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Bloodfire Ooze
Huge Ooze, Neutral/Evil

Armour Class - 13 (Natural Armour)

Hit Points - 176 (14d12 + 98)
Speed - 30 ft.

STR - 24 +7
DEX - 13 +1
CON - 24 +7
INT - 10 +0
WIS - 11 +0
CHA - 4 -2

Damage Resistances - Necrotic, Acid, Thunder,

Damage Immunities - Fire, Psychic
Condition Immunities - Paralyzed, Sleep, Charmed, Frightened
Vulnerabilities - Cold, Radiant
Senses - Vision
Languages - -
Challenge - 6 (2,300 XP)

Proficiency Bonus - +3
Proficiencies - Perception

Burning Blood
a Bloofire Ooze’s body produces intense heat. Any creature that strikes or touches a
Bloodfire Ooze automatically takes 9 (2d8) points of fire damage. Creature takes damage
from this ability only once per turn.

Empower Fire Spells

Any fire spells cast within 60 ft. of a Bloodfire Ooze are empowered. All damage dice are
increased by one dice category. For example, a spell that does 2d6 now does 2d8. Also, any
spell attacks made have advantage, and any creature effected by a spell with the fire type
have disadvantage on the save.
Melee +10, 12 (1d10 +7) bludgeoning damage, and 9 (2d8 fire) damage

Flame Burst (recharge 5-6)

As an action, the ooze unleashes a torrent of burning blood and flame. All creatures within
10 ft. take 27 (6d8) fire damage. On a successful DEX save (DC 18) the creature only takes
half damage.

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