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Session 17 / Part 2

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Methods and Approaches, a Historical View

Method/ Approach Rationale Principles

Rationale: It was hoped that        A fundamental purpose of learning a foreign language is to be
The Grammar-Translation through the study of the grammar able to read literature written in it. Literary language is superior
Method to spoken language. Students’ study of the target culture is
of the target language, students
limited to its literature and fine arts.
would become more familiar with
       An important goal is for students to be able to translate each
the grammar of their native language into the other. If students can translate from one
language and that this familiarity language into another, they are considered successful
would help them speak and write language learners.
their native language better.        The ability to communicate in the target language is not a
goal of foreign language instruction.
       The primary skills to be developed are reading and writing.
Little attention is given to speaking and listening, and almost
none to pronunciation.
       The teacher is the authority in the classroom. It is very
important that students get the correct answer.
       It is possible to find native language equivalents for all target
language words.
       Learning is facilitated through attention to similarities
between the target language and the native language.
       It is important for students to learn about the form of the
target language.
       Deductive application of an explicit grammar rule is a useful
pedagogical technique.
       Language learning provides good mental exercise.
       Students should be conscious of the grammatical rules of the
target language.
       Wherever possible, verb conjugations, and other
grammatical paradigms should be committed to memory.
Session 17 / Part 2
Handout 2 out of 1

Rather than using analytical procedures  Classroom instruction was conducted exclusively in the TL.
Direct Method that focus on explanation of grammar  Only everyday vocabulary and sentences were taught
rules in classroom teaching, teachers are  Oral communication skills were built up in a carefully graded
encouraged direct and spontaneous use progression organized around question-and-answer exchanges
of the foreign language in the classroom. between teachers and students in small, intensive classes
Learners would then be able to induce  Grammar was taught inductively
rules of grammar. It was an attempt to  New teaching points were introduced orally.
build a methodology around observations  Concrete vocabulary was taught through demonstration, objects,
of child language learning. and pictures; abstract vocabulary was taught by association of
 Both speech and listening comprehension were taught.
 Correct pronunciation and grammar were emphasized.

It was thought that the way to acquire  Authentic language (language as it is used in a real context) should be
Audio-Lingual Method the sentence patterns of the target introduced.
language was through conditioning –  Being able to figure out the speaker’s or writer’s intentions is part of
being communicatively competent.
helping learners to respond correctly to
 The target language is a vehicle for classroom communication, not just
stimuli through shaping and the object of study.
reinforcement. This method, like the  One function can have many different linguistic forms. Since the focus
Direct Method, is also an oral-based of the course is on real language use, a variety of linguistic forms are
approach. However, it is very different presented together. The emphasis is on the process of communication
in that, instead of emphasizing rather than just mastery of language forms.
vocabulary acquisition through  Students should work with language at the discourse or
exposure to its use in situations, the suprasentential (above the sentence) level. They must learn about
cohesion and coherence, those properties of language which bind the
Audio-Lingual Method drills students in
sentences together.
the use of grammatical sentence  Games are important because they have certain features in common
patterns. with real communicative events: there is a purpose to exchange. The
speaker receives immediate feedback from the listener or whether or not
he or she has successfully communicated. In this way they can negotiate
 Students should be given an opportunity to express their ideas and

The silent way The teacher should be silent as much Start with familiar sounds.
as possible in the classroom and the Give help only if absolutely necessary. Allow students to use their own

Session 17 / Part 2
Handout 3 out of 1
learner should be encouraged to knowledge of language learning.
produce as much language as Do not model the language for the students.
possible. Allow students to tap out sounds to show what they have learned.
Students work on the language, not the teacher.
Teacher takes a back seat. The more you help- the less they
learn. Praise is not helpful.
Transfer what students know already to new ideas
Silence is used as a tool. The teacher becomes less necessary to the
learning process.
Errors are important and necessary for learning.
Progress is more important than perfection.
Student attention to the teacher is important.
No homework, as learning continues while we sleep.

Georgi Lozanov developed this method A fun environment promotes learning.

Suggestopedia of teaching which is concerned with the Peripheral learning is beneficial. Having posters round the walls is an
learning environment. He asserted that unconscious way to learn.
DeSuggestopaedia had been taken The teacher needs to be confident. Students have to have trust in the
over by language teachers, due to its
New names and identities allow students the security to be someone
efficacy, but had been designed to else, making them less inhibited.
teach anything. The method states that Songs can evoke positive memories and work to relax speech
people must be relaxed, and have their muscles.
'effective filters' lowered. Native language translation is acceptable.
Psychological barriers are reduced by music. A teacher can read a
dialogue over the top and learning will take place without pressure.
Doing homework in the morning/evening is deemed a good idea.
Novelty aids language acquisition, so don't make learning tasks
Games and play are positive ways to reinforce learning.
Errors are corrected gently

Community Language This humanistic approach was  Language is a system for the expression of meaning.
    Learning developed to encourage an emphasis  The primary function of language is for interaction and communication.
on practice as a way of developing  The structure of language reflects its functional and communicative
communicative skills to be uses.
 The primary units of language are not merely its grammatical and
communicatively competent in a
structural features, but categories of functional and communicative
speech community meaning as exemplified in discourse.

Session 17 / Part 2
Handout 4 out of 1
The general objective of Total Physical Total Physical Response requires initial attention to meaning rather
Response is to teach oral proficiency at than to the form of items. Grammar is thus taught inductively. Grammatical
Total Physical Response a beginning level. Comprehension is a features and vocabulary items are selected not according to their
frequency of need or use in target language situations, but according to the
means to an end, the ultimate aim is to
situations in which they can be used in the classroom and the ease with which
teach basic speaking skills. A TPR they can be learned.
course aims to produce learners who Learners in Total Physical Response have the primary roles of listener
are capable of an uninhibited and performer. They listen attentively and respond physically to commands
community that is intelligible to a native given by the teacher.
speaker. Learners are required to respond both individually and collectively.
Learners have little influence over the content of learning, since content is
determined by the teacher, who must follow the imperative-based format for
lessons. Learners are also expected to recognize and respond to novel
combinations of previously taught items
Learners are also required to produce novel combinations of their own.
learners monitor and evaluate their own progress. They are encouraged to
speak when they feel ready to speak - that is, when a sufficient basis in the
language has been internalized.

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