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OBJECTI1f&S,, Afterl:eadingttlis',Ctrapler.

you will, be, able to :

rur':.1, :i,:r.;:UadretS!and,1hg,,.inteldepmdent ., design: your own lesson(s) usiqg .
, r,.,ir, l],compo.nefts of a,_succe$ful lesson the guidelines that are suggested
in this chapter
r,iirr:i:..:app,(eaiete.lherpararr.roufit :,,
r. ,..impoftaficC of e.stablishqlg clCar , ,
evalua{e the Cf-fectiveness of your
,,,...,:,rpefio,!q{qqe:based objcetives for own' and obser,lred' IeSsons
ii. r:,i r,1..,.r

Having taken a broad, sweeping look at the macro units of pedagogy,

the curriculum
or course, we now take the next logical step in a consideration of the process
teaching languages by zooming in on the organizationof a course. Most
courses are
presented in a number of units of varying lengths (usually from
one to three weeks
in a normal 15-week term),whose focus is defined by goali that ultimately
to overall goals of the course. such units are customarily characterized,by
a series
of lessons; the building blocks of a unit and course, time-defined in-class sets
activities designed to accomplish one or more very specific objectives.
The tefm lesson is populady considered to be a unified set of procedures
cover a period of classroom time, usually ranging fuom 45 to lzo minutes.
classroom time units are administratively significant for teachers
because they
represent steps in a curriculum before which and after which you
have a hiatus (of
a day ot more) in which to evaluate and prepare for the next lesson.
your whole life seems to be caught up in a never-ending series
of lesson plans. But
those lessons, from the point of view of your own and ,trd.rrtr,
time management,
are pructical tangible units of effort that serve to provide a rhythm
to a course of
How do you go about pranning a lesson? This chapter shogld give
you some


while variations abound, seasoned teachers generally agree on what

the essential
elements of a lesson plan should be. For examples oflach
element, turn to the
sample lesson plan that begins on page l7l of this chapter.
1. Goal
As you discovered in the previous chapter, a well-designed
course will specify
a number of goals. Each lesson in the course will in some
way address one or more
IHAPIERl0 Lesson Planning 165

of those "big" overall goals. A flrst step in a lesson, then, would be to acknowledge
the way in which your lesson is designed to contribute to such goals. This goal may
be genedized, but it provides a pedagogical context for you. Thus, in the sample
lesson plan,"comprehending social conversations"generally identifies the cumicular
goal being addressed.

2. Obiectives
It's very important to state explicitly what you want students to gain from the
lesson. Explicit statements here help you to

a. be sure that you indeed know what it is you want to accomplish,

b. preserve the unity of your lesson,
c. predeterrnine whether or not you are trying to accomplish too much, and
d. evaluate students'success at the end of the lesson.
Objectives are most clear$ captured in terms of stating what students will do-
that is, what they will perform. Try to avoid vague, unverifiable statements like
these :

. Students will learn about the passive voice.

. Students *iil practice some listening exercises.
. Students will do the reading selection.
. Students will discuss the homework assignment.

You would be unable to confirm the rcalization of any of these sorts of abstruse,
Ioosely stated objectives. On the other hand, because they are stated in terms of
expected student performance, the objectives in the sample lesson plan can more
easily be verified. You can turn back to the objectives after a lesson and determine,
to some extent afiyway,how well students accomplished them.
Note, however, that some language objectives are not overtly observable, and
therefore you may need to depart from strictly behavioral terms for such objectives.
Notably, comprehension objectives (listening, reading) are tricky because you cannot
actually bbserue either. You're forced to rely on performance that demonstrates or
con-firms correct comprehension; in other words,yqu have to infer the acquisition of
those objectives.
In stating objectives,you should be able to identify an overall purpose that you
will attempt to accomplish by the end of the class period. But there may be other
supportive objectives that need to be stated as well, leading us to distinguish
between twq kinds of objectives: Terminal objectives are final learning outcomes
that you will be responsible for assessing. Enabling obiectives are interim steps
within a lesson that build upon each other and ultimately lead to a terminal
objective. Consider the following examples:
166 cHAprER l0 Lesson planning

Terminal lesson objectiue:

' Students will successfully request information about airplane arrivals and cl
departures. C€
Enabling objectiues: le
students wifl comprehend and produce the following 10 new vocaburary for
items. [vocabulary is listed]
. Students will read and understand an airline schedule. 6.

' students will produce questions with taben, ttbere, and tthat time. w(
' students wiil produce appropfiate porite forms of requesting. wC

You may be able to identify a number of other enabling objectives

that will vary apl
depending upon what students'proficiency level is and what they
have already lea
learned in the course. For anothef example, notice the difference
between terminal
and enabling objectives in the sample lesson plan.

3. Materials and equipment
It may seem a trivial matter to list materials needed, but good planning
includes 1.
knowing what you need to take with you or to arfange to have in your
It is easy, in the usually harried life of a teacher, to forget to bring to class a tape exp
recordeq a postet some handouts you left on your desk at home,
or the workbooks you
that students gave you the night before.
4. Procedures
At this point, lessons clearly have tremendous yariation. But, as a very general
set of guidelines for planning, you might think in terms of making
sure yoir plan
includes a.
2. an qpeoi4gltatement or actiyity as a warm_up
b' a set of activities and techniquesin..yrllch you have considered
proportions of time for lwhole-class wo5k, small-group and pak
I '' work, teacher b.
talk, student talk,

5. Assessment C,r

Next, how can you determine whether your objectives have been (

accomplished? If your lesson has no assessment component, you d. l

can easily find (
yourself simply making assumptions that are not informid
by careful observation or
measufement. Now; you must understand that every lesson does e. I
not need to end f.c
with a little quiz or a formal test, nor does evaluation need to be a separate
t 10 Lesson Planning 167

of your lesson. Informal assessmeflt can take place in the course of "regular"
classroom activity. Some forms of assessment may haye to wait a day ot two until
re arriYals and certain abilities have had a chance to build. 'W'hatever manifestation your
assessmeflt takes, make sure, after students have sufficient opportunities for
learning, that you have apprapriately considered how you will (a) assess the success
of your students and possibly @) make appropriate adiustments in your lesson plan
for the next day.
ew vocabulary
6. Extra-class work
W-hat we commonly call "homework" @ut students don't necessarily do such
'time. work only at home),I like to call extra-class work. ff it is warranted, extra-class
work needs to be planned carefully and communicated cleady to the students.
Vhether you are teaching in an EFL or ESL situation, you can almost always find
will vary
s that applications or extensions of classroom activity that will help students do some
7 have already learning treyond the class hour.
ween terminal


nning includes 1. How to begin planning

cur classroom. In most normal circumstances, especially for a teac}rer without much
to class a t"pe experience, the first step ofle sson planning will already have been performed for
he workbooks
given a textbook and told to teach from it, with either a suggestion or a
requirement of how many chaptefs of units you should correr. As you look over
the chapter you are to cover for a class hour, you might go through the following
aYety general sequence:
;ure your plan
.4. Assuming that you are already familiar with (i) the curriculum your students
' are following (see'Adapting to an Established Curriculum" on page 170 of this
section) and (ii) the overall plan and "tone" of the textbook(s),look over the
I appropriate textbook chapter.
work, teacher b. Based on (i) your view of the whole curriculum and (ii) your perception of
the language needs of your students, determine what the topic and purpose of
the lesson will be and write that down as the overall goal.
c. Again considering the curriculum and the students'needs, draft out perhaps
one to three explicitly stated terminal objectives for the lesson.
; have been d. For each exercise in the textbook, decide if you will use it as is, adapt it, or
:an easily find skip it entirely-all based on the objectives you have drafted.
rbservation or e. Draft out a skeletal outline of what your lesson will look like.
rt fleed to end f. Carefully plan step-by-step procedures for carrying out all techniques,
rarate element especially those that involve changes and additions. State the purpose(s) of
each technique andlor activity as enabling obiectives.
I 68 IHAPTER 10 Lesson Planning

For teachers who have never taught before, it is often very useful to write a control. It'
script of your lesson plan in which your exact anticipated words afe written down actually cor
and followed by exactly what you would expect students to say in return. Scripting mofe com_t
out a lesson plan helps you to be more specific in your planning and can often allotment.
. prevent classroom pitfalls where you get all tangled up in explaining something or given some
students take you off on a tangent. Nfriting a complete script for a whole hour of language. i
teaching is probably too laborious and unreasonable, but more practical and (i) If your 1
instructive (for you) are partial scripts that cover inserr; (ii) il
a class on t
a. introductions to activities
b. directions for a task 3. Gauging dil
c. statements of rules or generalizations Figuring o
d. anticipated interchanges that could easily bog down or go astray usually learned
e. oral testing techniques yourself in your
f. conclusions to activities and to the class hour is caused by ti
r--- rt
Z. Vadety, sequencing, pacing, and timing writing them o
-Aiffidare drafting step-by-step procedures,you need to look at how the lesson
a{a<a:: have seen too r
holds together as a whole. Four considerations come into play here: task directions
objective in der
a. Is there sufficient uariety in techniques to keep the lesson lively and yourself or solic
interesting? Most successful lessons give students a nurhber of different Another so
activities during the class hour, keeping minds alert and enthusiasm high. principle of prr
b. Are your techniques or activities@rniiedllogically? Ideally, elements of a students' abiliqv,
lesson will build progressively tor.irafd dtcomplishing the ultimate goals. Easier lies in the heter
aspects will usually be placed at the beginning of a lesson; tasks that require very broad. Inc
knowledge gained from exercises will be sequenced appropriately. bring balance ir:
c. Is the lesson as a wholelpTced.\adeqtately? Pacing can mean a number of
things. First, it means that activities are neither too long nor too short. You 4. lndividualt
could, for example, have so many short activities that just as students are For the mor
getting the "feel" for one activity, they get bounced to the next. Second, you compose the "a
need to anticipate how well your various techniques "flow" together. You account the yal
would not, fof example, find a smooth flow in a class that had five minutes below or well at
each of whole-class work, pair work, whole-class work, group work, pair work, individual diffen
whole-class work, etc. Nor would you normally plan two silent reading
activities in a row Third, good pacing also is a factor of how well you provide a. Design teclu
a transition from one actiyity to the next. An example: b. Solicit respo
to harder ite
T: Okay, you've just had a good chance to listen to the way a lecturer c. Try to desigl
signals various segments of a class lecture . Now we're going to use d. Use judiciou
this information to look at a reading passage about space exploration has either (i_
and figure out .
eIlCOUf2ge e,

d. Is the lesson appropriately timed, considering the number of minutes in the e. Use small-gr<
class hour? This is one of the most difficult aspects of lesson planning to those below
cuaprcn 10 Lesson Planning 169

r useftil to control. It's not unusual for new teachers to plan a lesson so tightly that they
; zrre.written
actually complete their lesson plan eafly,but after just a little experience it is
r renlrn- more common that we don't complete our lessons within the planned time
ing and c*n allotment. The latter is not a catdinal sin, for rnost likely it means you have
ning given some time to students for genuine interaction and creative use of
r a whole language. But timing is an element that you should build into a lesson plan:
ore practical (i) If your planned lesson ends eady, haye some backup activity ready to
insert; (ii) if your lesson isn't completed as planned, be ready to gracefully end
a class on time and, on the next day, pick up where you left off.

3. Gauging difficulty
Figuring out in advance how easy or difficult certain techniques will be is
usually learned by experience. It takes a good deal of cognitive empathy to put
yourself in your students'shoes and anticipate their problem areas. Some difficulty
is caused by tasks themselves; therefore, make your directions crystal clear by
writing them out in advance (note the coflrments on "scripting" lessons, above). I
rt how the lessm have seen too many classes where teachers have not cleady planned exactly what
re: task directions they will give. Writing them ahead of time allows you to be more
objective in determining if everlthing is clear. And then, either give an example
.ty and yourself or solicit an example of a subtask within a technique.
different Another source of difficulty, of course, is linguistic. If you can follow the i + 1
;iasm high. principle of providing material that is just a little above, but not too far above,
ements of a students'ability, the linguistic difficulty should be optimal. The main problem here
rte goals. Easier lies in the heterogeneity of a classroom full of learners whose proficiency range is
;that require very broad. Individuzrl attention, feedback, and small-group work can sometimes
ppropriately. bring balance into the classroom.
rumber of
,o short. You 4. Individual differences
rdents are For the most part, a lesson plan will aim at the majority of students in class who
Second, you compose the "average" ability range. But your lesson plan should also take into
ether. You account the variation of ability in your students, especially those who are well
ive minutes below or well above the classroom norm. You can take several steps to account for
'ork, pair work, individual differences:
ell you provide a. Design techniques that have easy and difficult aspects or items.
b. Solicit responses to easier items from students who are below the norm and
to harder items from those above the norm.
a lecturer
c. Try to design techniques that will involve all sttdents actively.
,oing to use d. Use judicious selection to assign members of small groups so that each group
l exploration
has either (i) a heterogeneous range of ability or (ii) a homogeneous range (to
encourage equal participation).
inutes in the e. Use small-group and pair work time to circulate and give extra attention to
n_ning to those below or above the norm (see Chapter 14 on group work principles).
77O cHAprER 10 Lesson Planning

5. Student talk and teacher talk c. Students r

Give careful consideration in your lesson plan to the balance between student reports.
talk and teacher talk. Our natural inclination as teachers is to talk too much!As you d. Students I
plan your lesson, and as you perhaps script out some aspects of it, see to it that e. students !
students have a chance to talk, to produce language, and even to initiate their own f. Students v
topics and ideas. g. Students v
6. Adapting to an estatrlished cumiculum
h. Students v
In the previous chapter, you were introduced to the steps involved in designing
i. Students v
a curriculum. The assumption then, and in this chapter, is that your primary task is
j. Students u
notto write a new curriculum of to revise an existing one,but to follow an established 7. Classroon
curriculum and adapt to it in terms of your particular group of students, their needs, A final cr
and their goals, as well as your own philosophy of teaching. I[rhat sort of l
As you plan lessons, your first concern is that each class hour must contribute have pages anr
to the goals that a curriculum is designed to pursue. But perhaps your institution for spontaneit
has no curriculum spelled out in a document; in other words, it is a "textbook- lesson outline
driven" curriculum that, in practice, simply tells you to teach everything in a for easy handli
textbook. Or you may find certain specifications for the course you are about to you will reduc
teach somewhere in the description of the institution. At best, you would be the planning p
presented with a document that clearly delineates the goals of the curricglum and as you pfocee(
offers suggestions on how to meet those goals in terms of weekly or even daily
lesson objectives.
If you don't have such overall corrrse goals, it might be feasible to devise some SAMPLE LESSOI
for yourseH so that you can keep your course focused on attainable, practical ends.
To do so, consider the factors outlined in the previous chapter that contribute to rwhat follows t
curriculum planning: class at the An
students in tI
. situation analysis (especially learner characteristics) academically r
' needs analysis (especially learner factors and institutional factors) Indonesian,Thz
. supporting materials and resources
. assessment requirements 1. Goal
Students .

By paying attention to the learner factors above, you will have a good chance conyersations.)
of pointing your students toward pragmatic, communicative goals in which their
real-life needs for English will be met. You will focus on the learners and their 2. Objectives
needs but temper those with the realities of your institution's needs. The latter will Terminal objec
add some administrative practicality to your goals. After all, every educational 1. Students w
institution is limited in some way in its capacity to deliver the very,,best.,, and anticip
Your course goals might look like these goals of an advanced pre-university 2. Students w
listening comprehension course: telephone.
a. Students will understand the teacher's instructions and demonstrate that
*I am grateful
b. students will understand the teacher's explanations and show that to
lesson plans hen
t 10 Lesson Planning 171

c. Students will understand classroom peers in discussions, actiyities,Lnd oral

ce between student feports.
lk too much! As you d. Students will understand academic lectures given by different speakers.
of it, see to it that e. Students will identi$, topics and topic development.
o initiate their own f. Students will infer relationships among topics.
g. Students will recognize different points of view.
h. Students will identify key information as signaled by vocabulary.
i. Students will recognize key information as signaled by stress and intonation.
Lvolved in designing j. Students will identify key information as signaled by grammatical structure.
rour primary task is
rllow an established 7. Classroom lesson notes
udents, their needs, A final consideration in your lesson planning process is a very practical one:
What sort of lesson notes will you actually carry into the classroom with you? If you
rur must contribute have pages and pages of notes and reminders and scripts,you will never free yourself
rps your institution for spontaneity. Most experienced teachers operate well with about one page of a
s,it is a "textbook- lesson outline and notes. Some prefer to put lesson notes on a series of index cards
:h everlthing in a for easy handling. By reducing your plans to such a physically manageable minimum,
e you are about to you will reduce the chances of getting bogged down in all the details that went into
est, you would be the planning phase, yet you will have enough in writing to provide order and clarity
rhe curriculum and as you proceed.
:ekly or even daily

ible to devise some SAMPLE ITSSON PIAN

rble, practical ends.
'that contribute to What follows here is a lesson plan* designed for an intermediate level pre-university
class at the American Language Institute at San Francisco State University. The 16
students in the class range in age from 18 to 25. Their general goals are
academically oriented. Their native languages arc Japanese, Korean, Mandarin,
factors) Indonesian, Thai, and Arabic.

1. Goal
Students will comprehend social conyersations. (Lesson focus: telephone
ave a good chance
rals in which their 2. O$ectives
learners and their
:ds. The latter will Terminal objectiues:
every educational 1. Students will develop inner "expectancy rules" that enable tl:errr to predict
:ry"best." and anticipate what someone else will say on the telephone.
rced pre-university 2. Students will solicit and receive information by requesting it over the

nstrate that
*I am grateful to KarenTenneyAll Instructo! for permission to adapt one of her
v that lesson plans here.
'172 cHAprER 10 Lesson Planning

Enabling objectiues:
1. students will comprehend a simple phone conversation (played on a tape I
recorder). Ss:
2. ln ttre conversation, students will identify who the participants are, what thcy I
are going to do, and when. Ss:
3.' Students will comprehend and produce necessary vocabulary for this topic. T:
4. Students will comprehend cultural and linguistic background information 51:
regarding movies, theaters, and arranging to see a movie with someone .

5. Students will infer what a second speaker is saying on the phone by 52:
"eavesdropping" on one speaker only. T;

6. Each student will ask someone to go to a movie with him or her and respond Ss:
appropriately to a reciprocal request.
7. Students will get "live" movie information over the phone.
3. Materials and equipment
. tlpe recorder with taped conversation I
. a telephone (if possible) or a toy facsimile
. eight different movie advertisements (A gener
. movie guide page for extra-class work involve s

4. Procedures T:
S.l: i

(Place a phone on the front table. lt will be used later.) s.l :

To point the students' thinking in the right direction for this lesson, we will start T:
off with the following "model" phone conversation on tape. lt is very short and 51:
very easy, well below the students' level. There is no question that they will T:l
understand it fully; its purpose is to set up a framework for the lesson. S]:
Please Iisten
51: :
(This cor
Phone: Ring! come ba
Tom: Hullo? phone, ;
Jack: Tom, this is Jack. D'ya wanna go to th' movies? (During
Tom: Mmm. . When? ments. T
Jack: Tonight. I have free passes. students
Tom: Uh, OK, sure. What time?
Jack: Eight o'clock. I'll-l'll meet ya there, OK? LISTENII
Tom: Fine. See ya then. T:
(This tape may be played twice.)

T: Did Tom call Jack?
Ss: No, Jack called Tom.
zHAPTER 10 Lesson Planning 173

ed on a tape T: Right. What are they going to do?

Ss: Co to the movies.
ts are, what they T: Cood! When are they going?
Ss: Tonight (and/or) Eight o'clock.
'for this topic. T: Rightl What are free passes?
information S1: Free tickets.

T: Yes! Who has free passes?

one by
32: Jack.
T: Exactly. What movie are they going to?

her and respond

Ss: lt doesn't say.
T: Hmm . . . What could that mean?
S1 : There's only one theater in their town.
32: They always meet at the same place.
T: Cood! Any of those things are possible. It sounds like they know each
other very well. Maybe they go to the movies together often.
(A general discussion about movie-going [and phoning to arrange it] will
involve students personally and will introduce one new term.)
T: Who's been to the movies lately?
S.l: (raises hand)
I 51, what did you see?
S1 : Da Vinci Code.
rn, we will start T: DaVinci Code-was it good?
; very short and Sl: Yes.

hat they will T: Did you go with a friend?

lsson. S1: Yes.
T: Did you call him or her to arrange it?
51 : She called me.
(This conversation will continue to include other ss. The main subiects to
come back to are what movies they saw, if they arranged it with a friend by
phone, and whether they went to a bargain matinee.)
(During all interactions the teacher LISTENS with interest to student com-
ments. The teacher gives feedback after each comment, making sure to let the
students realize that they do already know a lot.)
T: (lndicates the phone on the front desk.) My friend Debbie is going
to call me in a few minutes. Of course, you won,t hear Debbie
talking to me; you'll just hear me, right?
I want you to listen carefully and try to figure out two things (write
these on the board as you say them):
One-What does Debbie want to do? (Repeat.)
'174 :HAPTER 10 Lesson Planning

Two-When? (Repeat.) S1: t

OK, listen for what Debbie wants to do and when. (lndicate 52: I

questions on board.) 53: I

(Pause. The phone rings.) T:(
T: Hullo? 54: I
Cap 1
55: I
T: This is Karen. T: (
Cap 2 56: I
T: Oh, hi, Deb, how're you? 57: I
Cap 3 SB; t
T: The movies? (Look at watch.)When? (Continu
Gap 4
T: Um, OK, this afternoon's fine. Whadda ya wanna see?
(Pass out
Cap 5:
T: Well, l'll only go to Mission lmpossible if it's a bargain matinee. Put a sec
Cap 6 T: (
T: There is? One o'clock? Creat! I'll meet you there. 'Bye. 2

T: l
What does Debbie want to do?
Ss: Go to the movies.
T: Right! When? t
1. Wh
Ss: This afternoon (and/or) One o'clock.
2. Wh
T: Excellent! She wants to go to the movie this afternoon.
3. Wh
Now you're going to hear the same phone call again. This time try (The stuc
to figure out three things:
arranSe I
1. What movie does Debbie suggest?
to the frc
2. Am I willing to pay full price?
3. Does Debbie tell me I will have to pay full price?
(Erase the first two questions from the board and put the three new questions EXTRA-(
on the board.) (Pass out
(Repeat the phone call.) T:t
T: What movie does Debbie suggest? s
S.l: Mission lmpossible. (
T: Right! Was I willing to pay full price? (
52:. No. You wanted to go to a bargain matinee. (
T: Yesl And what does Debbie tell me? Will I have to pay full price? (
53: No. She tells you that there is a bargain matinee. (Repeat t
T: At what time? around a

53: One o'clock. 1. atl

T: OK, good! Now you're going to hear the phone call one last time. 2. th€
This time l'll stop every time Debbie should be speaking, and I want 3. a n
you to tell me what Debbie might have said. Many different answers 4. th€
may be correct. T:l
T: (Co back to phone.) Hullo? t
IHAPTER 10 Lesson Planning '175

S1: Hullo?...
en. (lndicate 52: ls Karen there?
53: ls Karen home?
T: (Smile and nod to show answers are good.)This is Karen.
54: lt's Debbie.
55: This is Debbie.
T: Oh, hi, Deb, how're you?
56: Fine...
37: Do you want to go to the movies?
SB: Do you have time to see a movie?
(Continue until all Ss have participated/taken a turn.)

a see?
(Passout eight different movie ads to eight students [see samples on ad pageJ.
Put a second phone on the front table.)
T: OK, everyone with an ad, please get a partner who does not have an
:. 'Bye. ad. Sl and 52 (one pair-group), please come up to these phones. S1
has a newspaper ad for a movie. She will call 52 and ask him to go
to that movie with her. Be sure to arrange the following things in your
phone conversation (write these on the board):
1. What moviel
2. What time?
3. Which theater?
(The students come up in pairs and have very short phone conversations to
arrange going to a movie together. lf there is not time for each pair to come
to the front and use the phones, pairs can work on their conversations at their


(Pass out DATEBOOK/MOVIE CUIDE page to each student.)
T: Everyone please choose a theater from this page. (Make sure each
student chooses a different theater.)
Circle the theater and the phone number on your handout.
Choose a movie at your theater.
Circle the movie.
Pay price? Circle the times next to it.
(Repeat these directions and demonstrate with your own movie list. Co
around and make sure that everyone has circled:
I . a theater.
I one last time. 2. the right phone number,
rking, and I want 3. a movie at their theater,
different answers 4.the times it's showing.)
T: Tonight when you go home, please call the theater you've chosen.
Listen to the recording. Find out two things:
I /b cHAprER 10 Lesson Planning

For each ol
1. ls "your" movie still playing? might be a
2. Are the times the same?
and @) sta
Please write these questions on the back of your handout (write them
on the board):
in order to
1. ls the movie you've chosen still playing? 2. (G/C) Dire<
2. Are the times the same? everyone is
Remember that you can call the theater as many times as you want. empirically
These are local calls. then share
3. (I/C) Obser
5. Assessment class.
Terminal obiective (1) and enabling objectives (1) through 4. (C)Accoun
(!) are assessed as
the activities unfold without a formal testing component. The culminating pair members o
work activity is the assessment component for terminal objective (2) and enabling they have e
objective (6). As pairs work together, circulate to monitor students and to observe that studen
informally whether they have accomplished the terminal objective. The success of Small groul
the extra-class assignment-enabling objective (7)-will be informally observed on
V/hat are x
the next day. groups? Jus
). (G) Have gl
***** seven guidr
Should any
This chapter has focused specifically on the planning stage of classroom teaching. the class.
When you walk into the classroom, all that planning (you hope!) will work to your 6. (I/G) Transl
advantage. W'e turn in the next two chapters to an overview of materials-textbooks, "lesson not,
technology, and other resources-that support the delivery of successfrrl lessons. could carry
make? On r
Share your
Toprcs FoR DrscussroN, ACTTON, AtlD RESEARCH doing what
(G)A nee&
lNote: @ IndMdual work;(G) group or pair work;(C) whole-class discussion.l are, why thr
groups to ir
1. (t) Following are some curricular goals selected from various academic English questions tl
language programs: a curricultu
8. @ Find a tt
. understand academic lectures a chapter o
. write a business letter Using the p
. use gfeetings and "small talk,, audience th
. request information in a restaurant added to fo
. read informal essays
cu,qprcB 10 Lesson planning 177

For each of the above, briefly describe a specific audience for which the goal
might be appropriate, then (a) transform the goal into ternxinal objective(s)
and (b) state a number of enabling objectives that would have to be reached
ndout (write them
in order to accomplish the terminal objective.
2. (G/C) Direct groups to practice stating other lesson objectives for a course
everyone is familiar with, and to discuss the extent to which one could
nes as you want.
empirically evaluate students'achievement of the objectives. Groups can
then share their conclusions with the rest of the class.
3. G/c) observe an ESL class in which you look for manifestations of variety,
sequencing, pacing, and timing, or the lack thereof. Write down your
observations and share them in the form of a brief report with the whole

r (5) are assessed as

4. 1c;,tccounting for individual differences is not as easy as it sounds. Ask
members of the class to describe some dimensions of student differences
re culminating pair
they have experienced or observed. How would one ensure, in each case,
we (2) and enabling
that students on both ends of the continuum are "reached" in some way?
ents and to obserye
small groups sometimes provide a means for accounting for differences.
iive. The success of
lrmally observed on
what are some other ways (d on page 169) to divide rhe class into small
groups? Justiff each.
5. (G) Have groups look at rhe sample lesson plan (pages 17l-176) and use the
seven guidelines for lesson planning (pages 167-17l) to eyaluate the plan.
should any changes be made? conclusions should be shared with the rest of
cl;assroom teaching. the class.
l)will work to your 6. Gtc)tonsform the lesson plan (on pages 171-176) into some pracrical
aterials-textbooks, "lesson notes"-no more than one or two index cards perhaps-that you
cessfi.rl lessons. could carry into the classroom with you. rMhat decisions did you have to
make? on what basis did you decide to create your notes the way you did?
Share your notes with others in a small group and discuss your reasons for
doing what you did.
7. (G) A needs analysis normally considers such questions as who the learners
ss discussion.l are, why they are learning English, in what context(s) they use it, etc. Ask
groups to identify learners they are famlliar with, and devise a list of specific
racademic English questions that one could use to analyze needs and, in turn, to determine how
a curriculum or a set of lessons should be designed.
8. Q) Find a teacher's manual or instructor's edition of an ESL textbook. Look at
a chapter or unit and read through the "plan" or "suggestions" for teaching.
using the principles cited in this and in previous chapters, evaluate it for an
audience that you specify. How would the suggestions need to be changed or
added to for your audience?
178 :HAPTER 10 Lesson Planning


Jensen, L. (2001). Planning lessons. In M. Celce-Murcia (Ed.), Tbacbing Englisb as

a second or foreign language (3rd ed.; (pp. 403-413). Boston: Heinle &
Farrell,T(2002). Lessonplanning. InJ. Richards&w Renandya@ds.),Metbodotogy
in language teacbing: An antbology of curcent pra,ctice (pp. 30-39).
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
In botb of tbese chapters utitbin antbologies, tbe authors treat principles and
practical guidelines for planning lessons. Tltey will prouide you uitb sligbtly
different perspectiues from tubat bas been trtresented here. Sample lesson
notes are inclucled. as appendices in both cases.

Brown,H.D. (199D. New uistas: An interactiue course in Englisb. Teacher's Editions.

Plains, NY: Pearson Education.
Tbe teacher's editions o/New Vistas offer a number of ideas on bou uarious The previout
techniques combine to .form cobesiue classroom lessons. Eacb unit bas consideratior
explicit directionsfor teacbers that can be used. as lesson plans or as general the classroor
guidelines tbat can be adapted.for uarious audiences. progression I
focus in on tl
to the comtrx
and the matt
It may
techniques ir
Iesson, both r
The choices r
sometimes lir
institution, f
objectives th
techniques a

It is appropri
In Chapter 2,
passing that s
exercise, artd
willno doubt
in the field n

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