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What is SEO?

It’s the practice of increasing both the quality and quantity of website traffic as well as exposure to your brand
through non-paid (“also known as organic”) search engine results.

Aim Of SEO
1. Aim -Visibility
2. How- ranking
3. Why -traffic

Process Of Search Engine: (Bots and Spiders)

1. Crawling: Read: this means reading the website and coding content is crawling.
2. Indexing: Store: This means storing your website page’s copy in a search engine database.
3. Retrieval: Fetch: This means fetching the results from the database when the user asks for it.
4. Ranking: Rank:

Bot and Spider come in 3 to 4 days or in a week to read the data from the website. It depends upon the data you are
uploading to the website. If the bots and spiders did not get the new content then they will not come back to your

Tool: Google search console: we request Google to visit our website and the content in your database.

Frequency of Crawling: It means that it decides by Google itself.

Challenges Faced on Search Engine Optimization:

To be visible:
1. Finding relevant user queries (Keyword).
2. Being visible among lakhs of results.
3. Getting a free (organic) listing instead of paid when user.
4. Optimizing map listing for location-based searches.
5. Optimizing web page position on 1st page.

Google my business: It’s a tool where we can send the all information related to your company or website. It can help
local Seo. And it is called google business profile.

The Factor of SEO Ranking

1. On-Page SEO or On-Page Factors: means those ranking factors which we apply on our website.
2. Off Page SEO or Off Page Factors: means those factors which we apply outside of our website.

On-Page Ranking Factor

1. URL Structure: The URL structure, readability, and word used can contribute to its t
2. Title Tag: search engines use the title tag as an indicator of a page’s topic. (Character limit = 60)
3. Meta description Or Meta Tag: (Words Character = 155 Characters)
4. Internal Link: Links using anchor text to other content on your site that provides readers with more
information. Anchor text gives readers and search engines an understanding of what the next page is
about. (Dwell Time)
5. Body Content: The content on the page fuels googles understanding of the content and often fulfills the
user’s intent. This can include paragraphs, lists, tables, and more. (Header, body, and footer) (word limit =
700 – 1000 words)
6. Images: Optimized images expand organic visibility. (Image Alternative Text Character Limit= 125
7. Website Speed: If your page has large and unoptimized header images, you might have a low LCP (Large
contentful Paint) score in core web vitals. (Tool For this GSI = Google Speed insight)
8. Website Structure-sitemap: Website Architecture example sitemap means that sheet in which we include
all the links related to your website (Home, Category, subcategory, sub-sub category) tool for making the
site map XML site maps.
9. Keywords (Most Important Factor): Terms added to online content in order to improve search engine
rankings for those search terms. It must be included in our content that keyword which is used called
keyword stuffing.
It is in a short tail and a long tail.
There are some tools for keyword research
1. SEMrush
2. Spy Fu
3. Uber suggests.
4. Ahref
5. Moz keyword explorer
6. kwfinder

Types of keywords:
1. Primary Keyword: it means that the primary keyword is the topic. (Must we try to use 2% of the
content length)
2. Secondary Keyword: it means that secondary keywords can become good subtopics. (We must try to

URL made by up to domain and Page name.

Assignment Topic: Data Science Course

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