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Aside from basic classes, schools may also introduce other subjects which are meant
to teach students valuable life lessons and skills. Although they may not contribute directly to
academic success, their importance should not be overlooked. While many may see these
subjects as a waste of time, their benefits prove that they are necessary for the younger,
impressionable population. They can help to teach students about independence as well as
help in developing their social skills and moral compass.
Learning about subjects outside of the academic curriculum can help to contribute to
students’ development into independent adults. Classes such as Food and Nutrition teach
students about skills they will need to sustain themselves as they grow. Unfortunately, many
teenagers are not confident about their ability to live without their parents due to their
inability to carry out basic tasks such as preparing meals or treating minor injuries.
Furthermore, certain subjects such as Dance help students in developing social skills
and learning how to work with others. This is extremely important as many students tend to
struggle with basic social interactions and without the proper resources to work through it,
never overcome these hurdles. A study conducted by the National Institute of Mental Health
found that over 10% of adults suffer from social anxiety disorder. Regardless of how
educated an individual is, being unable to work or interact normally with others can prove to
affect their lives drastically. It can affect their ability to make reliable friends or even land a
job in the future.
Lastly, subjects where students are taught about morals and how to treat others is
crucial for them and society in general. If a child is not exposed to moral teaching, they might
conclude that humanity is immoral which can lead to a life of crime. Many children may lack
basic moral training and Religion class, for example, can help with this. It allows the students
to ask questions about things outside of academics and receive general life lessons to help
with their development.
Overall, extra subjects taught in schools which may seem to contribute nothing to life
as they are not academic, are in fact very crucial for all schools to have. They help the
development of students into adults by teaching them about independence, social skills and
morals. Valuable life lessons and skills are made available to all students through subjects
such as Dance, Religion and Food and Nutrition.

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