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Daily Diary for the month of DECEMBER 2022

Date KMS work details

1-2 /12/ 2022 BPM Yard PCT8254 at point 60a, 42a, 41a in bpm yard

2-3/12/ 2022 36/2-34/03 PCT machine tamping b/w BPM-BTU

3-4/12/ 2022 34/03-34/1 PCT machine tamping b/w BPM-BTU, less progress due to m/c failure

4-5/12/ 2022 39/2-38/8 bcm+wst+dgs DSW b/s BTU-BPM

5-6/12/2022 BTU Yard ALL M/C shifting from BPM to BTU and Shunting at BTU

6-7/12/ 2022 REST REST

7-8/12/ 2022 37/4-36/12 PCT machine tamping b/w BPM-BTU

8-9/12/ 2022 56/16-56/8 WST+DGS b/w KPKI-BTU

9-10/12/ 2022 44/01-42/14 PCT machine tamping b/w BPM-BTU

10-11/12/2022 BPM Yard PCT8254 at point 59b, 60b in bpm yard

11-12/12/2022 BPM Yard PCT8254 tamping at M/L in BPM Yard Ch 32/910-32/050

12-13/12/2022 BPM Yard PCT8254 at point 59b, 60b, 41b, 42b in bpm yard

13-14/12/2022 BPM Yard PCT8254 machine failure in bpm yard 20 prc tamp of pt 60b

14-15/12/2022 BPM Yard PCT8254 at point 59b, 60b, 41b, 42b in bpm yard

15-16/12/2022 BPM PCT machine in M/L tamping Ch32/910-32/050 &Gate31/915-31/895

16-17/11/2022 BTU Yard BCM702+ pct machine DSW at point 12a dli end

17-18/12/2022 BTU Yard PCT8254 +BCM371 deep screeing of point13a dli end at BTU yar

18-19/12/2022 BTU-KQL All m/c bcm371,bcm702,dgs349,wst8107 shifting from BTU TO KQL

19-20/12/2022 Rest Rest

20-21/12/2022 72/16-71/5 BCM+WST+DGS b/w KPKI-KQL

21-22/12/2022 71/1-68/2 BCM+WST+DGS b/w KPKI-KQL

22-23/12/2022 69/11-69/3 BCM371 + bcm702+ wst+dgs DSW b/w KPKI-KQL

23 TO 28/12/2022 Leave leave+NH

28-29/12/2022 39/14-29/13 PCT8254 machine tamping in bpm yard A cabin M/L

29-30/12/2022 BTU Yard BCM702+ pct machine DSW at point 12a SMQL end

30-31/12/2022 25/08-23/14 PCT machine b/w kex-bpm in kms 25/08-23/14

31-1/1/2023 BTU YARD PCT M/C AT point 12a 13a of sre and dli end turnout

Name Rajat Lohia JE/PWAY/NOLI

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