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Hypothesis 1:

Ho – It is believed that for different industries different types of

motivational & job enrichment system prove effective.

H1 – It is believed that for different industries different types of

motivation & job enrichment system do not prove effective.


After conducting survey through questionnaire in different companies of

service sector having different business model, it is observed that the
companies follow different set of defined practices for motivating the
employees through which the employees attain enrichment in the jobs they
are performing.

a. In case of Syngenta, it is seen that the Line Manager plays vital role in
sharing the career of the employee in the organization, whereas in case
of KPMG it is difficult for the direct Line Manager due to nature of
work they perform.

b. In Syngenta & KPMG, a good count of employees does not even know
what type of latest software is available to perform their duties.
However, in case of CBRE, a very less count of employees has this as
an issue.

c. Employees of Syngenta have the latest updated software in place, but

they are not trained to use those updates. However, in case of KPMG,
considering the nature of their work they are being trained on any

latest updates available in software or any updates available for the
work-related documents.

d. In case of Syngenta & KPMG, the performance appraisal happens

every half year. Whereas, in case of CBRE it happens only once in a

e. In case of KPMG & CBRE, lot of employees feel that they do not have
a proper career development plan shaped by their organization.
However, Syngenta has a practice of the same for each & every

All of the above points prove that every organization has a separate set
of practices followed so that their employees feel motivated to have the
best job enrichment possible.

Hence, Hypothesis is proved.

Hypothesis 2:

Ho – The desired level of job enrichment at the work place can’t be

achieved by offering promotion and enhancement in salary.

H1 – The desired level of job enrichment at the work place can be

achieved by offering promotion and enhancement in salary.


To understand the impact of factors offered by an organization to the

employees which are other than promotion & salary increment, the survey

was conducted for the questions which are related to other factors which
increase the level of job enrichment for the employees.

The responses received for the questions gives rise to further questions:

a. Employees do feel that if the software is upgraded, why employees

are not trained to use those upgrades?

b. If there is any update available for the area of their work, why they
are not being trained for the same?

c. Employees do not know the latest version or update available for

the software they use, why not?

d. In some cases, employees are not allowed to "raise their voice" or

"ask questions" or "complain about their Line Managers", why

e. Why do they need to go through all the hassles for getting quick IT

f. Why should the employees not expect a good work environment? A

lot of employees complained about the same.

The analysis of response received for the questions shows that mere
increase in salary or offering or promotion at work place does not enhance
the level of job enrichment amongst the employees.

Hence, hypothesis is proved.

Hypothesis 3:

Ho – For successful motivation of employees’ different types of

organization have to adopt different techniques of motivation and
job enrichment.

H1 – For successful motivation of employees’ different types of

organization don’t have to adopt different techniques of motivation
and job enrichment.


I asked same set of questions to employees of selected companies & found

that in majority of the questions the answers are different. In some
organization, employees get trainings on soft skills whereas in some
organization it is not done. Line Manager Involvement in shaping career is
also different in all the organizations. The responses that are received from
employees show that it is not only the promotion or salary increment that
motivates employees or enriches their job conditions.

There are multiple factors involved.

Some companies may not pay high packages but provides facilities like
food, transport, medical reimbursements, and different types of allowances
for employees working at different levels, etc. Some companies pay high
packages and do not provide any facilities. Some companies will invest
money in grooming their employees by building their capabilities. A
company provides trainings on soft skills, presentation skills,
communication skills, etc. and still pays high.

Hence, hypothesis is proved.

Hence, we can conclude that different types of organizations in different
type of industries apply different motivational practices to attain job
enrichment for their employees.


For testing of hypothesis used ANOVA Factor test and the results are
shown below:

SUMMARY Count Sum Average Variance

1 3 128.00 42.67 165.33

2 3 146.00 48.67 320.33

3 3 102.00 34.00 103.00

4 3 118.00 39.33 66.33

5 3 103.00 34.33 256.33

6 3 8.00 2.67 6.33

7 3 67.00 22.33 1186.33

8 3 0.00 0.00 0.00

9 3 125.00 41.67 308.33

10 3 0.00 0.00 0.00

11 3 0.00 0.00 0.00

12 3 0.00 0.00 0.00

13 3 131.00 43.67 102.33

14 3 131.00 43.67 102.33

15 3 123.00 41.00 741.00

16 3 123.00 41.00 741.00

17 3 111.00 37.00 1137.00

18 3 151.00 50.33 258.33

19 3 151.00 50.33 258.33

20 3 89.00 29.67 966.33

21 3 89.00 29.67 966.33

22 3 109.00 36.33 142.33

23 3 160.00 53.33 345.33

24 3 0.00 0.00 0.00

25 3 57.00 19.00 273.00

Syngenta 25 818.00 32.72 765.29

CBRE 25 442.00 17.68 181.31

KPMG 25 962.00 38.48 550.26


Source of Variation SS df MS F

Rows 24799.55 24 1033.31 4.46

Columns 5766.83 2 2883.41 12.44

Error 11125.17 48 231.77

Total 41691.54667 74

The Null hypothesis is to be rejected if the two of the below are met:

a) The F -Value (F) shown in above table is larger than corresponding

F Critical value.

b) If the p value is smaller than chosen alpha level (i.e. p < 0.05)

The ANOVA test is carried to understand if there is any effect of all 25

questions per company for each company on each other. It can be proved
with the help of result of the test that the F value is not less than F critical
value that means the points raised in the questions regarding the
motivation & job enrichment does have impact on each other.

Hypothesis 1:

Ho –. It is believed that for different industries different types of

motivation & job enrichment system do not prove effective.

H1 – It is believed that for different industries different types of

motivational & job enrichment system prove effective


Response to question number 5 : Work Environment

Sr. Not Not

Good Total
No. Questions Good Sure

How is work
5 environment in your 76% 18% 6%

Total 50 12 4 66


After conducting survey through questionnaire in different companies of

service sector having different business model, it is observed that the

companies follow different set of defined practices for motivating the
employees through which the employees attain enrichment in the jobs they
are performing.

a. In case of Syngenta, it is seen that the Line Manager plays vital role
in sharing the career of the employee in the organization, whereas in
case of KPMG it is difficult for the direct Line Manager due to
nature of work they perform.

b. In Syngenta & KPMG, a good count of employees do not even know

what type of latest software is available to perform their duties.
However, in case of CBRE, a very less count of employees has this as
an issue.

c. Employees of Syngenta have the latest updated software in place, but

they are not trained to use those updates. However, in case of
KPMG, considering the nature of their work they are being trained
on any latest updates available in software or any updates available
for the work-related documents.

d. In case of Syngenta & KPMG, the performance appraisal happens

every half year. Whereas, in case of CBRE it happens only once in a

e. In case of KPMG & CBRE, lot of employees feel that they do not
have a proper career development plan shaped by their organization.
However, Syngenta has a practice of the same for each & every

All of the above points prove that every organization has a separate set of
practices followed so that their employees feel motivated to have the best
job enrichment possible.

Hence, Hypothesis is proved.

Hypothesis 2:

Ho – The desired level of job enrichment at the work place can be

achieved by offering promotion and enhancement in salary.

H1 – The desired level of job enrichment at the work place can’t be

achieved by offering promotion and enhancement in salary.

Example from questionnaire:

Response to question number 9 : Job security

Sr. No. Questions Yes No Not Sure Total

Do you feel that if you keep

performing at least above
9 91% 3% 6% 100%
average, your job is secured in
the organization?

Total 60 2 4 66


To understand the impact of factors offered by an organization to the

employees which are other than promotion & salary increment, the survey
was conducted for the questions which are related to other factors which
increase the level of job enrichment for the employees. The responses
received for the questions gives rise to further questions:

a. Employees do feel that if the software is upgraded, why employees

are not trained to use those upgrades?

b. If there is any update available for the area of their work, why they
are not being trained for the same?

c. Employees do not know the latest version or update available for

the software they use, why not?

d. In some cases, employees are not allowed to "raise their voice" or

"ask questions" or "complain about their Line Managers", why

e. Why do they need to go through all the hassles for getting quick IT

f. Why should the employees not expect a good work environment? A

lot of employees complained about the same.

The analysis of response received for the questions shows that mere
increase in salary or offering or promotion at work place does not enhance
the level of job enrichment amongst the employees.

Hence, hypothesis is proved.

Hypothesis 3:

Ho – For successful motivation of employees’ different types of

organization don’t have to adopt different techniques of motivation
and job enrichment.

H1 – For successful motivation of employees’ different types of

organization have to adopt different techniques of motivation and
job enrichment.

Example from Questionnaire:

Response to question number 13 : Appraisal Feedback

Yes No Total
Sr. No. Questions Sure

Are you happy with the way

13 performance appraisal takes 74% 17% 9% 100%
place in your organization?

Total 49 11 6 66


I asked same set of questions to employees of selected companies & found

that in majority of the questions the answers are different. In some
organization, employees get trainings on soft skills whereas in some
organization it is not done. Line Manager involvement in shaping career is
also different in all the organizations. The responses that are received from
employees shows that it is not only the promotion or salary increment that
motivates employees or enriches their job conditions.

There are multiple factors involved.

Some companies may not pay high packages but provides facilities like
food, transport, medical reimbursements, different types of allowances for
employees working at different levels, etc. Some companies pay high
packages and do not provide any facilities. Some companies will invest
money in grooming their employees by building their capabilities.

Companies provide trainings on soft skills, presentation skills,
communication skills, etc. and still pays high.

Hence, hypothesis is proved.

Hence, we can conclude that different types of organizations in different

type of industries apply different motivational practices to attain job
enrichment for their employees.


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