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Gen Biology

Week GenBio MELC Day 1 GenBio LT Day 1

1 GenBio MELC Day 2 GenBio LT Day 2

4 Describe the significant events of the Calvin cycle GenBio LT Day 1

4 Describe the significant events of the Calvin cycle GenBio LT Day 2
5 Differentiate aerobic from anaerobic respiration GenBio LT Day 1
5 Explain the major features and sequence the chemical GenBio LT Day 2
events of cellular respiration
6 Describe reactions that produce and consume ATP Study the module and
accomplish the
following in your
Learning Activity Sheet.
Activity 1: Aerobic vs
Anaerobic (ATP) Part A
and B p73
6 Study the module and
accomplish the
following in your
Learning Activity Sheet.
Activity 2:
Understanding Cellular
Respiration p74

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