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Author(s): Lê Hoàng Bảo Anh

Nguyễn Thị Khánh Linh

Class: SPA A K11

Instructor: Lê Phước Kỳ, Ph.D.


Abstract (Khánh Linh)


 Background of the study

 Statement of the problem

 Purpose of the study

 Definition of key term


 The Search Process (Bảo Anh)

 Result of the Search on the Topic (Khánh Linh)


 Quantitative method

 The Research Subjects

 Data Collection Instruments

 Data Collection Procedures

 Data Analysis


 Sample Characteristics (Age, Gender, etc.)

 Results of the study


Khánh Linh)

 Discussion (Khánh Linh)

 Recommendations (Bảo Anh)

 Conclusion (Bảo Anh)

References (Bảo Anh & Khánh Linh)

Appendices (Khánh Linh)


Chapter 1: Introduction Error: Reference source not found

Background of the Study................................................................................Error: Reference source not found

Statement of the Problem....................................................................................................................................

Purpose of the Study...........................................................................................................................................

Definition of Key Terms.....................................................................................................................................

Chapter 2: Literature Review..........................................................................................................................

The search process..............................................................................................................................................

Result of the search.............................................................................................................................................

Chapter 3: Methodology...................................................................................................................................

The Research Subjects........................................................................................................................................

Data Collection Instruments...............................................................................................................................

Data Collection Procedures.................................................................................................................................

Data Analysis......................................................................................................................................................

Chapter 4: Findings..........................................................................................................................................

Sample Characteristics........................................................................................................................................

Results of the study.............................................................................................................................................

Chapter 5: Discussion, Recommendations and Conclusion........................................................................






Table 1: Effect of early marriage on happiness ..............................................................................................


Table 2: Reasons why young people choose to get married early..................................................................


Figure 1: Necessary matters for marriage.......................................................................................................


Figure 2:Suggestions educators can make.......................................................................................................


This study aimed to investigate the effects of early marriage on the physical,

psychological, and social well-being of young people in Bien Hoa. The outcomes were attained

by using a statistical analysis, both descriptive and inferential of the means and variances of the

information gathered from a sample of 104 people. The results show that early marriage has both

positive and negative effects. Based on the findings, the study recommends a range of

interventions, including the provision of education and economic opportunities for young people,

awareness-raising programs. These recommendations aim to address the underlying causes of

early marriage and help you got a better life.

Keywords: early marriage, physical well-being, interventions, statistical analysis.


Background of Study

Early marriage of young people is a topic of increasing interest in recent years. Studies have

shown that early marriage can have a significant impact on the physical and mental health of

young people, as well as their educational and economic prospects.

In addition, early marriage is widely believed to bring mental health benefits, especially because

it also affects future happiness, but few know how this relationship can change. any throughout

life. Social scientists have gathered a significant amount of evidence that people who are married

early have better mental health than those who have never been married and have been married.

Marriage is often thought to increase psychological, social, and economic resources

(Williams&Umberson 2004; Umberson 2010) and to help individuals avoid the stress of

relationship breakdown (Williams&Umberson 2004; Simon&Barrett 2010; Liu et al. associates


However, as a recent study noted, studies on early marriage and long-term happiness tend to

focus on the average effects of marriage on mental health and certain life outcomes. Investigators

have sought to identify potential mediators of this relationship (Frech & Williams 2007). In other

words, while marriage can generally provide mental health benefits, this positive association may

not exist in different contexts or groups of people. The timing of marriage can be an important

situation in the future marital relationship and happiness. In particular, marriage at an early, non-

standard age may not be as welcoming as marrying at a more culturally appropriate age

(Williams & Umberson 2004).

Statement of the Problem

Early marriage is a common social phenomenon in many cultures around the world, where

young people marry before turning twenty. Although early marriage is often associated with

cultural and religious beliefs, it has been known to have an impact on the lives of individuals,

especially on their happiness. Not only is it important to make these relationship distinctions, but

so too, according to Bierman and colleagues (2006), is it important to map the domains of mental

health that marriage affects (and in what ways). Marriage may have different effects on

internalizing problems, externalizing problems, and subjective well-being. That is why we have

to carry out this study to find out the effects of early marriage so that there are reasonable

solutions to help young people in Bien Hoa city be aware of the problem and make the right

decision to get happy marriage in the future.

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this research is to investigate how the early marriage influences the happiness

of young people. Specifically, the paper attempts to answer the following question:

1. How does the age at which an individual gets married affect their overall wellbeing,

particularly happiness?

2. What factors make young people think that getting married early will bring happiness?

3. What suggestions can educators use to help young people make the right decision about the

age of marriage and achieve full happiness?

Definition of Key Terms

Following is the definition of special terms used in this study:

Investigations: the action of investigating something or someone; formal or systematic

examination or research

Non-normative: not relating to what is considered the usual or normal way for people to look,

act, or behave: The study discusses the connections between the creation of norms and the legal

punishment of non-normative behaviour.

Previously-married individuals: They are are those who have either divorced or been widowed

at least once, who were then available for remarriage. They are also referred to as “divorced or

widowed” people in the text.

Internalizing problems: They are defined as group of emotional symptoms turned toward

individual that reveals more prevalent effortful control of behavior, feelings of sadness, low self-

esteem, behavioral inhibition, and fears.

Chapter 2: Literature Review

The search process

In the search for related studies, Google Scholar and Article were used as two main essential

search instruments for finding relevant articles and documents. Keywords were used to search:

early marriage and happy future, the impact of early marriage, the effects of the bliss of early

marriage, happiness and young marriages. In addition, other related articles are used for this

research paper: Journal of Adolescent Health,Journal of Family Psychology, Journal of Marriage

and Family, International Journal of Psychology, Journal of Social and Personal Relationship

Result of the search

Many studies have detailed the impact of early marriage on marital happiness and have

focused on the upbringing of children. Educating and propagating for young people to better

understand the effects of early marriage is essential for a happy and safe life later. "Early

marriage is not good. It gives rise to a lot of problems, such as lack of education, poverty, and

health problems. People should focus on education and building a before getting married." -

Malala Yousafzai. Being educated and knowledgeable about marriage helps them to grasp

situations, allowing them to solve problems and create positive outcomes.

Chapter 3: Methodology

Quantitative Method

In this study, the quantitative method is used to collect and analyze data by using online

the questionnaire. 

The Research Subjects

The research subjects of this study are 100 university students in Bien Hoa city, who

major in various fields and teenagers in Bien Hoa city with an average age of 18 to 29. All the

participants can satisfy the requirements of the research subjects. Therefore, the figures and data

of the research are very accurate and specific.

Data Collection Instruments

By using Google forms researchers can gather the data on many subjects rapidly and

accurately. The survey will display a list of questions about the effects of early marriage on

happiness in the future of young people in Bien Hoa city. After that, the questionnaire will be

filled out by the surveyors and the data will be transmitted to the researchers.

Data Collection Procedures

The following steps are used to accomplish the data collection process. The researcher

listed 17 queries relating to the research topic as the first and most significant aspect. The form

must then be created. The third stage involves sharing the link to the survey form with
respondents via social networking sites. After the form is completed, participants send the

responses to the form creators for synthesis and analysis. The survey results received 98


 Data Analysis

To assemble the statistics, Google Forms creates the abstract of answers and the authors

utilize Excel to transform that information into charts. Hence, the data are analyzed

automatically depending on these charts. Nevertheless, not all the data are examined, so the

authors will choose the charts that included the data which fulfill the requirements of “the

impact of early marriage on happiness in the future of young people in Bien Hoa city”. The chart

includes the impacts of early marriage and the value judgment about the importance of early

marriage on happiness.

Chapter 4: Findings

Sample Characteristics

This survey was sent to 103 people, however, the authors received only 98 responses.

Eight respondents did not fully complete the questionnaire; therefore, the data analysis is based

on 98 completely filled-in survey forms. The percentage of gender males and females was 61,5%

and 38,5% respectively. The major average age of the students in the sample ranged from 18 to

24 (91,3%), 12.1% of the total is aged between 25-30. According to the survey, 64.1% of

respondents are single, 33% are dating, 2.9% are married.

Results of the study

When asked about what age is too early to get married, the results show that only 10

people (9.7%) choose the age group 25-29, the rest choose the age of 18-24, this is the age still

studying in universities, colleges or postgraduate. And the suitable age to get married is from 24-

29+, this is the age of graduating from school and having worked. However, according to the

survey results, 63.5% think that getting married early does not affect happiness , 23.1% think

that getting married early will make marriage unhappy and the remaining 10% think that getting

married early will make them happier. From the result of the analysis it can be shown that most

people believe that getting married early has positive and negative effects on happiness later, but

not much.

Some of the health effects are thought to influence subsequent happiness. And the

following are the positive and negative effects of early marriage chosen by everyone, all data are

clarified in the Table 1

Table 1: Effect of early marriage on happiness

Effect Frequency Effect Frequency

(n=98) (n=98)

Stress and anxiety 68 Financial stress 79

Reproductive health 39 72

Pressure of family
Better physical health 14 62

More satisfied with

Sexual diseases 17 14

Higher risk of Lower levels of

79 79
divorce happiness

Improved emotional
23 Happier 12

Participants were asked why young people choose to get married early. Most of them

choose “have more time together to build relationships” and then “get emotional support”, “not

too old to enjoy life” and final is “stay away from the pressures of society”. Participants also said

that there are more objective reasons such as unwanted pregnancy, family pressure, regional

culture… all data are clarified in the Table 2

Table 2: Reasons why young people choose to get married early

Frequency Persent
(n=98) (5)

Emotional support 46 44,2%

More time to build a strong

66 63,5%

Not too old to enjoy life 39 37,5%

Stay away from the social

16 15,4%

Although people rated that age and early marriage had little effect on happiness, nearly

90% of participants chose not to encourage young people to marry early. They believe that

couples need to carefully prepare a few things before deciding to get married, such as “build a

strong foundation of communication “, “establish shared values and goals”, “improve problem-

solving skills”, etc. .. In addition, people have added opinions that couples need “a stable

economy”, “trust in love”. The data will be clearly listed in the following figure.

Figure 1: Necessary matters for marriage

According to statistics, 100% of people agree that information should be provided to

couples about sexual relationships, reproductive health and contraception. And educators have a

big role to play in giving young people the right direction to help them make the right marriage


They agree that educators can help young people by “providing accurate information

about marriage”, “promoting self-awareness and self-esteem”, “teaching decision-making skills”,

etc.. The data are clarified in the following table

Figure 2: Suggestions educators can make

Chapter 5: Discussion, Recommendations and Conclusion


Young people's happiness may be impacted in some way by early marriage. While some

people may want to be married young and feel content in their relationships, others could

experience severe difficulties that could be harmful to their well-being. Young individuals who

marry young, for instance, can miss out on crucial educational and professional possibilities,

which could hinder their ability to become financially independent and socially mobile. Due to

their lack of life experience and restricted access to support networks, they could also encounter

greater rates of physical and emotional abuse as well as social isolation.

Moreover, early marriage can impact young people's mental health, as they may struggle

with the pressure to adapt to adult roles and responsibilities before they are emotionally ready.

They may also experience a sense of loss of autonomy and control over their lives, especially if

they are coerced into marriage by their families or communities.

It is crucial to understand that the effect of early marriage on happiness is nuanced and

depends on the circumstances of each individual as well as societal standards. But generally

speaking, young people who married later tend to be wealthier, have more life experience, and

have more control over their lives, all of which might help them feel happier and more content in



The findings of the study have shown that many people now agree with early marriage and

the age at marriage is not so important. However, there are still many worries and concerns about

the impact of early marriage on the sustainability of marital happiness in the future.While the

decision to get married at a young age is a personal choice, there are several things that young

people can do to make sure they are making a well-informed decision and minimizing the

negative impacts of early marriage:

Building a strong support network and having a supportive and understanding network of

family, friends and professionals can make all the difference.This can include mentors,

counselors, and other trusted adults who can give advice and guidance on important decisions.

Pursuing personal growth and development by investing in personal growth and development

can be particularly beneficial for young individuals who are considering early marriage. This

may include pursuing education or career goals, traveling, and exploring interests and passions.

Another suggestion is to understand the potential risks: Young people need to educate

themselves on the potential risks associated with early marriage, including the financial,

emotional, and social implications. Plan carefully for the future: Prioritize financial stability and

build a plan for your future together, including education, career, and family goals.

Universities also play an important role in educating young people about early marriage

Schools can invite experts in the area of marriage, relationships, and family to talk to students

about the advantages of waiting until they're more mature to get married. These guest speakers

can share their own experiences to guide students who may be considering early marriage.


Extensive research has been conducted on various aspects of child marriage; including factors

affecting young people's decision to get married early, specific reasons leading to early marriage,

problems young people face, and support from university, family, and society. However, most do

not encourage young people to get married early. This study aims to present 6 effects of early

marriage in young people, 4 reasons young people choose to get married early, 7 basic things

required of marriage, and suggestions for educating young people about the issue. This. Based on

the findings, this study recommends that to increase the likelihood of future happiness and well-

being, young people may benefit from delaying marriage until they complete their education or

establish a stable financial foundation. Young people may also consider seeking professional

counseling and mentoring to overcome the unique challenges of married life. Overall, while

there may be some benefits to getting married early, the potential downsides and limitations

suggest that a more cautious approach can lead to longer-term happiness and well-being.


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