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Data and Digital Communications

Name: Glyssa Mae C. Betonio BSIT 504 Date: October 26, 2022
Task Performance: Video Review. Summarize the video’s content in at least 10 sentences.

The video is all about data communication, data flow, and the importance of protocol in
computer networks. Protocols in computer networks are important as they are the ones that
allow connected devices to communicate with each other despite the differences between the
devices in their internal processes, structure, or design. The video also discussed the definition
of data communication and, according to the video, data communication refers to the exchange
of data between nodes. To do so, nodes usually exchange data through some form of link or
transmission medium. On the other hand, data flow, according to the video, refers to the
process of data flowing from one node to another node. As the discussion goes deeper, there
are three different data flows discussed in the video. The first data flow is simplex which is a
data flow that is always known as a unidirectional communication wherein it allows one node to
transmit whereas other nodes will receive. The second data flow is a half-duplex where
communication is in both directions. It means that a device using this data flow can send and
can also receive data from other devices but not at the same time, meaning sending and
receiving between devices can happen but not at the same time. The last data flow discussed is
a full duplex. In a full duplex, communication can happen in both directions simultaneously
which means devices can send or receive data at the same time. Lastly, the video discussed
protocols. According to the video, protocols are important because it is the rule that governs
data communication and prevents communication to be in chaos or messy.

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