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Questionnaire with reference to European Education Policy

I am a student of the University of Applied Sciences Harz in Halberstadt in the

course of study European Administrative Management.
As a part of my project work on university education policy in the EU, I want
to interview some students regarding their experiences to describe and
analyse the current situation in the EU and in Germany.

In this context I prepared some questions.

I would be very pleased if you will take some time to answer them.

Thank you very much in advance!

Best regards,
Seraphine Warmuth

I would be happy if you write some informations about yourself.

For example: age and land of origin.

In which context are you doing a semester abroad?

What is the name of your study (e.g.: European Master of…; Erasmus+
…..or others)?

1. Can you identify any EU policy instruments in your studies? If yes, which ones
for example?

2. Do you identify EU policy instruments more with your country of origin, with
Europe or even more globally?

3. Do you have/had the feeling that studying strongly dependents on financial

possibilities and resources?

4. Do you feel that the chances/opportunities to study here are as good/bad as in

your home country?

5. Do you think if there would be a more intensive cooperation within the EU

more opportunities for university education could arise?

6. Do you think that with the Bologna- Process a great improvement took place in
terms of recognition of other courses?

7. If you could improve one thing, what would it be?

8. On a scale from 1 (not at all) to 10 (very strongly), how satisfied are you with
your semester abroad?

9. In September 2017, Emmanuel Macron proposed the concept of European

universities. The idea is to create a network of universities of several
countries. By 2024, 20 of these European universities are to be founded. Do
you think that this project will have a positive impact?

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