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UAL Level 3 Diploma

Unit 8: Developing a creative media production project 

The Final Major Project (Year One)


Unit 8 is the summative unit in the first year of the two-year qualification. It will
provide students with a measure of self-directed learning through the
completion of a substantial creative media production and technology project. 
The unit requires students to apply the skills, knowledge and understanding
developed in Units 1–7, to complete a creative media production project. It will
provide students with a measure of self-directed learning, and an opportunity to
begin to clarify their longer-term goals through their choice of an activity to explore in
greater depth

Kieron Stevens

Disciplines Video.
(e.g. video, animation,
sound, photography
Project (e.g. short A looped short experimental film with a few lines of
narrative film, dialogue.
experimental short film,
experimental animation,
cinemograph, time-lapse
etc. )

Section 1: Rationale (minimum of 100 words)

Through the time I have had in this course I have learnt a load of new skills which I
did not know before.
I have learnt what different camera shot types are, how to do them, and how they
are used in photography, TV and cinema. I have also recently learnt how to record
something in slow motion. I have learnt how to animate by using new techniques,
such as: Tweening, Lip Syncing, Stop Mo, and more. This course has taught me a
lot and a lot more than I thought it would, I thought I was going to find it difficult
which it was at the start but once I started to understand everything more, I got it in
the end.

Section 2: Project Concept (minimum of 200 words)

The concept of my video comes from a new game called superliminal which is a
puzzle game that confuses the players mind, it’s all about perspective and the
sizes of objects from far away and closer.

My idea is to have myself/somebody close to the camera with a football or another

type of ball then there will also be myself/somebody further away from the camera
and the other person in the video, the forementioned ball will then be passed,
thrown or kicked to the person further away, when the far away person receives
the ball it will be not have gotten smaller as things seem to do as they get further
away it will stay the size that the audience had originally perceived it. The person
with the larger than usually sized ball will say something commenting on the
unusual size of the object, then the person closer to the camera will seem to take
the ball from the person in the distance’s hands revealing that the ball has now
become unusually small for the object. This video will then loop and the loop
ending with the person close to the camera saying something like “let’s try again”
the loop will then continue with the pair trying to get a regular sized ball to play

Section 3: Evaluation – How you plan to record your progress

(minimum of 100 words)
I will be writing down any speech, in my initial idea, as a script and then if I decide
to make any changes to it, I will write those changes on different documents and
save them all so that I can record all the changes I made and decide which ones I
like best. I will also make a story board for the acting in my video, and I will also
record any changes I make on separate documents so that I can choose which
ideas I like best, at the end I will then compare my initial idea and my final scripts
and story boards to see how different they are.

Proposed Research Sources – superliminal launch trailer.

superliminal is an interesting first-person puzzle game which incorporates

gameplay elements around optical illusions and forced perspective. certain objects
when picked up can be moved towards or away from the player, but when placed
back down, scale to the size as the player had viewed them, enabling the player to
solve puzzles to complete the game.

This is where I got the idea of my video because I love the confusion that is
produced trying to understand how the objects are growing and shrinking.

Equipment Required
A camera to record the different shots and a computer that can rum premier.
Resources Required
An open field, regular sized sports balls, small sized sports balls, larger sized
sports balls.

Skills to develop/learn
Develop my video editing skills with premier and how to successfully use visual
and audio effects to make the video more involved and stimulating.

Personnel and responsibilities

Me (Actor) – male, age – 16.
Luca (Actor 2) – male, age – 18.
Becca (Cameraman) – female, age –17.

Intended audience and context

People aged between Teenagers and young adults that enjoy confusing optical
illusions and mind games

How my project will ‘loop’

This video will then loop, the loop ending with the person close to the camera
saying something like “let’s try again” the loop will then continue with the pair trying
to get a regular sized ball to play with.

How to successfully complete a final major project

1. Do something you enjoy – look back on projects this year and think about
what skills you’ve learnt and which you have really enjoyed. What job would
you like to do in the future? How can you apply it to your project? Pick an area
which you can connect with.

2. Do lots and lots of research – primary and secondary are both essential.
Use a wide range of methods and resources, such as questionnaires,
surveys, interviews (Primary), and researching the work of professional
practitioners and techniques (Secondary).

3. Manage your time – 9 weeks of practical work is not long. Just think how
fast this year has gone so far. Plan ahead and don’t fall behind. MAKE USE

4. You must document everything what happens as you go along. Your entire
journey from start to finish should be fully recorded. Describe and analyse as
you go along. Every aspect of your project should be fully considered. Your
Planning and Schedule will be vital to the success of your FMP

5. Research, design, experiment, build, evaluate. Your project should evolve

over the allotted time. Be flexible and adaptable if your FMP decides to go in
a different direction than first intended. Ensure you record all developments as
the project develops.

6. Critically analyse and evaluate – this will refer to the research you undertake,
the pre-production, production and post-production. Don’t just describe but
analyse, interpret, research and evaluate.

7. Listen to advice from your lecturers in formative assessment sessions

throughout the project. You might just find that as we are used to marking
work we know what the requirements are to make good/exceptional projects.
Remember, your work will be graded at Pass, Merit or Distinction, so aim
for the best grade you can and take advice on board when given.

8. You are being graded against FOUR Learning Outcomes, so you need to
ensure that you do the very best in each of them to achieve the grade you
may require, so pay close attention to all parts of the FMP. Remember that
the lowest awarded grade for any Learning Outcome will be the final grade
for the FMP unit.

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