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University of Balamand

Faculty of Arts and Sciences

Education Department

Internship 2

I faced several obstacles when reviewing and editing various lessons, when Working for

Lebanese Alternative Learning:

1- The complexity of diverse public

My role in the first task was assessing the lesson's efficacy, along with providing suggestions on

its content. The first challenge was diversity. These lesson plans are addressed to teachers from

different backgrounds. Therefore, teachers may have different teaching styles or preferences

which can influence the selection of digital tools. I couldn’t overcome this challenge without

referring to the professionals. Communicating with professionals will speed up the production of

a better product and result in new and improved ideas on how to use the medium (Bates, 2015). I

opted to offer several technological tools that can be utilized in a variety of ways to address this
issue. Each digital tool was provided with a well-detailed guide on the key features and functions

of these tools. Overall, choosing the correct technology that aligns with the learning objectives

and is available to all instructors and students was one of the difficult challenges in this

internship. The selection of media should be based on the kind of activities that a teacher finds

important in the context of the curriculum as a whole. The idea is to be aware of the differences

between learning materials in terms of developing or supporting different forms of interactivity

so that you can make informed decisions (Bates, 2015).

2- Curriculum challenges

Another issue that I faced in my internship is editing an Arabic lesson developed by an IB

curriculum specialist to meet the Lebanese curriculum. First of all, the curriculum differences.

The lessons are prepared for the Lebanese curriculum students. Thus, the requirements of the

Lebanese curriculum may differ from those of the IB curriculum. It was a little bit challenging

evaluating the unit plans curriculum and identifying the holes that must be filled in the class. It

was needed to add new subjects or eliminate some information from the course.

3- Resources challenges

The second task that I had was to design a well-detailed lesson plan using the flipped classroom

methodology. For a variety of reasons, implementing a flipped classroom in Arabic might be

difficult. The main reason is a shortage of Arabic materials. A flipped classroom must choose

resources that are appropriate for its objectives. These resources should target individual needs as

well as learning gaps. However, maintaining the quality and relevancy of Arabic lessons might

be difficult and time-consuming in order to identify resources that meet the demands of this

lesson plan.
4- The ID Role

During this internship, I didn’t have to put on my instructional designer hat until I needed to

incorporate technical tools meaningfully. Technology tools are seamlessly incorporated into the

learning experience. This entailed developing instructional materials that use technology tools,

developing evaluations that necessitate the use of the technologies, and offering feedback on how

to utilize the tools successfully. It was a great opportunity to demonstrate my instructional design

abilities and deliver engaging learning experiences.

Overall, evaluating and altering lesson plans is an important part of the ADDIE Model's

Development stage since it assures that the instructional materials are of high quality and will

effectively assist the learners. During my internship, I ran into a challenge in my professional

development where I wasn’t exposed all of the steps of the instructional design process, such as

the Analysis, Implementation, and Evaluation phases of the (ADDIE) model. This gap posed a

challenge to creating a complete and structured approach to instructional design.

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