
A. Thesis Re-Statement: The management of human resources is crucial to the company's
B. Final Punch: “You never achieve success unless you like what are you doing.” - Dale
C. Closing.
IV. References
1. Philosiblog. (2013, January 2). Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work. philosiblog.
Retrieved March 21, 2023, from
2. (麦義峰), S. M. (n.d.). 3 HR policies that make google a great place to work. LinkedIn.
Retrieved March 26, 2023, from
3. Bật mí cách QUẢN LÝ nhân sự của google. Nasol. (n.d.). Retrieved March 25, 2023, from

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