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Content Slide

Project Title Earthquake prevention safety Module Title Cover page Reviewer Notes
Earthquake prevention safety Reviewer 1
Screen # 1 Screen Type Content slide Screen Title

Visuals On Screen Text

Title : Earthquake Prevention Safety

Paragraph : Following the recent earthquakes in Turkey and the

ongoing risk of seismic activity in the region, there is a pressing
need for earthquake training in Lebanon, particularly in Tripoli,
where weak infrastructure and maintenance can exacerbate the
impact of natural disasters. This course will help train teachers on Reviewer 2
how to deal with earthquakes which is an essential skill for
improving the safety and preparedness of communities in
earthquake-prone areas.
Why Earthquake safety is important
Earthquake Safety Myths and Realities

Warning Signs of an Earthquake
How an Earthquake starts

Applying the Correct Steps for a Safe evacuation
During an Earthquake
After an Earthquake

Putting Your Knowledge to the Test - Quiz

Animation & Interactivity

Font Lato
Start Course (Button)
Press Start Button to enter the course
Once Start button Lesson 1 is shown.

Reviewer 3

Linear: to screen 2 Additional Notes NA
Content Slide

Project Title Earthquake prevention safety Module Title Introduction Reviewer Notes
Why Earthquake Safety Training Is Reviewer 1
Screen # 2 Screen Type Content slide Screen Title
Visuals On Screen Text
Paragraph with Heading Imagine This ... Reviewer 2
You are sitting in your classroom when suddenly you hear a loud rumbling
noise. You look up and notice that the lights are flickering and the room
begins to shake. At first, it may feel like a small tremor, but then the shaking
intensifies, causing desks and chairs to move around.

Statement B : Would you know what to do in the above scenario?

Paragraph with Heading :Why Preparation Matters

Preparation for an earthquake is important because earthquakes can be
highly unpredictable and can strike without warning. In the event of an
earthquake, the ground can shake violently, causing buildings, roads,
bridges, and other infrastructure to collapse, which can result in injuries,
deaths, and significant damage to property.
Numbered List : 1- To ensure the safety of students and staff: The safety of
students and staff is the top priority in the event of an earthquake.
Preparing for an earthquake in school can help reduce the risk of injury or
death in the event of an earthquake.
2-To reduce damage to school property: An earthquake can cause significant
damage to school buildings and infrastructure, which can result in prolonged
school closures and costly repairs.
3-To facilitate a more efficient response: In the event of an earthquake,
emergency responders may be stretched thin, making it difficult to reach all
affected areas quickly. By preparing for an earthquake in advance, schools
can facilitate a more efficient response and better coordinate with
emergency responders.
4-To build resilience: Preparing for an earthquake can help build resilience
among students and staff. By learning about earthquake safety and
practicing emergency drills, students and staff can feel more confident and
empowered to handle emergencies.

Test on Image :"Prevention is key, but preparation is essential in reducing

the impact of earthquakes and saving lives."

Animation & Interactivity

Continue Button Reviewer 3

Once pressed it will proceed to the next slide

Linear: to screen 3 Additional Notes NA
Content Slide

Project Title Earthquake prevention safety Module Title Introduction Reviewer Notes

Screen # 3 Screen Type Content slide Screen Title Earthquake Safety Myths and Realities Reviewer 1

Visuals On Screen Text

(Video/Pics/Characters) Paragraph with Heading: Take a minute to think these Scenarios. How many of them can
you correctly identify as myth or reality in the following activity?

❖ Scenario 1: Samir is at school when he feels a sudden shaking. He remembers
hearing that standing in a doorway provides the best protection during an
earthquake, so he quickly runs to the nearest doorway and stands there.
Reviewer 2
However, the shaking becomes more intense, and the doorway starts to swing
back and forth. Samir feels scared and unsure what to do.
Question: Standing in the doorway was the safest course of action for Samir
during the earthquake. Myth or Reality?
Answer: Myth Standing in the doorway was not the safest course of action for
John during the earthquake. This is because doorways are often weaker than
other parts of a building and can be dangerous if they swing back and forth
during an earthquake

❖ Scenario 2: Munir lives in a region that is not known for earthquakes, and he
assumes that he does not need to worry about earthquake safety
Question: Earthquakes only happen in certain areas only. Myth or Reality?
Answer: Myth It is not true that earthquakes only happen in certain areas.
While some areas are more prone to earthquakes than others, earthquakes can
occur in any part of the world. This is why it is important for everyone to know
how to respond to an earthquake, regardless of where they live or work.

Reviewer 3

Navigation/ Branching Additional Notes NA

Content Slide

Project Title Earthquake prevention safety Module Title Introduction Reviewer Notes

Reviewer 1
Screen # 3 Screen Type Content slide Screen Title Earthquake Safety Myths and Realities

Visuals On Screen Text

(Video/Pics/Characters) ❖ Scenario 3: Rola lives in an area that is prone to small
earthquakes. She has heard that these earthquakes can be
Question: Small earthquakes dangerous and should not be
ignored. Myth or Reality?
Answer: Reality While small earthquakes may not cause
significant damage, they can still be hazardous. Small
earthquakes can trigger landslides, rockfalls, and other
hazards, and can also be a precursor to larger earthquakes. It's Reviewer 2
important to take precautions during any earthquake,
regardless of its size.

❖ Scenario 4: Marian is in the playground when she feels a

sudden shaking. Objects start falling from shelves and
furniture moving around her. She panics but decides not to
run towards the door to get outside. Instead, she stays put and
covers her head.
Question: She made it safe out of earthquake. Myth or
Answer: Reality Running outside is not the safest course of
action for Maria during the earthquake. This is because falling
objects and debris can be a significant hazard during an
earthquake. She might have stumbled and fell injuring her
ankle which would make it difficult for her to move quickly.

Animation & Interactivity

Reviewer 3

Additional Notes NA
Content Slide

Earthquake prevention
Project Title Module Title Introduction Reviewer Notes
Earthquake Safety Myths Reviewer 1
Screen # 3 Screen Type Content slide Screen Title
and Realities
Visuals On Screen Text
(Video/Pics/Characters) Note: "Great job on completing the
Earthquake Safety Earthquake Safety Myths
and Realities Activity! If you got all or almost
- all the answers right, congratulations! You
have a good understanding of earthquake
safety, but there's always more to learn. Be
sure to check out the course to discover even
more tips and strategies for staying safe
during an earthquake. Reviewer 2
If you didn't score as well as you had hoped,
don't worry! You still have the opportunity to
learn and improve. By taking the course and
correcting any misconceptions you may have
had, you'll be better prepared to protect
yourself and your students in the event of an
earthquake. Good luck and keep learning!

Animation & Interactivity

Click on each of these button to reveal info

Scenario 1
Scenario 2
Scenario 3
Question Reviewer 3
Scenario 4
Continue Button to go to next slide

Navigation/ Additional
Linear: to screen 4 NA
Branching Notes
Content Slide
Project Title Earthquake prevention safety Module Title Warning signs of an earthquake Reviewer Notes

Reviewer 1
Screen # 4 Screen Type Content slide Screen Title How an earthquake starts

Visuals On Screen Text

Paragraph with Heading : Earthquake warning signs
In this video, we will explore the warning signs of an earthquake and
discover what you should do if you experience an earthquake or
suspect one is about to occur.

Paragraph with heading : Can You Spot the Difference? Drag and

Paragraph with heading :What happens when an earthquake occurs

in a learning environment?
When an earthquake occurs in a learning environment, such as a
school, the safety of students and staff is the top priority. The shaking
or trembling of the ground can cause furniture, equipment, and other Reviewer 2
objects to move or fall, potentially causing injury. In addition to
physical damage, an earthquake in a school can also cause
psychological trauma, particularly for students and staff who may be
frightened or anxious during and after the event.

Statement B: To mitigate the risk of injury and ensure the safety of

students and staff during an earthquake, schools should have
emergency plans in place and conduct regular earthquake drills.

Statement B: Go to the next lesson and know how to apply the

correct steps for a safe evacuation.

Animation & Interactivity

Continue Button
Once pressed and dragged you will proceed to the next slide

Reviewer 3
Video Audio

Linear: to screen 5 Additional Notes NA
Content Slide

Project Title Earthquake prevention safety Module Title Applying the correct steps for a safe evacuation Reviewer Notes

Screen # 5 Screen Type Content slide Screen Title During an Earthquake Reviewer 1

Visuals On Screen Text

Text on Image :An Earthquake happens inside School. Do You know what steps to take to
protect yourself and yours students?
HEADING : How about you watch this video to know more?
Paragraph + Heading: Checkbox list Now mark what you think you should do when an
earthquake occurs while in class:
● Stay calm: In the event of an earthquake, it is important to remain calm and try to
think clearly. Panic can make evacuation more difficult and dangerous.
● Drop down to the ground and take cover under a sturdy piece of furniture, such as a Reviewer 2
desk or table. Hold on to the furniture and be prepared to move with it, if necessary.
● Pack your stuff real quick and run to a safe zone.
● Cover your head and neck with your arms and take cover against an interior wall away
from windows and objects that could fall.
● Take cover against an interior wall away from windows and objects that could fall.
Wait until the shaking stops.
● Gather students in one corner to keep them safe.

Accordion: Click here to check the answer

If you marked 1,2, 4 and 5. Then you are on the right track! You may proceed.

Text on Image: What if you were outside class during an earthquake. What to do
Matching: Can you match the steps to the right number?

Activity: Matching

Heading: Check out this infographic as a recap for the above information!

Accordion: Inside and Outside Earthquake Safety Every creative endeavor requires that you
take risks.

Statement B: Implementing these preparedness and response actions is crucial for ensuring the
safety of both you and your students in the event of an earthquake.

Statement B: The Earthquake stopped, and you have few minutes to spare before another hits
or aftershocks start. Time to Evacuate. Click continue to go to the next lesson and figure out
how to do that.

Animation & Interactivity

Accordion Button
Once preseed you will check the answer

Continue Button
Once pressed you will proceed to the next slide

Submit Button
Accordion Button Once pressed explore the information
Reviewer 3

Video Audio

Navigation/ Branching Linear: to screen 6 Additional Notes NA

Content Slide
Project Title Earthquake prevention safety Module Title Applying the correct steps for a safe evacuation
Screen Reviewer
Screen # 6 Screen Type Content slide After An Earthquake
Title 1
Visuals On Screen Text
Image and Text: The Earthquake has stopped. EVACUATE!!!

Paragraph: In a school emergency response plan, evacuation routes are critical components that outline
the necessary procedures for evacuating students, staff, and visitors from the building in the event of an
emergency after the procedures needed. The image below provides a visual representation of the different Reviewer
evacuation routes that should be identified and clearly marked in a school setting to ensure everyone's 2

❖ Evacuation Route A
One of the evacuation plan: the evacuation of a ground floor can be relatively simple, provided
that occupants are familiar with the building's emergency response plan and follow the proper
procedures to ensure their safety. Occupants should exit the building using the nearest evacuation
routes, which may include marked exits or doors that lead directly outside.
❖ Evacuation Route B
The evacuation of the first and second floors of a school may require a more organized and
systematic approach to ensure the safe and efficient evacuation of all occupants.
Teachers and students on the first and second floors should follow the evacuation procedures
outlined in the school's emergency response plan, which may include evacuating through marked
exits, stairwells, or other designated routes.

Text on Image: Study the above routes. Each of you should know which option is closest to your class as
well as what to do if that exit is blocked.

Paragraph with Heading: In a school emergency response plan, evacuation routes are critical components
that outline the necessary procedures for evacuating students, staff, and visitors from the building in the
event of an emergency.

Step order:
Step1-Sounding the alarm: If a fire or other emergency occurs, occupants should immediately sound the
building's alarm system to alert others and initiate the evacuation process
Step2 -Evacuation routes: Evacuation routes: Occupants should exit the building using the nearest
evacuation routes, which may include marked exits or doors that lead directly outside. If necessary,
occupants may need to use emergency stairwells or other designated routes to safely exit the building
Step 3-Checking for hazards: Before exiting, occupants should check for hazards, such as smoke, fire, or
debris, that may impede their safe evacuation. If a hazard is present, occupants should avoid that area and
find an alternate route to exit the building
Step4-Gathering at a safe location: Once outside, occupants should gather at a safe location away from the
building and designated assembly area. This allows emergency responders to quickly and efficiently account
for all occupants and determine if anyone is missing.
Step5-Check with the team:-Knowing how to communicate effectively with students and colleagues during
and after an earthquake to ensure everyone's safety and well-being.
Step6-Account for all personnel: Ensure that everyone has safely evacuated and is accounted for. Report
any missing individuals to emergency personnel.
Step7-Provide first aid if necessary: Provide first aid to injured individuals if needed. If someone is seriously
injured, call for emergency medical assistance.
Step 8-Stay informed:-Keep informed of the latest information from emergency personnel. Follow their
instructions and guidance to ensure your safety

Paragraph with Heading: Dear teachers, in order to successfully complete this challenge, it is important
that you carefully choose the correct response to each scenario before moving on to the next. This exercise
will require you to think critically about your emergency earthquake plan and apply your knowledge to a
realistic situation. Please take your time and ensure that each response is well-considered and appropriate
for the given scenario.

Scenario 1:Hello My colleague is unsure what to do during an evacuation plan

Case 1: You are a teacher in a school building. After the earthquake has stopped, You hear the building's
alarm go off, indicating that an evacuation is necessary. What should you do?
1- Evacuate the building immediately through the nearest marked exit.
2-Pause for a moment to gather your personal belongings before evacuating.
3-Stay where you are and wait for further instructions.

Statement B: Familiarize yourselves with the evacuation action plan so these actions are second nature.

Animation & Interactivity

Continue Button
Once pressed you will proceed to the next slide


Linear: to screen 7 Additional Notes NA
Quiz Slide

Project Title Earthquake prevention safety Module Title Quiz Reviewer Notes

Reviewer 1
Screen # 7 Quiz Type SA Quiz Title Putting Your Knowledge to the Test-Quiz

On Screen Text

You will now have the opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge. Take this quiz to see how much information you have retained and whether you can lead a
safe evacuation.


Reviewer 2
Question Stem Answer Options Correct Answer

1-Should you protect your head and neck during True True
an earthquake? False

2-What is the purpose of an evacuation route in a A. To outline the necessary procedures for student
school emergency response plan? registration.
B. To identify and clearly mark emergency exits.
Reviewer 3
C. To provide food and water during an B. To identify and clearly mark emergency exits.
D. To conduct fire drills

A. To provide directions to the restroom.

3-What is the importance of clearly marking B. To prevent students from leaving the building. C. To ensure everyone's safety during an
evacuation routes in a school setting? C. To ensure everyone's safety during an emergency.
D. To guide students to the cafeteria.

4-Fill in the blank: "Occupants should exit the

building using the nearest evacuation routes, NA
which may include --------- that lead directly marked exits
outside." Doors

1- Protecting your head and neck during an earthquake is very

important. The head and neck are particularly vulnerable to injury
during an earthquake due to falling objects and debris, as well as
from the jolting and shaking of the ground.
2-An evacuation route is a predetermined path or series of paths
Quiz Options (Pass
Navigation/ that individuals can take to safely and efficiently leave a building
Linear: to screen 9 or Fail/
Branching or area during an emergency.
3-An evacuation route ensures that individuals can quickly and
safely leave a building or area during an emergency. By having a
clear path to follow, people can avoid getting lost or trapped, and
can get to safety as quickly as possible.
4-Way to go!
Quiz Slide

Project Title Earthquake prevention safety Module Title Quiz Reviewer Notes

Putting Your Knowledge to the Test- Reviewer 1

Screen # 7 Quiz Type SA Quiz Title

On Screen Text

Reviewer 2
Question Stem Answer Options Correct Answer

5-Fill in the blank: If outside the school 30 30

building during an earthquake, move to a 32
clear area that is at least __ meters away 31
from the building to avoid falling debris or
other hazards and away from power lines,
trees, and other objects that could fall...
Reviewer 3
6-It is recommended to hide inside a
building during an earthquake if you were True
outside. False

5-Good job
6- It is recommended to move away from buildings,
Navigation/ Quiz Options streetlights, and utility wires and find an open space such as a
Linear: to screen 9 (Pass or Fail/ clear field or a parking lot. If caught indoors, drop to the
Message/feedback) ground and cover your head and neck with your hands and
Content Slide

Project Title Earthquake prevention safety Module Title Summary Reviewer Notes

Screen # 8 Screen Type Content slide Screen Title Summary Reviewer 1

Visuals On Screen Text

Paragraph with heading: Key takeaways
This training for teachers should equip them with the knowledge
and skills needed to respond effectively and ensure the safety of
themselves and their students in the event of an earthquake.

Bullet list:
● The importance of preparing and practicing emergency
Reviewer 2
procedures, including evacuation drills, to ensure the
safety of both teachers and students in the event of an
● Understanding the warning signs of an earthquake, such
as shaking, rumbling, or loud noises, and the appropriate
responses to take when these signs occur.
● Knowing how to identify potential hazards in the
classroom or school environment that could pose a danger
during an earthquake and taking steps to mitigate these
● Understanding the different types of earthquake hazards,
such as ground shaking, landslides, and tsunamis, and the
appropriate responses for each.
● Knowing how to communicate effectively with students
and colleagues during and after an earthquake to ensure
everyone's safety and well-being.
● Understanding the role of teachers in supporting students
who may experience trauma or anxiety related to
earthquakes and being prepared to provide appropriate
support and resources.

Statement B :Everyone should know what to do in the event of a

real emergency.

Paragraph with heading :Have Questions? email us for any

Button stack: Pamela Bou Ghanem-Zeina Fakhry- Lana Kamand-

Kholoud Sayegh-Sara Riman

Statement B: Thank you

Reviewer 3

NA Additional Notes NA

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