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Covid-19 Vaccination, These 4 Things You Need To Know

In The Sinovac Vaccine

Covid-19 vaccination has started, President Joko Widodo has become the first person to be
vaccinated using the Sinovac vaccine. The Food and Drug Administration (BPOM) and
Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) have granted permission for the use of the Sinovac
vaccine. There are still people who have doubts about the safety and lawfulness of the
Sinovac vaccine. To overcome these doubts, there are four things to know about the Sinovac

First is efficacy. Based on the phase 3 clinical trial conducted in Bandung, the Sinovac
vaccine has an efficacy rate of 65.3 percent. This figure has met the requirements set by the
World Health Organization (WHO).

Second is a side effect. It is said that the Sinovac vaccine made in China does not have
serious side effects.

The third is halal. Based on the MUl fatwa on January 11, 2021, the Sinovac vaccine is
declared holy and halal In addition, this vaccine can be used by Muslims as long as its safety
is guaranteed.

The fourth is reaction. Shortly after being vaccinated, there will be several reactions, such as
redness, fever, muscle aches, headaches, and so Various assumptions about whether it is safe
or not and whether it is lawful or not, have been answered. Therefore, we should follow the
government's recommendation so that the Covid-19 case in Indonesia can decrease and the
pandemic will end soon.

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