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Lecturer: Producer:
Ph,D. Phuong Hoang Yen Nguyen Linh Xuan Nghi
Course: Testing and Assessment
Code: M1622089

CẦN THƠ - 2023


1. Context analysis 4
2. Learners’ needs analysis. 7
3. The development of course objectives and learning outcomes 13
4. The syllabus 15
4.1. Course description 16
4.2. Course calendar 18
4.3. Formative and summative assessment of the course 28
4.3.1. Formative assessment 28
4.3.2. Summative test 31

Learning English has become critical for all Vietnamese people in order to fulfill the
demands of today's industrialisation and modernization. As a result, it is critical for the
instructor to choose a teaching style that is appropriate for the pupils' level and age. To
achieve these needs, the ministry of education implemented several educational changes.
Assessment of schools and instructors makes a significant contribution to discovering
strategies to improve educational quality. As a result, this paper will analyze the
following major parts: (1) the analysis of the educational context, (2) the analysis of
learners' needs, and (3) the selection of courses and the formation of course goals,
objectives, and results, (4) building the course syllabus, and (5) forms of testing and
assessing learners.

1. Context analysis
a. An EFL teaching/ learning context
The setting I've chosen is a medium class in a language center with up to 15 pupils.
The ideal class size, in my opinion, would be no more than 15 pupils. The reason for this
is because if there are too many pupils in a class, the quality of the lecture suffers.
I will create a room with enough space for me to organize certain activities for pupils
in groups. The reason for this is that, in addition to sitting on their to do exercise, I'm very
interested in encouraging them to engage in some activities, some presentations, some
projects, and transfer information from the textbook to some activities such as completing
exercise in groups, testing through games, Kahoot,...
My classes will benefit from a learning and teaching environment that is
well-equipped with current amenities. For example, instead of the conventional method
of teaching, employing online images and online programs to teach pupils vocabulary or
I normally urge my pupils to provide suggestions on how they would like me to
improve or organize the classroom. Their input helps me tweak and alter the classroom
environment and my teaching approaches.

b. What teaching and learning practices are

In traditional Vietnamese classrooms, the instructor will ask the students questions,
and the students will be accountable for answering all of the questions that the teacher
asks. But, in my opinion, this is not always effective. In my classes, I normally encourage
students to ask questions. Before beginning a lesson or unit of work on a topic, ask pupils
what they already know about it. Make sure they complete this individually first to obtain
everyone's perspective, and then ask them to share their expertise. Then inform them that
the following lesson will cover the subject. What do they want to know? Ask each
student to compose one or two questions. For example, before beginning a new unit, I
frequently ask students to read the title title and the name of the grammatical topic they
will study and to ask questions about it "Can you envision reading this title? Can you

guess what I'll learn in this lesson?" Next I asked the kids to write down what they
wanted the teacher to do for them while they were learning this lesson, as well as one or
two questions they wanted the instructor to answer when they were learning this unit.
Encouraging inquiries from the start communicates to your students that you want them
to actively participate in class work.It also teaches them that what they are learning must
be relevant and valuable to them. It is the most effective method of learning.
It is critical that the instructional strategies you employ assist pupils in connecting
with their learning. Real-life connections make studying more enjoyable and meaningful
for pupils. For example, when I presented Should/Shouldn't, I didn't follow the typical
practice of providing formulae and exercises for you to complete before reviewing your
answers. Instead, I will have students write on little pieces of paper about their concern,
and I will enable them to stay anonymous.
It also teaches them that what they are learning must be relevant and valuable to them.
It is the most effective method of learning.
It is critical that the instructional strategies you employ assist pupils in connecting
with their learning. Real-life connections make studying more enjoyable and meaningful
for pupils. For example, when I presented Should/Shouldn't, I didn't follow the typical
practice of providing formulae and exercises for you to complete before reviewing your
answers. Instead, I will have students write on little pieces of paper about their concern,
and I will enable them to stay anonymous.
If there is no exam throughout the learning process, assess the student's learning to
determine whether the course is successful and reliable. Instead of only teaching,
learning, and testing, we might devise a number of methods to assess our students'
comprehension. For example, instead of the typical one-to-one method, I like to organize
vocabulary assessments by having the students play a game. I'll give you a definition or a
grammatical statement, and all you have to do is say true or untrue. This exercise allows
the kids to work alone or in groups. They will not feel pressured or afraid in this manner.
Additionally, I may offer them time to take exams, form assessments, occasionally paper
surveys, or develop individual or follow-up projects on a flexible basis. group. Also,

modify education to match the requirements of students based on evidence. Examine
students' progress in meeting academic requirements and goals. Actively include students
in assessment to foster continuous learning; and communicate student accomplishment to
students, parents, and others.

2. Learners’ needs analysis.
Needs assessment is a critical activity for setting program objectives and directing
research organizations. The goal of the analysis is to match techniques and materials to
needs and establish whether the design is in accordance with the planned learning
objectives. According to Nation and Macalister (2010), needs analysis is the process of
analyzing the existing status of learning from the learner's perspective.
To know what my students need, and understand how my students are, I conducted a
survey through a questionnaire (see appendix 8). After collecting and analyzing the data,
I can recognize some interesting information about my students (who are in grade 7 and
learn the textbook I-learn Smart world). The first interesting thing is that the grammar
topics they have to study will be designed based on the textbook program they study. In
general, they rated themselves as fairly familiar with structures related to the present
continuous, present simple, future simple and past simple. In contrast, they were weak in
adjective order (M=1.2), comparative equals (M=2.2) and comparative and adjective
pronouns (M=2.8). Meanwhile, words of indefinite quantity, prepositions of time,
possessive adjectives, Suggestive Sentences with Let's/ How about/ Should, Definitive
Articles, Have to, Words of quantity, they are relatively understood. and capture (Mean
from 3 to 3.6). After investigating my students' understanding of grammar topics, it will
help me to adjust the plan and time of teaching theory to have more time to help them
practice more through exercises and tests.

Table 1: The results of needs analysis on the learning materials

Grammar Mean Grammar Mean Grammar Mean

Present simple 4 Have to 3.6 Modal: should/ 4.2


Past simple 4 Words of quantity 3 Suggestions 3.3

Future simple 4 Comparative 2.8 Equal 2.2


Present continuous 4 Preposition of time 3.4 Have to 3.6

Article 3.6 Adjective possessive 3.5

The order of adjectives 1.2 Adjective pronoun 2.8

A social system is an interactive activity that takes place between teachers and
students (T-S interaction, S-T interaction) and between students (S-S interaction) in the
learning process, for example, it can be supported by teachers helping if students have
difficulty understanding grammar rules, receive motivation, clear instructions, and
feedback on their learning from teachers, and have the opportunity to use learned
grammar rules to talk to students. other students. Evaluation refers to any action taken to
gather information about a student's performance. Brindley (2001) points out that it can
take the form of a test or any type of activity or task given to students to assess learning
in a course. The highest point of students responding was; for teachers, as guides and
assessors of the learning process (M= 4.4); and for students, such as discussion, to ask
questions whenever there is a problem in the learning process. One might predict that this
outcome would come about because, one way or another, teachers often have these roles
in the classroom, as do students. Besides, students consider group work and learning to
be relatively necessary in the classroom and that assessment after each lesson, individual
and group work frequently and weekly is also necessary. (Mean from 3.1 to 4.1).

Table 2. The results of needs analysis on the social system of the model

Statement Mean

Do teachers need to give explanations for the whole grammar, comments, 4.4
and evaluations right after students complete the exercise?

Allow students to work in groups, discuss with friends, work together on 4.1
grammar exercises

Present continuousStudents converse with friends using the grammar rules 3.1
they have learned.

Assess individual learning outcomes (e.g., individual assignments) 4

Evaluation of group work results 4

Weekly exercise assessment 3.8

Evaluate exercises after each session 3.3

In the process of teaching and learning a new language, teachers will inevitably use an
approach or a learning method. In this needs analysis study, the methods or methods
included to be selected in the questionnaire were inductive and deductive methods
(Chalipa, 2013), story-based methods (Adair Hauck) and Donato, 2010), a product-based
approach. - text-based learning and competency-based learning, and process-based
approaches - content-based learning and task-based learning (Richards, 2005),
project-based learning ( Bender, 2012 cited in Amaros and dos Santos, 2018), and
problem-based learning (Ng Chin Leong, 2009). The highest choice score in the student
responses was đeuctive methods meaning that the teacher gives an explanation of the
grammar rules and then asks the students to do the grammar exercises in the textbook
(M=4.6), while the lowest score was for project-based learning that is a form of English
learning that requires learners to do a project, for example, make a video conversation in
English. . This result shows that students like to be taught through teachers’ speech. In
terms of test format, students feel that discrete tests involving a part of grammar, reading

and writing of a part of grammar, and finding and analyzing errors are quite necessary.
(Mean from 4.1 to 4.3). Perhaps, they feel a lack of confidence, confused when applying
grammar points to reading comprehension, writing, and speaking. Meanwhile, closed
tests such as sentence rewrite, sentence correction, sentence matching, open test with
sentence completion, sentence rewrite, achieved normal scores. (Mean from 3.3 to 3.8).
Doing more exercise is also important for them. Regarding teaching methods, most of the
students agreed that learning grammar through stories would be effective and necessary.
(M=4). Meanwhile, Text-based Learning, Task-based learning, Problem-based learning,
Content-based learning, are also quite necessary for teachers to conduct in class.

Table 3. The results of needs analysis on the approach for the learning model

Statement Mean Statement Mean

Discrete point test (partial assessment of 4.1 Text-based Learning 3.4

the English grammar by using
multiple-choice items)

Oral and written elicitation test on a 4.2 Project-based learning 3

partial part of English grammar

Error analysis test. 4.3 Problem-based learning 3.5

Closed-ended test (multiple choice, 3.8 Doing more exercises 4.5

information gaps activities,
transformation, matching sentences,
rewriting sentences and revising

Open-ended test (completing sentences 3.3 Content-based learning 3.5

and writing sentences in English)

Statement Mean Statement Mean

Discrete point test (partial assessment of 4.1 Text-based Learning 3.4

the English grammar by using
multiple-choice items)

Oral and written elicitation test on a 4.2 Project-based learning 3

partial part of English grammar

Error analysis test. 4.3 Problem-based learning 3.5

Closed-ended test (multiple choice, 3.8 Doing more exercises 4.5

information gaps activities,
transformation, matching sentences,
rewriting sentences and revising

Deductive approach 4.6 Task-based learning 3.4

Inductive approach 4.2 Task-based learning 4.2

The support system of a model is the document or data that the teacher uses in the
learning process (Joyce, Weil & Calhoun, 2009) which can be in the form of syllabi,
lesson plans and learning materials. Students who need learning media or technology
commonly used in classroom teaching and learning, such as televisions, the Internet,
laptops, and laptop speakers receive the highest score (M=4.4). This means that students
need the process of learning a new language not only using chalk/pencil and blackboard
or whiteboard, but they also need modern technology for the learning process. This
technology can enhance the learning experience, providing more experience and
accessibility to the language being learned (Larsen-Freeman & Anderson, 2011).
Nevertheless, some students believe that textbooks still play an important role in the
classroom that I have to depend on so much for my course design and my lesson. At the

same time, the use of technology games designed on websites such as kahoot, quizizz,
ESL game is also necessary to be applied in grammar teaching to avoid boredom and
drowsiness for students. M=4.4). Besides learning through textbooks and workbooks, the
exercises are designed on handouts, and learning websites such as loigiaihay are also
considered important by them (M= 3.7 and 3.8).

Table 4. The results of needs analysis on the model support system

Statement Mean

Laptop/TV 3.9

Internet connection 4.4

Textbook 4.1

Supplemental exercises from handout 3.8

Learn materials from grammar learning websites on the internet. 3.7

(good explanation,..)

Games to strengthen grammar points (kahoot, quizizz...) 4.4

The use of PPT in teaching 3.6

To conclude, to create a meaningful and successful course, teaching methods and

materials have been prepared according to students' interests and levels and valid tests
have been designed to assess the process and summarize. Identification of learners' needs
helps teachers define and refine course content. It also allows us to see to what extent the
course is designed to meet the learners' real language needs.

3. The development of course objectives and learning outcomes
The results of the preceding sections' analyses of the teaching setting and learners'
requirements enable the instructor to properly define the course objectives and predict
what can be accomplished in the learning outcomes part. In this paper, I will discuss the
course objectives and learning outcomes that students in the grade 7 I-learn smart world
grammar speaking and writing course may attain.
To begin, course objectives are a promise made by course providers or lecturers.
Knowledge, cognitive (mental skills), psychomotor (physical skills), and emotional
domains are among the aims (attitude). These are the most important aspects of
competence. Hence, before beginning the course, I carefully outline the specific
objectives that students may attain in the grade 7 I-learn smart world course.
The state of being aware of something is referred to as knowledge. It is the processing
of information cognitively. It entails recalling, recognizing, comprehending, applying,
and evaluating facts, patterns, and concepts. The practical or theoretical grasp of a subject
is referred to as knowledge. One must first be aware of something before being
comfortable with it (for example, how to utilize it) and finally understanding how it
works. When we delve further into the hierarchy of different degrees of expertise, the
knowledge function becomes even more significant.
Skills, as they are now described, are merely one component in calculating
competence as an individual's capacity to (out) execute a particular activity. Skills are
commonly defined as the acquired ability to do certain activities with maximal precision
and efficiency within the constraints of a specific resource (e.g., time, energy).
Affective (attitude) is defined as "a reasonably stable arrangement of beliefs,
sentiments, and behavioral dispositions toward socially meaningful objects,
organizations, events, or symbols" (Hogg & Vaughan 2005, p. 150).

3.1. Course objective

After the course of English grammar grade 7, students will be able to fluently use
grammar in speaking and writing some topics which are in the textbook and master in the
examinations of Grade 7.

3.2. Learning outcomes

By the end of the course, students will be able to:

LO1 Identify and comprehend some grammar topics such as tenses, comparison,
suggestions structures, articles, and so on.

LO2 Recognize and understand the meaning of targeted grammatical structures

in written and spoken form.

LO3 Have basic knowledge of English, including vocabulary, and grammar

LO4 Self-correct when using targeted grammatical structures.

LO5 Fluently use English grammar as a communication tool through the

speaking, reading and writing to meet basic and direct communication
needs in close and everyday situations.

LO6 Understand frequently used sentences and structures related to basic

communication needs (such as information about family, self, shopping,
asking for directions, job, ...).

LO7 Be confident to use English grammar to exchange information on simple,

familiar everyday topics

LO8 Simply describe himself, his surroundings, and matters of basic need.

4. The syllabus
The syllabus is usually the students' first true introduction to your course, welcoming
them with important information about what to anticipate from the course and what the
course could want from them. It may set the tone for the whole semester, and it is one of
the few "formal, concrete linkages between you and your student," as Jennifer Sinor and
Matt Kaplan (2010) point out. It can and should be more than just a sheet of paper stating
the fundamental course information, and it is therefore the ideal chance for you to
effectively prepare your students and set the foundation for success.

A syllabus serves various tasks in a course, including a course plan and learning
contract, a communication mechanism, and a learning aid. And those functions might
change based on the instructor's preferences and personality.

While the syllabus will undoubtedly differ between disciplines and courses, teachers
should endeavor to adjust their syllabus to the unique demands of the course, students,
and field. Yet, here are several characteristics that are common in most curricula:
Fundamental course information, Basic information about the teacher, Texts, readings,
and other resources A course overview or timetable, The course's expected learning
outcomes, Methods of evaluation, Factors for determining a grade, Policies for Courses
and Instructors delay and/or absence, Exams or assignments that were missed or turned in
late, Academic deception, Incivility in the classroom, Participation in class.

The syllabus will be a constant point of contact between you and your students, so the
more thinking you put into it up front, the more useful and beneficial it will be for
everyone. A properly-written syllabus may assist students have a better knowledge of the
course, as well as their responsibilities as students and teachers.

Based on the references for creating a syllabus, I plan my grammar for grade 7
I-learn Smart World course in detail as follows:


4.1. Course description

Course name: The Grammar grade 7 I-learn Smart World Course

Course length: 72 hours/ 6 months, 2 days/ a week, 1.5 hours/ a day

Textbook and References

- Required textbooks: I-learn Smart World Grade 7

- References: Extra grammar exercises book designed based on the lessons of
I-learn Smart World Grade 7

Assessment and Grading

Attendance 5%

Homework/ assignment: 15%

Mid-term Exams 30%

Final Exams 50%

Assessment: formative assessment including review of your progress, conversation,

mindmap summaries, Interview assessment; and mid-term and final oral test for
formative assessment are used.

Policy: Students are expected to

1. Attend all planned classes on time.

2. Be a:ccountable for all class directions and assignments, as well as the accompanying
textbook information.

3. Before attending the lecture, read the textbook content. Participate actively in this

Make-ups for quizzes, midterms, and final exams are only permitted if there is a valid
cause. A student who misses class without an official reason or a doctor's written
declaration will earn a zero for all work due in class and all work done in class on the day
of the absence.

4.2. Course calendar

Meetings Content Learning outcomes

Meeting 1 1. Orientation 1. - To obtain a brief introduction of the

- To learn how to make use of the i-Learn
SmartWorld resource.
2. Vocabulary and reading 2. To learn and use vocabulary for hobbies
about the hobbies and and places in town.
places in town

Meeting 2 Grammar: Present Simple - To review and practice and use Present
for habits Simple for habits correctly
- To talk about hobbies

Meeting 3 Grammar: Present - To review, practice and use Present

continuous for future plans Continuous for future plans and Preposition
and Preposition of places of Places.
- To use grammar to make future plans

Meeting 4 Speaking and writing To use vocabulary and grammar including

present simple, present continuous and
preposition of place to:
- talk about favorite sports
- write an invitation email

Meeting 5 Vocabulary and reading - To learn, practice and use vocabulary

about healthy lifestyles, related to healthy lifestyles and health
health problems. problems.
- To talk about what makes a healthy


Meeting 6 Grammar: indefinite - To practice and use indefinite quantifiers

quantifiers correctly.
- To make conservative statements/ make
sentences about daily healthy life: How
much exercise do you do every day?- I
don’t do any exercise

Meeting 7 Grammar: Should/ - To learn, practice and use should/

shouldn’t shouldn’t
- To practice giving advice and persuading
someone to have a healthy lifestyle

Meeting 8 Speaking and Writing - To use vocabulary, grammar including

indefinite quantifiers and should/ shouldn’t
- Talk about healthy food
- Write a request letter

Meeting 9 Vocabulary and reading - To learn and use vocabulary for types of
about types of music music.
- To use vocabulary to talk about the music
they like

Meeting 10 Grammar: Present simple - To review, practice and use Present

for facts Simple for facts correctly.
- To use Present simple for facts to talk
about movies that they like

Meeting 11 Grammar: Preposition of - To practice and use Preposition of time

time and possessive and possessive adjectives correctly.
adjectives - To practice making a plan to go to a
music event

Meeting 12 Speaking and Writing To use vocabulary and grammar including

Present simple, preposition of time and
possessive adjectives to:
- Make a movie schedule poster and
take role-play as a staff and a
- Write a movie description

Meeting 13 Review for the first - Review vocabulary, present simple,

Midterm test Present continuous, Should/shouldn’t,
preposition of place and time, indefinite
quantifiers and possessive adjectives.
- Make a project (mindmaps, posters,
presentations…) in group to review and
practice Grammar

Meeting 14 Take demo exam - To practice abilities to do grammar tests,

skills in doing tests, set appropriate for
each part of the tests.
- To practice speaking tests based on some

Meeting 15 Vocabulary and reading - To learn and use vocabulary related to

about charity and charity and community.
community. - To talk about what activities we can do to
help the community

Meeting 16 Grammar: Past simple - To practice and use Past simple with
with regular verbs regular verbs correctly.
- To use Past Simple to talk about things
they did to help the community in the past.

Meeting 17 Grammar: Suggestion with - To practice and use Suggestion with

Should/ How about/ Let’s should/ how about/ let’s correctly.
- To give advice for classmates to solve
their own problems.
- To practice suggesting and making a chair

Meeting 18 Speaking and Writing To use vocabulary and grammar including

Past simple and suggestion structures to:
- Talk about how to help the
- To write an email describing past

Meeting 19 Vocabulary and reading - To learn and use vocabulary for food,
related to food, food food containers and quantity of food and
container and quantity of drinks.
food and drinks - To use vocabulary to talk about what food
they need to buy

Meeting 20 Grammar: quantifier and - To practice and use the quantifier and
amount(much/ many) amount(much/ many) correctly.
- To talk about containers and quantity of
food and drinks

Meeting 21 Grammar: definite and - To practice and use definite and indefinite
indefinite articles articles correctly.
- To practice test taking skills

Meeting 22 Speaking and writing To use vocabulary and grammar to:

- Talk about unusual food in Vietnam.
- To write a food blog posts

Meeting 23 Review for the first term - Review vocabulary, present simple,
exam Present continuous, Should/shouldn’t,
preposition of place and time, indefinite
quantifiers, possessive adjectives, Past
simple with regular verbs, suggestions,
quantifier and amount (much/ many) and
definite and indefinite articles.
- Make a project (mindmaps, presentations,
posters,...) in group to review and practice

Meeting 24 Take demo exam - To practice abilities to do grammar tests,

skills in doing tests, set appropriate for
each part of the tests.
- To practice speaking tests based on some

Meeting 25 Vocabulary and reading - To learn and use vocabulary related to

about education and education and feelings at school.
feelings about school - To talk about how you feel about school

Meeting 26 Grammar: Have to in - To practice and use have to in Present

Present Simple Simple correctly.
- To practice declining invitations and
expressing obligations.

Meeting 27 Grammar: intensifiers (so - To practice and use intensifiers (so and
and really) and because really) and because
- To practice a grammar test to review

Meeting 28 Speaking and writing To use vocabulary and grammar including

Have to, intensifiers (so and really) and
because to:
- Take role-play, exchanging
experience, … about studying
abroad experiences.
- Write a paragraph about studying
abroad,using subordinating
conjunctions (but,although) to show

Meeting 29 Vocabulary and reading - To learn and use vocabulary for personal
about belongings and transportation.
- To practice describing and identifying
personal belongings

Meeting 30 Grammar: Ordering - To practice and use Ordering adjectives,

adjectives possessive pronouns correctly
- To talk about transportation

Meeting 31 Grammar: (not) as… as - To practice and use (not) as ….as

- To practice comparing different types of

Meeting 32 Speaking and Writing To use vocabulary and grammar including

Ordering adjectives, possessive pronouns
and (not) as ….as to:
- To take role-play giving opinion
about transportation
- To write an opinion paragraph about

Meeting 33 Vocabulary and reading - To learn and use vocabulary related to

about festivals festivals.
- To talk about festival around the world

Meeting 34 Grammar: different from, - To practice and use different from, like
like correctly.
- To practice comparing how different
countries celebrating festivals

Meeting 35 Grammar: Future simple - To practice and use future simple

- To practice grammar test to review

Meeting 36 Speaking and writing To use vocabulary and grammar including

Future simple and “ different from, like” to:
- Exchange information about your
favorite festival

- Write a postcard about a place in
your country

Meeting 37 Review for the second - Review vocabulary, grammar including

Midterm test Have to in present simple, intensifiers (so
and really) and because, Ordering
adjectives, Possessive pronouns, Equal
comparison as …as, Different from, Like
and Future Simple.
- Make a project (mindmap, presentation,..)
in group to review and practice Grammar

Meeting 38 Take demo exam - To practice abilities to do grammar tests,

skills in doing tests, set appropriate for
each part of the tests.
- To practice speaking tests based on some

Meeting 39 Vocabulary and reading - To learn and use vocabulary related to

about tourism, holidays tourism and holidays.
- To talk about tourist attractions and
culture of English speaking countries.

Meeting 40 Grammar: Past simple - To practice and use Past simple with
with irregular irregular verbs correctly.
- To talk about holidays in English
speaking countries

Meeting 41 Grammar: articles and zero - To practice and use articles and zero
article article correctly

- To practice a grammar test to review

Meeting 42 Speaking and writing To use vocabulary and grammar including

Past simple, articles and zero article to:
- Exchange information about
speaking English during your
- Write a postcard to a friend about
your vacation in an English
speaking country.

Meeting 43 Vocabulary and reading - To learn and use vocabulary related to

about types of energy types and sources of energy.
sources. - To talk about types and sources of energy.

Meeting 44 Grammar: Comparative - To practice and use comparatives

- To compare different energy sources.

Meeting 45 Grammar: conjunctions - To practice and use conjunctions

- To practice grammar test to review

Meeting 46 Speaking and writing To use vocabulary and grammar including

Comparatives and conjunctions to:
- Take a role play to express
information about advantages and
disadvantages of energy sources
- Write a formal email to suggest a

new energy source.

Meeting 47 Review for the second - Review vocabulary, grammar including

Midterm test Have to in present simple, intensifiers (so
and really) and because, Ordering
adjectives, Possessive pronouns, Equal
comparison as …as, Different from, Like
and Future Simple, comparatives,
conjunctions, Past simple with irregular
verbs, and articles and zero article.
- Make a project (mindmap, presentation,..)
in group to review and practice Grammar

Meeting 48 Take demo exam - To practice abilities to do grammar tests,

skills in doing tests, set appropriate for
each part of the tests.
- To practice speaking tests based on some

Meeting 49 Review the course - Review all grammar topics of the course.
- Get feedback from learners

4.3. Formative and summative assessment of the course

Types Techniques Meetings Learning outcomes

Formative Ask and answer During all meetings LO4, LO5, LO6, LO7, LO8
Role-play In meeting 4, 8, 12, 18, LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4,
22, 28, 32, 36, 42, 46 LO5, LO6, LO7, LO8.

Story telling After meeting 4, 8, 12, LO4, LO5, LO6, LO7, LO8
18, 22, 28, 32, 36, 42, 46

Grammar In meetings 3, 7, 11, 17, LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4,

Quick test 21, 27, 31, 35, 41, 45 LO5, LO6, LO7, LO8.

Mindmap/ After meetings 4, 8, 12, LO4, LO5, LO6, LO7, LO8

Poster 18, 22, 28, 32, 36, 42, 46

Self-assessment After meetings 14, 24, Reflect on learning progress

18, and 48

Summative Midterm test In meeting 14, 38 LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4,

assessment LO5, LO6, LO7, LO8.

Final test In meeting 24, 48 LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4,

LO5, LO6, LO7, LO8.

4.3.1. Formative assessment
According to Wiggins (1998), "the goal of formative assessment is primarily to teach
and enhance student performance, not simply to audit it" (p. 7). Formative assessment is
described as "actions conducted by instructors and students in self-evaluation that offer
information to be utilized as feedback to improve teaching and learning activities" (Black
& Wiliam, 2010, p. 82). As a result, formative assessment comprises a wide range of
technologies that give feedback to teachers or students in order to help them learn more
successfully. In addition to providing instructors with continual information about current
student comprehension so that teachers may alter instruction to enhance student learning,
Formative assessments are also used to generate interventions to increase student learning
(Faculty Development and Instructional Design Center, n.d). (Shepard, 2006; Stiggins,

You can rapidly build a culture of sharing that is devoid of worry or fear by giving
students a platform to speak and share their ideas and views on how things are going for
them in the classroom. Encouraging students to participate in this way on a regular basis
may help them overcome their worries of standing up and sharing their own thoughts,
which may be challenging for introverted or young pupils who lack the courage to
declare an inability to grasp something.

Ask and Answer, Role-play, Grammar Quick test, Mindmap/ poster will be employed
as formative assessments in this course. They will be described in detail as follows:

Ask and Answer

This kind of formative assessment will be used during all meetings of every unit in
the course with the aim of checking how much students can achieve. Teacher makes
questions and requests students to answer, then the teacher reflects on the way students
answer and gives more suggestions for students’ improvement.

Some example questions:

What did you do yesterday?

When did you go to the supermarket?


The teacher sets the context and creates questions or discussion prompts. This kind of
formative assessment will be conducted in the meetings 4, 8, 12, 18, 22, 28, 32, 36, 42,
46, Speaking and Writing. Students engage in role-play activities by using grammar and
vocabulary from the lesson. The teacher can provide feedback on their language use and
social skills. (appendix 1)


Teacher gives each group of students a picture and they look at a picture and describe
the picture by making their story. After that, the teacher uses a jigsaw technique in order
that students exchange their story and make arrangements of the story. At the end,
students get their received information to retell the story by their own words, their
thinking. Students select some stories, and the storytellers or audience generate crucial
questions to push their peers. The instructor can assess their understanding and offer
comments on their language use. (see appendix 2)

Grammar Quick Test

This kind of test will be frequently used in meetings 3, 7, 11, 17, 21, 27, 31, 35, 41,
45. The teacher gives the students an exam at the conclusion of a class with only 15 to 20
multiple choices or fill in the blanks questions to see how much they know. Quizzes are
brief, content-specific examinations designed to provide information about student
learning and comprehension. They can immediately offer an instructor with information
regarding whether students grasped the class topic, which can then be used to guide
future classes. This quick, formative assessment tool is most useful at the end of the day
to get a complete picture of the classes’ learning that day. (see appendix 3)

Mindmap/ poster

Students should create a concept map to demonstrate their visual comprehension of

how concepts link to one another. Formative evaluations like this allow students to
demonstrate their grasp and comprehension by using more creative areas of their skill set,
and they may be used for individual or group work. This kind of assessment will be used
after the meetings 4, 8, 12, 18, 22, 28, 32, 36, 42, 46. Teachers can use these projects to
review the knowledge for students and evaluate how effective the lesson brings to
students. (see appendix 4)


Students can use self-assessment to pause what they're doing and ask themselves,
"What am I getting out of this?" or "Have I truly learned anything from this class?"

Students use rubrics or checklists supplied by the teacher to measure their

understanding following two final assessments. Pupils will utilize the checklists to assess
their own learning progress, allowing them to reflect on their own strengths and
weaknesses. This provides evidence for the teacher to modify their teaching approaches
in the following course. (see appendix 5)

4.3.2. Summative test

Summative evaluation compares student learning and academic success at the
conclusion of a term, year, or semester to a universal norm or institutional benchmark.
Summative evaluations frequently have a high point value, are conducted under
controlled settings, and so have more visibility. Performance is evaluated using certain
criteria, which typically results in a final grade or percentage of success. Individual
student results are then compared to predetermined criteria, which might have serious
ramifications for the student.

Summative evaluation in this course will consist of two mid-term examinations and
two final exams. The midterm exam will be given at the end of unit 3 and 8. Students

have completed half of the course just to conclude the grammar in writing. The format of
the s test is identical to that of the actual exam designed based on the format of the
high-school test. The final exams including speaking, listening and grammar in writing
will take place after every five units of the course, and the material will be what students
study from unit 1 to unit 10. The teacher will grade the pupils' grammar abilities. These
two assessments will assist teachers in determining the precise levels of pupils' grammar
abilities. (see appendix 6 and 7)

The quality of students' learning in this grammar in writing and speaking I-learn smart
world 7 is heavily influenced by the teachers' teaching approaches. Teachers can refer to
the following commonly used assessment tasks to choose to include in periodic testing.
Furthermore, using proper evaluation forms at the correct moment would improve
students' learning efficiency, allowing teachers to accurately measure students' learning
capacity and assist students learn more successfully. Teachers will make more progress in
their students' studies and help them reach their goals in the final test. This also helps
teachers improve their teaching skills through student feedback at the conclusion of the


Student A asks student B questions about Harry's holiday in Scotland and completes
the table, then swap roles, Answer student B about Henry’s holiday in Canada.


Henry’s holiday


Harry’s holiday


1. Where did Henry/ Harry go?

2. Where did he stay?
3. What did he do?
4. What did he eat?

You work in a group and look at these pictures then make a story to give
information to your classmates about the given festival which will take place in this
year by using Future Simple. After you will exchange your story together

Story 1

Story 2

Story 3


I. Fill in the blanks with the words
exchange tradition midnight
wish greeting celebrate
1. "Hello, how are you?" is a _________________ we use every day.
2. When the clock shows __________,the new year will begin.
3. You should make a ___________before you blow out the candles.
4. I will _________my birthday by having a party.
5. We always _______lucky money with our family on New Year's Eve.
6. Wearing áo dài is an important Vietnamese ___________
II. Circle the correct answer
1. During the .................., there are thousands of samba dancers with very beautiful
costumes performing on the streets.
A. Mid-autumn festival B. Carnival C. Easter D. Halloween
2. .................. is part of the Thai New Year. People throw buckets of water on each other
to wish for luck.
A. Mid-autumn festival B. Easter C. Thanksgiving D. Water Festival
3. What I like about festivals is that they show the .................. values of different
A. Carnival B. culture C. cultural D. parade
4. Turkey is one of the ..................foods at Thanksgiving in the US.

A. Easter B. serious C. culture D. traditional

5. The Mid-autumn festival is an occasion for children to play with traditional toys,

especially star ..................

A. feast B. lanterns C. stuffing D. jet

6. Da Lat is one of the most famous tourist ______________.

A. attraction B. attract C. attractive D. attractions

7. Teenagers often ______________ gifts with family and friends at Christmas.

A. changing B. exchanging C. change D. exchange

8. Most of Asian countries ______________ Lunar New Year excitingly.

A. prefer B. celebrate C. compete D. decorate

9. Last year, she ______________ house with coloful bulbs.

A. to decorate B. decorates C. decorated D. decorate

10. Peter often __________________ his house before New Year.

A. decorate B. buy C. defeat D. do


This is your project. Please choose one of the following grammar topics and then

you draw a mindmap or a poster including information and examples (make





Full name:
Time: 60 minutes
I. Choose the best option (A, B, C or D) to complete each of the following
1. I never take the bus because buses are __________ than any other transport in my
A. as slow B. slower C. more slow D. much slow
2. When I go hiking, I often take some food and water in my __________.
A. luggage B. wallet C. suitcase D. backpack
3. The teacher was __________ because some students were talking in class and weren’t
paying attention to the lesson.
A. pleased B. excited C. annoyed D. delighted
4. I’m not going out tonight; I have a lot of math __________ to do.
A. homework B. tests C. report D. essays
5. Student A: Where’s Andy? Can you see him? Student B: Over there! He’s the boy with
a __________ bag.
A. big light brown new B. big new light brown
C. new big light brown D. big light new brown
6. Peter __________ likes his school because he has a lot of friends there and the teachers
don’t give him too much homework.
A. so B. much C. really D. a lot
7. Person A: Excuse me, is this suitcase __________? Person B: No, it’s not
A. yours / mine B. your / mine C. your / my D. you / me
8. I think people should cycle more. It’s more __________ because it doesn’t cause air
A. frequent B. convenient C. useful D. eco-friendly

9. He lost his __________, so he had to contact the embassy. He needs it to fly back to
his home country.
A. ticket B. passport C. baggage D. boarding
10. Student A: Let’s go bowling tonight. There’s a new bowling alley near my house.
Student B: __________. I have to finish my book report.
A. I’d love to B. It will be fun C. Sure, thank you D. I’m sorry I can’t
II. Read the following passage. For each question, choose the correct option that
best suits each blank.
This story is about how my (1) ___________ got lost on vacation. Last summer, I took an
airplane to the Bahamas. I heard that airports are not always reliable and sometimes lose
luggage. So, I put all my clothes in a (2) ___________ suitcase that would stand out from
the others, and I put my phone and camera in a small backpack to take on the plane. I
checked in my suitcase using my boarding pass and got on the plane. When the plane
landed, I went to the (3) ___________ area to pick it up. I waited and waited, but it never
came. I went to customs and showed them my (4) ___________ and asked them about
my suitcase, but they had not seen it. I looked everywhere. Luckily, I still had my (5)
___________ with my phone in it. I was able to use it to call the airline and find my
missing suitcase.
1. A. boarding pass B. luggage C. backpack D. phone
2. A. old pink large B. large pink old C. pink large old D. large old pink
3. A. baggage claim B. customs C. ticket counter D. airport
4. A. phone B. passport C. camera D. ticket
5. A. luggage B. suitcase C. backpack D. wallet
III. Read the following passage. For each question, write T if the statement is
TRUE, F if the statement is FALSE, and NI if there is NO INFORMATION.
Journal Entry 15/07/2020 by Jennifer
I just returned home from a year of studying abroad in America. It's only been a few days,
and I am already missing my new friends. I will have to keep in touch and follow them on
social media because they were fun to play with and helped me in school. Sometimes, they

would see that I would get really annoyed when I failed my tests, so they started helping
me with my homework. I was lucky to have such great friends. Studying abroad was good
because it showed me how hard work pays off, although it wasn't always easy. One time, I
remember how disappointed my mom was when I told her I did not pass my science test.
But, after lots of practice, my English improved, and I started to do better on my tests,
which pleased her.
1. Jennifer started missing her new friends a year after returning home.
2. Jennifer was lucky to have great friends who helped her in school.
3. One way Jennifer improved her English was by watching movies.
4. Jennifer’s mom was disappointed when she failed her science test.
5. Studying abroad was easy for Jennifer, and she did not need help from her friends.
IV. Rewrite the following sentences without changing their meaning. Use the
given word(s) if any.
1. The English exam wasn’t as easy as I thought. (DIFFICULT)
=> The English exam was __________________________________________________.
2. Ivy studied a lot for her biology test. However, she didn’t pass it.
=> Although ____________________________________________________________.
3. It’s the rule to remove your shoes and belts when you go through the airport security
=> You ________________________________________________________________.
V. Use the given words or phrases to make complete sentences.
1. Riding / bike / fast / go / bus / in rush hours.
2. Tommy / not have / as much / homework / his sister.


Full name: _____________________ FIRST END SEMESTER TEST

Time: 60 minutes

English grade 7

I. Introduce yourself. Talking about some personal information

- What’s your name?

- How old are you?

- Where do you live?

- What is your school’s name?

- Which class are you in?

- How many people are there in your free time?

- What do you usually do in your free time?

II. Choose one of eight topics to describe

Topic 1: Talk about your favorite hobby

- What is your hobby?

- What do you usually do?
- How often do you do this?
- Who do you often do with?
- Why do you like it?

Topic 2: Describe something that you do to stay healthy

- What do you do to stay healthy?
- What do you eat to stay healthy?
- Why do you think it is good for your health?

Topic 3: Talk about how to contribute to community activities

- What did you do to contribute to community activities?

- When did you do it?
- Who did you do it with?
- Where did you do it?
- Why did you think it was useful?

Topic 4: Talk about music and arts

- What kind of music do you like?

- What is your favorite music band?
- How often do you listen to music?
- Where do you listen to this type of music?
- Why do you like this type of music?

Topic 5: Talk about your favorite food or drink and how to make it

- What is your favorite food/ drink?

- How often do you eat/ drink this type of food?
- Do you know how to make it? Desrcibe
- Is it good or bad for your health?

Topic 6: Talk about a historic place you have known

- What is your favorite historic place?

- What’s its name?
- Where is it?
- When do you go there?

- How do you know this place?
- Why do you like it?


I. Choose the option that best completes each of the following sentences.

1. Look! Tom __________ up a tent in the garden.

A. is putting B. puts C. put D. are putting

2. Most teenagers don’t want __________ all day doing homework.

A. spend B. spending C. to spend D. spend

3. Her dad is busy, so she is going to school by __________.

A. himself B. herself C. oneself D. yourselves

4. The meeting starts __________ 8 am today. We should hurry up.

A. at B. on C. in D. between

5. Jack was full, so he didn’t eat __________ meat or rice.

A. some B. a little C. any D. many

6. You __________ play computer games all night. It’s not good for your eyes.

A. cannot B. may not C. should not D. should

7. Mom asked me to __________ the medicine before going to bed.

A. drink B. use C. take D. eat

8. Last summer, my class collected bottles and cans for __________.

A. recycling B. raising C. cleaning up D. reducing

9. We ________ old textbooks, unused notebooks and spare stationery to help students in
mountainous areas.

A. raised B. picked C. took D. donated

10. A(n) __________ is someone who does work without getting any money for it.

A. charity B. volunteer C. organization D. community

11. __________ are a popular way to raise money for schools and clubs because lots of
people love cakes, cookies, muffins, pies and biscuits.

A. Bake sales B. Craft fairs C. Talent shows D. Garage sales

12. Mary thinks she __________ flu. She feels weak and tired.

A. has B. gives C. buys D. is

13. My hobby is ___________. I go to the pool near my house everyday.

A. playing guitar B. swimming C. collecting D. skating

14. ________ the Browns ________ shopping this evening?

A. Are-go B. Is- go C. Is - going D. Are - going

15. John ___________ young children in the rural areas two months ago.

A. is teaching B. teaches C. are teaching D. taught

II. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently.

16. A. washed B. picked C. cleaned D. helped

17. A. bunch B. butter C. sugar D. cupboard

18. A. play B. plant C. take D. game

III. Choose the word that has a different stressed syllable from the rest.

19. A. volunteer B. charity C. organize D. decorate

20. A. dramatic B. inviting C. tradition D. festival


I. Read the following passage and circle the correct answer

Volunteering offers you the chance to try out a new career without making a long-term
commitment. It is also a (21) ______________ way to gain experience in a new field. In
some fields, you can volunteer directly at an (22) ___________ that does the kind of
work you're interested in. For example, if you're interested in nursing, you could
volunteer at a hospital or a nursing home. Your volunteer work (23) ________ also
introduces you to professional organizations or internships that can be beneficial (24)
___________ your career. In addition,

Volunteering is a fun and easy way to explore your interests and passions. Doing
volunteer work you find meaningful and interesting (25) ___________ you can help
others and make the world better. You will have a richer and more enjoyable volunteering
experience if you first take some time to identify your goals and interests.

21. A. good B. best C. well D. ugly

22. A. organize B. organization C. organizer D. organizing

23. A. feel B. look C. might D. would

24. A. with B. about C. for D. to

25. A. and B. but C. because D. or

II. Read the passage and choose the correct answer

Green tea

Green tea must always be the first to be mentioned whenever one talks about Vietnamese
tea. From the middle of the 20h century, green lea has been planted in the North and the
Middle of Viet Nam, gradually becoming a symbol of Vietnamese everyday life,of the
peaceful countryside regions.

Green tea is planted widely in delta but also highland areas. Green tea can be enjoyed
fresh and there is no need to dry: people can enjoy it right after picking the leaves from
the tree.Boiling the tea leaves in hot water. After fifteen minutes,your green tea is ready
to be served. Vietnam is an agricultural country, since people in rural areas earn a living
mainly from farming. It is the keeping-cool characteristic.Besides blowing out the heat,
green tea also help improve the body's resistance. Unsurprisingly, green tea has been
considered an indispensable part of Vietnamese farmers' ordinary life. Some producers
have exchanged this folk drink into canned drink, bringing green tea closer to urban
citizens as well as foreigners.

26. The topic of this passage is

A.drink D. family

27. The word “It” in the third paragraph refers to

A.drink tea

28. The word “folk” in paragraph 2 means

A.modern B.mixed C.ancient D.popular

29. Which sentence is NOT true?

A.Green tea helps to cool down.

B.Green tea is only planted in highland areas.

C.People in rural areas earn a living mainly from farming.

D. Green tea can be enjoyed fresh and there is no need to dry.

30. Green tea is ready to be served

A.after 15 minutes. B.before 15 minutes.

C.after drying leaves. D.after half an hour


I. Rewrite the questions with the given words

31. Shall we have a walk along the lake? (let’s)

=> along the lake.

32. My mother loves doing morning exercise. (interested)

=> My mother is

33. Taylor Swift is my favorite singer.

=> My favorite

34. What kind of music do you like listening to?

=> What of music do you listening to?

II. Write the meaningful sentences using the words given

35. Kate/ go rock climbing/ his classmates/ next Saturday.


36. She has a tootache. She/ eat so/ candy.


37. How about/ help/ poor children/ our village?


38. My mother/ buy/ me/ interesting/ book yesterday.


39. We/ need/ buy/ carton/ eggs/ and/ a kilogram/ meat.

=> We .

40. Please put/ butter/ the fridge/ and/ cooking oil/ top cupboard.

=> Please .

III. Write an email to your friend to tell her/him about your volunteer work by
answering the following questions.
1. What did you do to volunteer for the community?
2. Where did you volunteer?
3. When did you volunteer?
4. Who did you volunteer with?
5. Why did you volunteer?
6. How did you feel after completing your volunteer work?

(60-80 words)


I. Listen again and decide whether each of the following statements is TRUE or
1. Shinkansen connects Tokyo with all other cities of Japan.
2. Shinkansen runs on tracks of its own.
3. Passengers can choose between fast trains and slow trains.
4. Passengers of the “Green Car” category enjoy better services than the ordinary
5. Passengers have to get to the stations to buy tickets.

II. You will hear Julia talking to her mum. For questions 23-27, listen and choose the
correct option A, B, C or D.

6. What time does Jack finish his study?

A. 3.30 p.m. B. 4 p.m. C. 5.30 p.m. D. 7 p.m.

7. Mum asks Julia to cook ………………….

A. the rice B. the chicken C. tuna salad D. cereal

8. Julia needs to buy ………………….

A. two bottles of milk B. a box of cereal

C. a carton of eggs D. a bunch of bananas

9. How much yogurt do they need?

A. some B. a bottle C. two cartons D. four pots

10. Where is the bread?

A. in the bottom cupboard B. next to the sink

C. on top of the fridge D. in the top cupboard


Xin chào các em,
Cô rất cảm ơn các em đã tham gia vào khảo sát của cô. Các câu trả lời của các em sẽ
đóng góp rất nhiều vào nghiên cứu của cô. Đồng thời, cũng giúp cô có thể đánh giá, tìm
hiểu những mong muốn của các em khi học tại lớp tiếng Anh 7 I-learn Smart World,
chuyên sâu về những chủ điểm ngữ pháp
Phần I: Sự hiểu biết về những chủ điểm ngữ pháp
Hãy nhớ lại những điểm ngữ pháp mà các em đã được học từ tiểu học cho đến thời điểm
trước khi tham gia lớp học của cô, các em hãy đánh dấu vào ô mà các em cho rằng phù
hợp với bản thân các em.

Câu hỏi tốt khá trung yếu kém

bình (không

1 Thì hiện tại đơn

2 Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn

3 Từ chỉ số lượng bất định (many, much, a

lot of…)

4 Modal verb: should/ shouldn’t

5 Thì quá khứ đơn

6 Giới từ chỉ thời gian

7 Tính từ sở hữu (my, her, his,...)

8 Suggestion with Should/ let’s/ How about

9 Mạo từ xác định và không xác định


10 Cách dùng have to

11 Cách dùng từ chỉ số lượng (how much,

How many, few..)

12 Đại từ sở hữu

13 Trật tự của tính từ

14 So sánh bằng

15 So sánh hơn

16 Thì tương lai đơn: will

Phần 2: Tổ chức lớp học

Hãy cho biết những ý kiến sau đây có cần thiết trong lớp học hay không? Chọn vào cột
mà các em cảm thấy phù hợp với bản thân theo mức độ rất cần thiết cho đến rất không
cần thiết

Câu hỏi rất cần bình không rất

cần thiết thường cần không
thiết thiết cần thiết

1 Giáo viên đưa ra lời giải thích cho tất

cả các bài tập ngữ pháp

2 Giáo viên có cần đưa ra lời giải thích,

nhận xét, đánh giá ngay sau khi học

sinh hoàn thành bài tập

3 Cho phép học sinh làm bài tập theo

nhóm, thảo luận với bạn, làm việc
cùng nhau trong việc làm các bài tập
ngữ pháp

4 Học sinh trò chuyện với bạn bè bằng

cách sử dụng các quy tắc ngữ pháp
mà họ đã học.

5 Đánh giá không chính thức bằng cách

quan sát lỗi ngữ pháp của học sinh
trong quá trình học tập.

6 Đánh giá kết quả quá trình học tập

của cá nhân (ví dụ: làm bài tập cá

7 Đánh giá kết quả làm việc nhóm

8 Đánh giá bài tập hàng tuần

9 Đánh giá bài tập sau mỗi buổi


Các em hãy cho ý kiến về những phương pháp, hình thức giảng dạy ngữ pháp dưới đây.
Các em hãy chọn ô mức độ mà các em thấy phù hợp nhất với bản thân các em nhất.

rất cần cần bình không rất không

thiết thiết thường cần thiết cần thiết

1 Kiểm tra điểm rời rạc (đánh giá một

phần ngữ pháp tiếng Anh bằng cách
sử dụng các mục trắc nghiệm) sau
mỗi buổi học hoặc sau một unit

2 Kiểm tra đọc và viết một phần ngữ

pháp tiếng Anh sau mỗi buổi học
hoặc sau một unit.

3 Kiểm tra phân tích lỗi sau mỗi buổi

học hoặc sau một unit

4 Kiểm tra đóng (trắc nghiệm, hoạt

động điền thông tin, chuyển đổi, nối
câu, viết lại câu và sửa lại câu) sau
mỗi buổi học hoặc sau một unit

5 Bài kiểm tra mở (hoàn thành câu và

viết câu theo Tiếng Anh) sau mỗi
buổi học hoặc sau một unit.

6 Giáo viên đưa ra lời giải thích về các

quy tắc ngữ pháp rồi yêu cầu sinh
viên làm bài tập ngữ pháp trong sách
hoặc học phần.

7 Giáo viên đưa ra các ví dụ về việc sử

dụng ngôn ngữ và học sinh tự làm
việc để hiểu các quy tắc ngữ pháp.

8 Dựa trên một câu chuyện. Ví dụ, giáo

viên yêu cầu học sinh đánh dấu những

động từ ở thì quá khứ đơn cố gắng
hiểu các quy tắc ngữ pháp trong một
nhóm và chuẩn bị giải thích về các
quy tắc họ tìm thấy, sau đó sử dụng
các quy tắc mà họ đã học được thông
qua việc viết một đoạn hội thoại hoặc
một câu chuyện ngắn

9 Học theo văn bản - GV giới thiệu văn

bản, HS tìm hiểu cấu trúc văn bản, tạo
văn bản mới và kết nối văn bản có
cấu trúc tương tự

10 Học theo dự án - một hình thức học

tiếng Anh đòi hỏi người học phải
làm một dự án, ví dụ làm video hội
thoại bằng tiếng Anh.

11 Học tiếng Anh bằng cách cho học

sinh đặt vấn đề được giải quyết một
cách hợp tác, được theo dõi bởi giảng
viên và sinh viên được đánh giá dựa
trên thành tích của họ trong việc giải
quyết vấn đề

12 Lượng bài tập nhiều hơn lý thuyết

13 Bài tập ngữ pháp có nội dung từ vựng

liên quan đến Chủ đề vật chất là về
cuộc sống hàng ngày

15 Tích hợp ngữ pháp để viết văn nghị
luận, với 4 kỹ năng nghe nói đọc viết

PHẦN 4: Hệ thống hỗ trợ giảng dạy và học trong lớp

Các em hãy đánh giá mức độ cần thiết của những công cụ sau đây mà các em cảm thấy
nó cần thiết và giúp tiết học trở nên thú vị hơn

rất cần cần thiết bình không rất

thiết thường cần thiết không
cần thiết

1 Laptop/ tivi

2 Cần kết nối Internet

3 sách giáo khoa

4 Bài tập bổ trợ từ handout

5 Học tài liệu từ các trang web học

ngữ pháp trên internet. (lời giải

6 Trò chơi game để củng cố điểm

ngữ pháp ( kahoot, quizizz…)

7 Việc sử dụng PPT trong dạy


1. Ngoài những ý kiến trên, các em còn có những mong muốn nào cần giáo viên làm
cho em trong lớp học để học tốt ngữ pháp hơn?

2. Các em còn những đề xuất nào nữa không?

Những thông tin các em cung cấp sẽ được giữ bí mật. Cảm ơn các em đã hỗ trợ cô tham
gia khảo sát. Chúc các em học thật tốt.

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