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My Unusual Trip

Some time ago, me and my class decided to go to the

peak of the Ceahlau massif, the Toaca peak. We chose a
more difficult trail, because the weather was pretty nice.
After some time, when we got halfway there the weather
started to get worse from a few clouds to an aggressive
We started to panic and began to reach the closest
safepoint. Because of all the things that happened I wasn't
paying attention to the rod and tripped over a rock and
started rolling down the valley.
After I hit the ground I tried to get back on my feet but
intense pain stopped me. I got injured at the foot and I
couldn't walk properly. As I looked around I saw a strange
figure moving towards me. I grabbed a stone and started
threatening him. When it got closer I found out that it was
just a man dressed in weird clothes. He helped me to get
up and took me to a cave where he started to bandage my
leg. The man told me that he is a hermit and he saw me
falling from the path.
After the storm stopped we both went to the safe point
to see my classmates. They were happy to see me alive.
I said goodbye to the hermit and headed home.
Unfortunately we didn’t reach our destination, but at least
everyone left alive.

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