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Republic of the Philippines

Laguna State Polytechnic University

Province of Laguna

ITST 301 Finals Quiz No. 2


DATE OF SUBMISSION: 11/21/2022 SCORE: ___________

I. Fill in the blanks: Write your answer in the space provided.

Font-family 1. Indicates the type face of the text.

Text-decoration 2. Indicates the decoration style of the text.

Padding 3. Describes the space between a cell's contents and the page border
around it.

List-style-image 4. Indicates an image that used as bullet.

Static 5. If no position is specified in your properties, this is how an item will be

positioned by default.

II. Enumeration: Write your answer in the space provided.

A. Font Property (5)

1. Font-family
2. Font-style
3. Font-size
4. Font-weight
5. Font-variant
B. Text Property (5)
1. Text-align
2. Text-decoration
3. Text-transform
4. Text-indent
5. Line-height
Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Province of Laguna

C. Element Positioning (5)

1. Static
2. Fixed
3. Sticky
4. Relative
5. Absolute
D. Margin Property (5)
1. Margin-top
2. Margin-left
3. Margin-right
4. Margin-bottom
5. Margin

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