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Hao Hoang

Prof. Oscar E. Martinez II

English 1302-203


Annotated Bibliography


137, no. 4, 2017, pp. 413-417. EBSCO,



Ackay argues that many of the students who have completed their education within the

current system don’t understand the problem that many will encounter once they enter the real

world; therefore, they won’t be able to resolve the problem which leads to the additional

education that is inefficient and unnecessary for a graduate student. The author shines the

spotlight on the education carelessness in the student's problem-solving skills within their daily

life which further causes the lack of required common sense to independently think for

themselves. The author supported his claim by breaking down the required basic within the

current education and arguing that many changes can be made within the system such as the

application of math within their daily life or making a problem assignment that allows for the

student to learn the necessity problem-solving skill rather than fully guide the student toward a

certain formula without further explanation. Ackay wants the student to learn how to solve the

problem themselves without following the usual method beforehand then the teacher can guide

the student to the right solution after the student has concluded their solution; therefore, Ackay

mentions the need for the student to learn the required practice of their problem-solving skill by
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implementing it into the student daily class rather than “spoon feeding” the solution to them.

This article brought the perspective and ideas of the ideas that students require practice in their

problem-solving skills by implementing them into their daily life rather than an assignment that

doesn’t provide the student the opportunity to practice their problem-solving skills.

Bruce, Davis. “Connecting students to the real world: Developing gifted behaviors

through service learning.” vol. 49, no. 7, Aug 2012, pp. 716-723. EBSCO,



Bruce argues that the student within the current education system requires a connection to

the real world with service learning since service learning allows the student to connect to the

real world much earlier which allows for a gifted behavior to develop in the student. Since the

student graduated and arrive in the real world without any understanding of the method to

develop their performance in the real world. Bruce supported the argument with a historical

record of the research that was carried out in the past with the sole purpose of allowing for the

learning student to enter the real world much earlier and allow the student to develop gifted

behavior for when they enter the real world. The journal brings the topic of gifted behavior as an

attraction to the topic of the reason that students develop gifted behavior in a much earlier stage

of their development while preparing for the real world which makes the argument that students

should interact more with a real-world problem a much more attractive course of action.
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Brundiers, Katia. Educating Students in Real-world Sustainability Research: Vision and

Implementation., vol. 36, no. 2, Apr 2011, pp. 107-124. EBSCO,



Brundiers idea of having the student implement the knowledge learned from

within their class into the real world to resolve the real-world sustainable problem is a

must within the range of education since it allows for the student to integrate their ideas

into society while supporting their growth by implementing what they have learned

within the classroom wall. Since student that comes out of their education doesn’t have

much ideas of how to develop their society for sustainability, education should

implement the education with integration of sustainability within the education system.

Brundiers cited research that applies the sustainability of the program to student growth

to the journal to further proven the result of the student who follows the program and

implement ideas into their education will be much more experience in coming up with

ideas that provide sustainability to society. The journal introduces sustainability as a way

to further reform education by bringing the attraction of sustainability to the reader it

allows for education reform by implementing sustainability education much more viable

and reasonable. A way for the student to apply their knowledge to society.

Thiers, Naomi. Learning and Real-World Opportunities for Incarcerated Youth:

BreakFree provides education access and skills development., vol. 79, no. 8, May 2022,
Hoang 4

p. 10. EBSCO,



Naomi brought up the topic of the Learning and Real-World Opportunities

program for students should be implemented into society as soon as possible due to the

education system's lack of emphasis on the opportunities that occur in real life that the

student could grasp; however, wasn’t able to due to their lack of understanding on the

opportunities. Naomi supported this program through an acknowledgment of the current

society education system set up which is great but can be improved and further polished

it by providing the children with a program that allow the student to practice their ability

to grasp opportunity through decision-making skill that requires experience but can be

practiced much earlier. Naomi mentions the benefit of having to learn decision-making in

a much earlier stage of youth which boosts the performance of the student by allowing

them to further enhance their decision-making skill and grasp the opportunities, they

break down the benefit and through the usage of past research, they support their claim

with fact such as an increase in successfully making the correct decision increment. The

journal provides great support for education reform through the research that by

reforming the practice of the mentioned program they allow for the student decision

making much more fluent and efficient.


Engineers must be able to solve problems, What does that actually mean, and how do we
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best prepare students?” vol. 31, no. 4, Jan 2022, p. 40. EBSCO,



Burkholder article talks about the teaching of problem-solving that all students use

throughout their whole life in the real world, and Burkholder brings to the attention that the

education system's ideas of problem-solving skill that is being taught is completely wrong due to

their ineffectiveness within the real world due to the student solving problem in a different

approach rather than the one required within the real world. Burkholder provides two different

outcomes coming from each style of the problem-solving learning process; they compare the two

results of both styles next to each other which resulted in one much more applicable and useful

than the other which require for the learning of the student at the real world approach rather than

solving a homework problem. Burkholder journal allows for the essay to thrive under the

premise of claiming that problem-solving that the education system currently has it’s not

efficient and requires a reform that rather than focusing on the homework aspect of education,

they should focus on how to apply this knowledge to the real world problem.

Fink, Jennifer. VIRTUAL WORLDS, REAL REWARDS., vol. 53, no. 6, 3, pp. 28-31.




Fink realized that education doesn’t mean that forcefully implementing certain

ideas onto the student just like the current education system is not the best approach to
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comprehension for the student's preparation for the real world; therefore, the implementation of

virtual reality to simulate the real world problem for the student to practice the skill necessary for

the development of the student real-world capacity. Fink supported their argument by explaining

the simulation process of how the virtual will work for the student such as the simulation of the

typical grocery store miss charge on an item and such as the creative solution approach that the

student can try to solve the problem. It’s a different approach to education reform by using the

advanced technology currently available to support their growth progress development which

allows for the essay to take a different approach to the usual uninteresting approach. This allows

for more student reader support within the essay.


immersive approach to learning can do more than prepare your students for college and

career; it places them front and center in the real world.” vol. 45, no. 3, June 2018, p. 6.




The author of the journal claims that the education system's competency in teaching the

student necessary skills for their future within the real world is up to standard. They wrote the

journal with the intention of acknowledging the necessary skill that education have to acquire

before going to the real world, and due to student incompetency to resolve a problem that would

usually be common sense it had become apparent that the education system need to focus on the

application of the information. The education system does teach the student basic knowledge;

however, it doesn’t provide the student with an idea of how to apply the information. The author
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supports his claim with a presentation of the process of distribution of work within the classroom

following a Ted Ex interview which allows the student to apply their knowledge while using the

technology and tool around them to solve the assignment that simulates the real-world

distribution of the workforce. The author breaks down the process with a thorough explanation

and comments on the application by the student, also the student interaction with the process was

identified to visualize the ideas to the reader of the application of knowledge that should be much

more useful which developed the integrity of the process. The journal is a great contribution to

the essay by introducing ideas to the of the student being unable to apply the knowledge learned

in school to the real world due to their lack of the necessary skill, and the journal provides a

process that can be used to support the children prepare for the real world with the application of

their knowledge.

Priya, Peter. “We prepare students to move into the real world.” vol. 10, no. 7, Jul 2014,

p. 26. EBSCO,



Priya emphasizes the preparation of the student for the real world by allowing the student

to approach the real world at a much earlier stage of youth will enhance the rate of success in the

student's life. Priya emphasizes the success of the student in the real world and argues that

allowing for student preparation ahead of time will allow them to see the world ahead which

allows for greater success. Priya supports the claim by providing an example of a student who

approaches real-world preparation at a much earlier stage and then later turns out to be

successful to support the fact that success is tied to early education in the real world. The journal
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allows the reader within the essay to understand the importance of early education in the real

world which can be greatly helpful for the student's growth within the real world through a much

better understanding of the problem present.

Silver, Harvey F. IDEAS for Developing Real-World Thinking Skills: Infusing five

processes into assignments can help students hone the skills they'll need to address

complex problems., vol. 79, no. 8, May 2022, pp. 38-42. EBSCO,



Silver ideas of infusing the five processes that greatly boost the student's real-world

thinking skill to the assignment will hone their approach to the problem that is much more

complex and intensive because the student wouldn’t be able to fully exert their potential to allow

for a complex problem to be solved easily. Silver support the claim with presented research with

clear evidence that allows for a better understanding of the process that is being used within the

program which allows much understanding between the reader and the author's claim of the

author real world claim of the complex problem requires a higher thinking level within the real

world through experience. The article greatly provides the ideas of a solution step by step

process for the student's real-world education providing the solution to the problem at hand

which greatly explains and supports the essay's claim that education needs to be reformed.

Terell, Jessica. Careers bring the real world into classrooms., vol. 51, no. 11, Nov 2015,

pp. 60-61. EBSCO,

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Terell implements the early career practice into classroom time to allow the student to

gain experience as they integrate into society through their education which allows for a much

earlier experience of their career starting which allows for the student to learn at a much faster

pace and be prepared once they enter the work field. Terell supports the claim through the usage

of multiple examples of students entering the field much allows for their experience to be

extremely useful during their working period providing an opportunity to work much more

efficiently without wasting too much effort starting their basic career learning saving much time

and money and guaranteeing success. The Terell argument further supports the essay with the

fact that student requires more experience before they go into the work field in the real world

which allow for a deeper connection between the real world and the work field and allow a

deeper elaboration within the essay.

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