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CLC: Communication Reflection

Vika Silina

April 3rd

Why is effective communication considered a fundamental skill to have in the workplace and in life?

1. Avoids misunderstandings – Good communication allows employees to make their managers aware
of their time schedules as well as any other situations that need to be addressed. For example, an
employee needing time off.

2. Develops relationships – Communication is always said to be the key to any relationship because it
makes people connect on a deeper level. With communication you can find out likes and dislikes and
any information about the person you are trying to connect with.

3. Builds confidence – Having this skill can develop your own personality. Putting yourself out of your
comfort zone and allowing for relationships to be built with communication gives you personal growth.
For example, from experience I find if I am anti-social it is more difficult for me to get out of that funk,
and I start to go back into my shell.

4. Provides information – Communication is the major aspect of giving information. An employee will
need to advertise the company somehow, with this skill you are able to show off your company's skill
and job. Any customer will see what the business is about.

5. Allows for constructive feedback – Managers as well as any other person in your life uses
communication in order to give feedback, which is useful in order to improve your quality of work.

6. Provides expectations – With communication you can make others aware of where you are at, either
emotionally or physically. If you aren't able to talk about how you are doing, then you get put into
situations where you may not be able to do the tasks at hand. If you communicate, an employer can put
you in a position where you can thrive.

During these Mock interviews I learned more about my communication skills as a person under
pressure. I found that I was able to quickly think up answers in a manner that was both truthful yet
strong enough to remember. When I was put in a management position, I was able to fully be myself
without any pressure in trying to make a good impression, which now that I look at it see that the
person that interviews should also take things seriously to provide the potential employee a clear
expectation on how the company should be run, with responsibility and productivity. During the
interview I found myself cracking jokes and being lighthearted towards the candidates. I feel as if I was
in a management position, I would be quite an understanding figure of authority. One of the interviews I
hosted I realized I misplaced my question form, which left me to remember the proper ones, or come up
with my own that threw the student off guard. I feel I was able to keep the questions relevant and
realistic to a proper interview. While being an interviewee I found I would often repeat myself. I gave
necessary details which showed my skills as a potential employee and was able to get the point across
clearly. I added real life scenarios and made personal connections with memories while keeping
everything lighthearted and relaxing. I don’t think my nerves showed. Overall, I found I was able to
impressively think quickly on my feet and give necessary insight on who I truly am.

I can improve my communication skills by being more open in talking to strangers. While
previously working at a café I experienced having to be out of my comfort zone and introduce myself to
make sure everyone who entered was aware I was there to help and serve them. Being within school, I
notice I don’t often put myself out there in making new connections with people. If I took time out of my
day and had small conversations with someone new every day, I could develop the confidence needed
in a workplace in order to excel in my job placement. Communication is important for any aspect of Life,
if we as a race don’t constantly try and improve those skills we end up losing out on relationships,
opportunities as well as any chance we might have in moving forward.

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