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There will be a one volunteer who will be ask to carry the table for 1 minute, and he/she can ask
for help to finish the time, it’s the volunteers decision wether to seek for help or finish the task by

Moral :
We all have our own baggage in life but people tend to face that obstacles by his/herself even
the things that we can’t solve on our own, thus this mean that God is always at our side guiding
us and letting us do our will for us to seek for his presence, the main point of this activity is to
make us realize that life is hard , cruel and exhausting but when we have faith and we seek for
his presence things can be easy when we lift it up onto him and surrender ourselves and trust
him because God works on very mysterious ways.


There will be a two volunteers who will be asked to hold a ribbon on both ends and the speaker
will tell some scenarios and will cut the ribbon when situation has already stated after the cutting
another scenario will be stated that will reconnect the ribbon on both end cuts and it will be
repeated 4x .

Moral :
We are all born with a original sin and each and everyone of us has already committed sins who
can make our relationship with God apart and whenever we accept that we have sinned and we
have the accountability to reconnect with God and ask for forgiveness we are building the ties
with him again and in continuous seeking for forgiveness we are already knowing God that he is
merciful and just which will make us closer to him.

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