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July 11, 2022

Electrocuted – injure or kill by electric shock

Gridlock - a situation of very severe traffic congestion.

Havoc – widespread destruction

Batters - strike repeatedly with hard blows.

Rubble - waste or rough fragments of stone, brick, concrete, etc., especially as the debris from the
demolition of buildings.

Coercion - the practice of persuading someone to do something by using force or threats.

Paving the way - to make it easier for (something to happen or someone to do something)

Scapegoat - a person or group made to bear the blame for others or to suffer in their place
Nexus - connection

on average nearly 80 per cent of the wealth accumulated by age 60

to 65 is composed of residential buildings wb

July 12, 2022

Ruthless - having or showing no pity or compassion for other
The world’s population, estimated to reach 8 billion by Nov. 15 this year, could
grow to 8.5 billion in 2030, and 10.4 billion in 2100, as the pace of mortality
slows, said the report released on World Population Day.
The world’s population was growing at its slowest pace since 1950, having
fallen below 1% in 2020, UN estimates showed.
In 2021, the average fertility of the world’s population stood at 2.3 births per
woman over a lifetime, having fallen from about 5 births in 1950. Global
fertility is projected to decline further to 2.1 births per woman by 2050.

July 13, 2022

Deluge – a severe flood
Torrential – of rain falling rapidly and in copious quantities
Thundershowers – garaj chamak
Crumbling – breaking or falling apart into small fragments.
Greenback – a dollar bill, a dollar
Snapped – break or cause to break
Default – failure to fullfill an obligation
Parity – the state or condition of being equal
Coup – a sudden, vioent,and illegal seizure of power from a government.
Frown - Form an expression of disapproval,
Ambit – scope

Verdict - A decision on a disputed issue in a civil or criminal case or an inquest.

Pakistan has been ranked as the second-worst country in terms of

gender parity, placed 145 out of 146 states, in the latest Global
Gender Gap Report released by the World Economic Forum on

According to the report, the global gender gap has been closed by 68.1 per cent
in 2022.

“At the current rate, it will take 132 years to reach full parity. This represents a
slight four-year improvement compared to the 2021 estimate (136 years to

“In face of a weak recovery, government and business must make two sets of
efforts: targeted policies to support women’s return to the workforce and
women’s talent development in the industries of the future. Otherwise, we risk
eroding the gains of the last decades permanently and losing out on the future
economic returns of diversity.
14 July 2022
Staff level agreement / service level agreement - a contract between a service
provider and its customers that documents what services the provider will furnish and defines
the service standards the provider is obligated to meet. 
Tranche – a portion of something, especially money
Materialized – become actual fact
Bailout - an act of giving financial assistance to a failing business or economy to save it from

The EFF - was established to provide assistance to countries: (i) experiencing serious payments
imbalances because of structural impediments; or (ii) characterized by slow growth and an
inherently weak balance of payments position.
Disbursement - The payment of money from a fund.

Memoranda - A written message in business or diplomacy

Geared – adjust

Memorandum of Economic and Fiscal Policies (MEFP) 

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) confirmed on Thursday
that it had reached a staff-level agreement with Pakistan on the
combined seventh and eighth reviews for a $6 billion loan facility, a
development that paves the way for the release of the much-
awaited $1.17bn.

15 July 2022
Suo motu - relating to an action taken by a court of its own accord, without any request by the
parties involved

Probed – physically explore or examine

Cipher - a secret or disguised way of writing; a code.

Hurled – throw

Accusations - A charge or claim that someone has done something illegal or wrong.

Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) Sikandar Sultan Raja 

Rogue – a dishonest and unprincipled man
Allay - Diminish or put at rest (fear, suspicion, or worry).
Denouncing -Publicly declare to be wrong or evil.

Bereaved - Deprived of a close relation or friend through their death.

Fence – mending – the action of making peace with a person or group.

Vis a vis – in relation to / with regard to

Adversarial - Involving or characterized by conflict or opposition.

In a related development, Pakistan and France had on June 27 signed an

agreement for the suspension of repayment of loans amounting to $107
million under the G20 Debt Service Suspension Initiative.
Souring of ties because of blasphemous caricatures may have got the spotlight,
but Islamabad’s unhappiness with Paris started much before that — and it was
over French Rafael deal with India.
Pakistan’s GSP+ status, which gives it preferential access to EU markets with
zero duty on several products, is set to expire on December 31, 2023.

16 July 2022
Official says total disbursements from the IMF to Pakistan under the ongoing program are around $4.2 billion.

Impartiality - equal treatment of all rivals or disputants; fairness.

Ravaged – severely damaged

Sordid - involving immoral or dishonourable actions and motives; arousing moral distaste and

Tale - a fictitious or true narrative or story, especially one that is imaginatively recounted

Punitive - Inflicting or intended as punishment.

The US House of Representative has passed a legislative

amendment that would protect India from punitive sanctions for
buying missiles from Russia.
America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA)

The United States views India as a key ally in its effort to counter China’s
growing global influence and has also included it in the alliance known as
‘Quad’ that aims to counter China in the Pacific region.

Enacted by the US Congress in 2017, CAATSA provides for punitive actions

against any country engaged in transactions with Russian defence and
intelligence sectors.

CAATSA became a sticking point in India-US ties after New Delhi inked a deal
to secure the S-400 missile defence system from Moscow, in the midst of the
Russia-Ukraine war.

In May, Senator Bob Menendez, who heads the Senate Committee on Foreign
Relations, pointed out at a congressional hearing that the Indians “go buy oil
from Russia. They buy the S-400 [anti-missile system]. They abstain at the
United Nations [on votes criticising Russia]” and yet they were never punished
for these violations.

 COI Act 2017

Carrot and stick – involves both punishment and reward

17 July 18, 2022

D day - the day on which an important operation is to begin
Eyeing – look at closely or with interest

Biden promises US won’t ‘walk away’ from Middle East

Pak-Iran trade at Taftan border resumes
Two dams inaugurated in Chagai

18 July 2022
Breadbasket = A part of a region that produces cereals for the rest of it.
Unprecedented = Never done or known before.
Stopgap measures = A temporary way of dealing with a problem or satisfying a need.

Impoverished = (of a person or area) made poor.

Beleaguered = In a very difficult situation.
Autarky = Economic independence or self-sufficiency.
Bent on = determined to do something.
Proscute – institute or conduct legal procedings against anyone

19 July 2022
Assidously = with care and perservarance
Jibes = mazaak
Castigated = Reprimand (someone) severely
Fitch Ratings Inc. is an American credit rating agency and is one of the "Big Three credit rating
agencies", the other two being Moody's and Standard & Poor's. It is one of the three nationally
recognized statistical rating organizations designated by the U.S. Securities and Exchange
Commission in 1975 ( finanace and insurance company)
Reko diq deal

20 July 2022
Ranil Wickremesinghe has been elected as the eighth executive president of
Pakistani passport remains fourth-worst in the world: Henley index
Blaze = a very large fire
Jittery = nervous or unable to relax
A brutal heatwave settled over southern Europe last week, part of a currently
developing global pattern of rising temperatures — widely attributed by
scientists and climatologists to human activity — that is forecast to dump
searing heat on to much of China into late August.

23 July 2022

Punjab CM re-election:
bogus and false
plea = A request made in an urgent and emotional manner.

Punjab Assembly Deputy Speaker Dost Mohammad Mazari

Chief Justice of Pakistan Umar Ata Bandial,
Article 63-A 
Outset = start or beginning of something
Runoff voting can refer to: Two-round system
Hamza secured 179 votes against his client’s 186.
Adjourned = Break off (a meeting, legal case, or game) with the intention of
resuming it later.
Trespassing = Enter the owner's land or property without permission.
LaMDA — Language Model for Dialogue Applications 
Pakistani climber Samina Baig, who had summited Mt. Everest in 2013,
summited K2 along with her team

25 July 2022
Prima facie = based on the first impression; accepted as correct until proved otherwise.
Pakistan was keen to work with the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation’s
(SCO) member countries to promote cooperation in various fields and meet its
SCO’s eight member countries — including China, India, Kazakhstan,
Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan 
He underlined Pakistan’s priorities and national development goals in areas
such as trade and economy, connectivity and transport, poverty alleviation,
energy, agriculture and food security, climate change, security, information
technology and cultural linkage.

The prime minister appreciated the work of the Regional Anti-Terrorist

Structure of SCO (SCO–RATS), where Pakistan, along with other members,
was playing an active role in countering common security challenges.

Unsubstantiated = Not supported or proven by evidence.

The country’s foreign exchange reserves are around $9.7bn, which cover less
than six weeks of imports.

The tenuous state of the economy urges an end to political turmoil and calls
for responsible economic management in the months ahead. The fate of the
economy is more consequential for the country than who wins the ongoing
political battle. Prevailing in the power game will, in any case, be in vain if the
battle for Pakistan’s economic stability is lost.

July 26, 2022

Sc ruling case

July 28, 2022

Brt = bus rapid transit

July 29, 2022

Economic Coordination Committee (ECC)

July 30, 2022

August 1, 2022
On July 13, the IMF reached a staff-level agreement
international weather models like the European Centre for Medium-Range
Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), Icosahedral Nonhydrostatic (ICON) and Global
Forecast System (GFS) to make local weather forecasts.

4 August 2022
new START treaty and COP26 (on climate change)
reference against the PTI chairman in light of Article 62 (1)(f) of the Constitution
Nooh Dastagir Butt smashed the Commonwealth Games record.
Finance Minister Miftah Ismail recently said Pakistan could receive up to $8 billion
after the release of the IMF tranche, which amounts to $1.18bn.

5 August 2022
The National Accountability (Second Amendment) Act 2022 sailed through
7 August 2022
The death toll from escalating violence in Gaza rose to 29 on Sunday, as well
as the killing of a senior commander of a Palestinian armed group, as Israel
extended its bombardment of the territory for a second consecutive day.
Chinese and Taiwanese warships played high-seas “cat and mouse” on Sunday
ahead of the scheduled end of four days of unprecedented Chinese military
exercises launched in reaction to a visit to Taiwan by the US house speaker.
According to the minister, Balochistan has received 600pc above normal
rainfall, while Sindh’s figure was over 500pc.
11 August 12, 2022
Khorassani killing in afghanistan – dreaded TTP leader.
12 August 2022
UK declares drought in parts of England amid heatwave
Militancy redux
16 August 2022
The Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (Ogra)
Prerogative = right or privilage
According to Article 243(3) of the Constitution, the president
appoints the services chiefs on the recommendation of the prime
Appointed in 2016, Chief of Army Staff (COAS) Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa is set
to retire in the last week of November. The army chief’s appointment is meant
to be for three years, but Gen Bajwa was given an additional three-year
term in 2019 after a bit of political drama. Then-prime minister Imran Khan
had given him an extension in August, but the Supreme Court later demanded
legislation on the re-appointment of the services chiefs.
64 as the age at which a service chief must be retired.
Eleven men sentenced to life imprisonment in the Bilkis Bano
gangrape case were released on Monday from a Godhra jail after
the Gujarat government approved their application under its
remission policy, reported The Indian Express.

Muslims killing in mexico

17 August 2022
National animal and tree = markhor and deodar tree
Finance Minister Miftah Ismail on Wednesday urged every company to export
10 per cent of its products to earn foreign exchange for Pakistan and assured
that the government would facilitate exporters in this regard.
The Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority (PCAA) has started implementing
Financial Action Task Force (FATF) standards in accordance with the
government’s directives for submission of customs’ declaration forms by all
inbound and outbound passengers of international flights giving details of
their currency, gold jewellery, precious stones and restricted goods such as
narcotics, weapons, satellite phones, etc.
19 August 2022
The federal government on Friday appointed Jameel Ahmad as the State Bank
of Pakistan (SBP) governor for five years.
Pakistan on Friday categorically rejected deliberate Indian attempts of “pre-
poll rigging” and “overt manipulation” in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu
and Kashmir (IIOJK).
Rs36bn worth of additional tax had been imposed on cigarettes and tobacco and about
Rs14bn would come from changes in the retailers` tax regime.

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