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Current Trends in

Trends in Education
1. Online Learning 4. Gamification
2. Blended Learning 5. Bite-Sized Learning
3. Homeschooling
Online Learning

1. Offer Flexibility
2. Improve Technology Skills
3. Convenience
Blended Learning
Known as a mix of physical and digital learning

Is generally applied to the practice of using both

online and in-person learning experiences when
teaching students.
- is an educational process where parents or tutors
teach children at home, instead of having them
formally educated in a public or provided school
Advantages Disadvantages
1. Flexibility and Freedom 1. Socialization Difficulties
2. Individualized Learning 2. Lack of Facilities
3. Safe Learning Environment 3. Excessive Interaction
4. Strong Relationships 4. Absence of skilled an
trained teachers
- is the integration of game elements like point systems,
leaderboards, badges, or other elements related to games into
“conventional” learning activities in order to increase
engagement and motivation.
Bite-Sized Learning
- Bite sized learning is as simple as it sounds. This
strategy focuses on deconstructing online content into
small chunks that are easy to digest.
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