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Jordan:Charles Babbage (1791-1871) invented the idea for the computer in 1837.

He worked hard to perfect his machine model calculator and in 1856 it was
made. His steam powering giant included millions of gears and it was a 700
pound giant mathematical genius
Bryan:He was looking over a table of logarithms and noticed that it was full of
mistakes when he came up with a machine that could recalculate numerical
tables with error. Logarithms are are the power to which base must be raised

toxic yield a given number.

Jordan:The first computer ran on steam. It wasn’t a computer we think of now,

but it was just a simple math machine. The gears were able to turn and they
calculated problems. Charles Babbage didn’t make a normal computer, it was
steam powered.
Bryan:Charles Babbage designed two different classes of engines, Difference
Engine and Analytical Engines. Difference Engines are called that because of the
mathematical principle, the method of finite differences. What this means is that
the Difference Engines used only repeated addition and subtraction removing the
need for multiplication or division. The Analytical Engine was what you think of in
a calculator these days. It had two parts: the “Store” which stored the numbers
and the “Mill” which performed the operations. It could be a modern function such
as conditional branching, looping (iteration), microprogramming, and parallel
Jordan:The first computer was a math machine referred to as Difference Engine
0. Difference engine 0 was a machine with billions of gears in them and they
were math machines. They were machines able to analyze and interpret
mathematical equations. The computer had no screen but was still functional.
After all, it was made in 1856.
Bryan: This is our bibliography

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