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4 questions completely!

x carefully to answer number 46

~ Thave a best friend. His name is Tim. He lives in Nottingham, which is

a small detached house with his wife, Jenny, and their two children, Lisa and

he et | Both of them go tc
the same school, Mount Street Junior School. Ee
a He works at Debenhams in Nottingham, and he really enjoys his job. He is a sales
manager for the
sports clothing department. Debenhams is the largest department store in Nottingham
and there are
branches all over the UK. : | Se
TE ~~ Whenhe is not at work, he likes to play tennis with his friend Joe. Joe is
much better than him, but
a Ra hie still enjoys it. At the weekends, he sometimes takes his family to
Manchester to visit Jenny’s mum. She
~ livesatPine View Nursing Home in a nice suburb of the city and has been there for
about five years. She
~ loves to see her grandchildren. James always tells her about what he is doing at
school. CE



~ 46. a. Writedown two information about Tim and his family. | $a

~ b. Writedown two information about Tim’s work. CR
c. Write down two information about Tim’s activities when he doesn’t go towork. cn

"This text is for number 4 7

The students of the eighth year of SMP Harapan Bangs
language laboratory. It was already half past nine. It was time
het friends were in the canteen at that time.
~The canteen was clean and tidy. There v
“No littering” on the wall. The students obey the notice. | i
The students were obedient. Everybody followed the canteen rules. The rules
floor. They were cooperative, so the canteen was cl

en the bell rang. Nadya and her friends were back to

a had just finished studying Eng hi :

for them to have the first break. Nady &

was notice “Wash your hands before and after

> buy food and not to spit on the

twas aguarter to ten when
y have a daily test after the first break.

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