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If the photoelectric effect is observed for one metal, can you conclude that the effect will also

be observed for another metal under the same conditions? Explain

. No, you cannot conclude that the photoelectric effect will also be observed for another
metal under the same conditions. Different metals have different properties and may have
different responses to the same conditions. Therefore, the photoelectric effect may be
observed for one metal and not for another, even under the same conditions.

What assumptions were made by Planck in dealing with the problem of blackbody radiation?
Discuss the consequences of these assumption

Max Planck made two major assumptions in his theory of blackbody radiation. He assumed
that radiation is composed of discrete bundles of energy, which he referred to as "quanta,"
and that these quanta of energy can only take on certain discrete values of energy. The first
assumption is important because it explained the observation that blackbody radiation had a
continuous spectrum of frequencies and intensities. By assuming that radiation was
composed of discrete quanta of energy, Planck was able to explain the behaviors of
blackbody radiation, such as the fact that the intensity of the radiation as a function of
frequency follows a bell-shaped curve and that the higher-frequency radiation is more
intense than the lower-frequency radiation. The second assumption, that quanta of energy
can only take on certain discrete values, is important because it explains the observation
that the intensity of the radiation as a function of frequency follows a bell-shaped curve.
Planck's assumption that quanta of energy can only take on certain discrete values explains
why the intensity of the radiation as a function of frequency follows a bell-shaped curve, as
the intensity increases as more quanta of energy are added, but then levels off as it reaches
the maximum intensity for a given frequency. The consequences of these assumptions are
profound, as they laid the foundation for the development of quantum mechanics, which is
the most successful physical theory of the twentieth century. Furthermore, Planck's work on
blackbody radiation was the first successful application of the idea of quanta of energy,
which laid the foundation for the development of quantum mechanics and modern physics.

Suppose the photoelectric effect occurs in a gaseous target rather than a solid. Will
photoelectrons be produced at all frequencies of the incident photon? Explain.

No, photoelectrons will not be produced at all frequencies of the incident photon. In a
gaseous target, the electrons are bound to atoms, so the incident photons must have
enough energy to overcome the ionization energy of the atom and free an electron.
Therefore, the frequency of the incident photon must be above a certain threshold for
photoelectrons to be produced.

How does the Compton effect differ from the photoelectric effect?
The Compton effect occurs when a photon interacts with an electron and the electron is
scattered off the incident photon. The photon loses some of its energy in the interaction and
the electron gains some of the energy. The photoelectric effect occurs when a photon
interacts with an electron and the electron is ejected from the surface of the material. The
photon must have enough energy to overcome the binding energy of the electron in order for
the photoelectric effect to occur. The Compton effect does not require the photon to have a
certain minimum energy, and the electron does not need to be ejected from the material

What assumptions were made by Compton in dealing with the scattering of a photon from an

1. Compton assumed that the photon and electron interacted via the electromagnetic
force according to the laws of quantum mechanics
2. . He assumed that the photon and electron behaved as particles, not waves
3. . . He assumed that the photon and electron interacted in an elastic collision,
meaning that the total kinetic energy of the system was conserved.
4. . He assumed that the photon's frequency shifted after the collision and that the
amount of this shift was proportional to the angle of scattering.
5. . He assumed that the electron was initially at rest.

An x-ray photon is scattered by an electron. What happens to the frequency of the scattered
photon relative to that of the incident photon? and why?

The frequency of the scattered photon will be lower than that of the incident photon. This is
due to the fact that the energy of the photon is transferred to the electron during the
scattering process, resulting in the frequency of the scattered photon being lower than that of
the incident photon.

Why does the existence of a cutoff frequency in the photoelectric effect favor a particle
theory for light rather than a wave theory?

The existence of a cutoff frequency in the photoelectric effect suggests that light is made up
of particles (photons), rather than a wave. This is because the energy of the photons is
directly proportional to the frequency of the light, and thus a minimum frequency (the cutoff
frequency) is needed in order to cause the photoelectric effect. This would not be the case if
light was a wave, as the energy of a wave depends on its amplitude, not its frequency.

All objects radiate energy. Why, then, are we not able to see all objects in a dark room?

In a dark room, most objects do not emit enough energy to be visible to the human eye. The
human eye is not sensitive enough to detect the very small amount of energy emitted by
objects in a dark room. In addition, the majority of the energy emitted by most objects is in
the infrared spectrum, which is also invisible to the human eye.

Which has more energy, a photon of ultraviolet radiation or a photon of yellow light ? and

A photon of ultraviolet radiation has more energy than a photon of yellow light because the
frequency of ultraviolet radiation is higher than the frequency of yellow light. UV radiation has
a higher frequency, which corresponds to a higher energy level

What effect, if any, would you expect the temperature of a material to have on the ease with
which electrons can be ejected from it in the photoelectric effect?

The temperature of a material will have a direct effect on the ease with which electrons can
be ejected from it in the photoelectric effect. As the temperature of the material increases,
the energy of the electrons will increase, making it easier for electrons to be ejected. At very
high temperatures, however, the electrons may become too energetic and the photoelectric
effect may become less effective.

Some stars are observed to be reddish, and some are blue. Which stars have the higher
surface temperature? Explain.

Generally, stars that are observed to be bluer have higher surface temperatures than stars
that are observed to be reddish. This is because blue light has a higher energy than red
light, and so stars that emit more blue light are hotter than those that emit more red light.

What physical process described in this chapter might reasonably be called “the inverse
photoelectric effect”? Can you account for this process classically or must it be accounted for by
viewing light as a collection of many little particles each with energy hf ? Explain.

What physical process described in this chapter might reasonably be called “the inverse
photoelectric effect”? Can you account for this process classically or must it be accounted for
by viewing light as a collection of many little particles each with energy hf ? Explain.

The physical process described in this chapter that could reasonably be called the inverse
photoelectric effect is the process by which an electron gains energy from a photon and then
releases it in the form of light. This process can be accounted for classically by considering
light to be a wave with certain properties that allow it to transfer energy to an electron.
However, it can also be viewed as a collection of many little particles each with energy hf, as
described in the photoelectric effect. This is because photons of light can be seen as
individual particles that interact with electrons in order to transfer energy. X-ray formation is
the inverse of the photoelectric effect. X-rays are produced when high-energy electrons from
an external source, such as an X-ray tube, are accelerated toward a metal target, usually
tungsten, inside the tube. When the electrons collide with the atoms in the metal target,
some of the kinetic energy is transferred to the electrons in the outer shells of the atoms.
These electrons are then released and the resulting energy is emitted as X-rays.

In the photoelectric effect, if the intensity of incident light is very low, then the number of
photons per second striking the metal surface will be small and the probability per second of
electron emission per surface atom will also be small. Account for the observed
instantaneous emission of photoelectrons under these conditions.

Under these conditions, the number of photons per second striking the metal surface is so
small that it is unlikely that any of them will interact with an atom in the metal surface.
However, due to the random nature of quantum mechanics, it is still possible for a photon to
interact with an atom. When this occurs, the electron is immediately released due to the
large energy transfer from the photon, resulting in the instantaneous emission of

The end !

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