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1. Apakah kita mengetahui apa kelebihan kita?

half of it, may be I know. but I'm sure, many things that I can but I didn't
I can sing, dance, draw, know many language(Eng, Malay, Japanese, korean, Javanese,
maduranese >_<), I thing my opinion is needed wkwkw
2. Apakah kita bahagia dengan apa yang kita lakukan saat ini?
for I now I really happy but not really, this simplelity is so fun and I
think I can do more something useful and good for myself
3. Apakah setiap hari kita semangat vmenghadapi pekerjaan dan kehidupan?
4. apakah kita merasa tertekan, frustasi dan terkuras tenaga kita
apakah mimpimu? mengapa kau ingin melalukaknnya?
mimpiku adalah mengabdi pada orang tua di Rumah, its not really big. too
small, I think. but thats what I want to do in the future.
merawat orang tua, membuat mereka bahagia dan bersyukur memiliki sorang putri
sepertiku. and I just wanna take care, educate my children tomorrow with love and
be own master
I wanna be multitalent person so I can give it to much of people as ageneration who
wil life here, in earth.

So, I'm sure I deserve to be loved HAHA

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