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Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University

South La Union Campus

Agoo, La Union
Telefax No. (072) 710-7959
email address: Union
Telefax No. (072) 710-79591
email address:



Sports management is a competitive, exciting, and rewarding field that presents a wide
array of surprising career paths. Whether you want to pursue sales, data analysis,
revenue-generating, new media, or marketing, a degree in sport business management can
help you find a career you love in sports.

Sports teams, organizations, retailers, and equipment manufacturers are all businesses at
heart, and that means they seek skilled professionals who possess not only a love of sports, but
also a keen business sense.

What jobs can you get with a sport business management degree?

Where can a degree in sport business management take you? While general
communication, decision-making, and collaboration skills are important, specific skill sets may
lend themselves to certain career paths. For example, some jobs require strong social media or
communication skills, where employees have the opportunity to report on events and react to
the public in real time. Other jobs involve raising funds, developing marketing materials, or
managing relationships with sponsors.

Sports Marketing Analyst

The success of a sports franchise or business can receive a boost from its marketing
efforts. As a sports marketing analyst, your job would be to assist in the development and
execution of marketing plans. Since duties rely strongly on data-based decision-making, a
sports marketing analyst should possess skills in traditional marketing methods and statistics.
When you pursue a career as a sports marketing analyst, you have the opportunity to help
guide sports-related brands through their next evolution.

Sports Sales Manager

Sports teams, apparel companies, sporting goods businesses, and sports sponsoring
agencies are all essentially brands. As such, organizations in all of these industries require a
strategy for success.
Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University
South La Union Campus
Agoo, La Union
Telefax No. (072) 710-7959
email address: Union
Telefax No. (072) 710-79591
email address:

Sales managers in this field are well-versed in marketing strategies, advertising tactics, and
managing promotions. They deeply understand the brand’s aesthetic and convey its values and
message to the right audience.

Those in this position often work as part of a larger team, which makes communication
and collaboration skills essential. In addition, sports sales managers should be able to react in a
timely and appropriate manner to the public’s response to brand changes and outreach
initiatives, ensuring mutual success for both their brand and clients.

Skills recommended to succeed include:

● Communication and collaboration
● Marketing
● Written and oral communication
● Decision-making
● Design

Social Media Strategist

Also within the realm of marketing, social media strategists focus specifically on the
digital platforms where a brand connects to the public often in real time.
Social media strategists are responsible for developing cohesive marketing plans on these
platforms, performing tasks like managing brand reputation, analyzing relevant social media
data for trends, and running promotional campaigns.
If you want to be a social media strategist, you may find yourself serving as the first line
of communication with fans and consumers. That means you should be a savvy communicator
and skilled relationship-builder, able to make decisions on the fly and carry the ideals of a brand
into the world.

Corporate Partnerships Coordinator

Many sports teams, apparel manufacturers, and other entities rely heavily on corporate
partnerships, and it’s the responsibility of coordinators to forge, maintain, and manage those
As a corporate partnerships coordinator, you would be expected to serve as a liaison
between corporate sponsors, sports teams, sports-affiliated businesses, and support staff. You
may also assist in the details of contracts, maintaining open lines of communication and
reporting on various deliverables that relate to promotions and sponsorships.
Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University
South La Union Campus
Agoo, La Union
Telefax No. (072) 710-7959
email address: Union
Telefax No. (072) 710-79591
email address:

As corporate partnerships coordinators work closely with stakeholders both within and outside
of their organization, strong communication and leadership skills are essential.

Skills recommended to succeed include:

● Relationship building
● Decision-making
● Written and oral communication
● Analytical skills

Event Coordinator

Event coordinators plan and execute events both large and small. Extremely organized,
with strong attention to detail, these individuals help everything run smoothly for teams, fans,
and sponsors.
Sports event coordinators work in a variety of areas, from local tournaments and college
sporting events, to international events like the Olympics. These highly organized sports
management experts acquire permits, plan for travel and accommodations, ensure safety for
athletes and attendees, and work many others to promote and execute sports events of all

Being a sports manager is an exemplary career path which involves management of what we
see behind any sport and harmonizing its activities. As exciting as it is to work in this field, it is
demanding a lot of times. The job role in sports management career path includes:
● Supervising the entire sports department.
● Smooth running of all sports-related activities.
● Arranging events, competitions, programs, etc.
● Arranging workshops and seminars for in-depth knowledge of a certain sport.
● Managing and hiring coaches, faculties and other staff members including fitness
● Providing the necessary equipment and resources required in the training.


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