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Jenna is the best pick for the job , because she has all the qualifications and skills that the
job requires and best of all the applicants she has the experience that can be an asset to
the company,hence to the other applicants even tho they have the degree the company
should always choose the best of the best pick for the given job role so that the person can
do the job with hi/her skills and experiences from the company that the person has been
to, Getting the right employees on board ensures they grow with you, contributing to your
overall success as a business and reducing the need to hire again and again for each new
leadership position you may develop down the line.

Training and development helps companies gain and retain top talent, increase job
satisfaction and morale, improve productivity and earn more profit. Additionally,
businesses that have actively interested and dedicated employees.Retention is a major
challenge for employers but retaining strong workers can be achieved through career
development.Targeting employees with the skills for future leadership can be vital in
establishing a business for growth and evolution. Leadership talent can be acquired
through new hires, or HR professionals can select current employees as managerial
candidates,Leaders who feel empowered within the workplace will be more effective at
influencing employees and gaining their trust.Finding ways to bolster the consistent
engagement of employees can diminish boredom in the workplace, which left unchecked
can create feelings of dissatisfaction and negative working habits. Regular training and
development initiatives can prevent workplace idleness and in turn will help businesses
establish regular re-evaluation of their employees, skills and processes.

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