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Future simple will+ verb
future continuous will+be+ing
future perfect will+have+participle
future present continuous will+have+being+ing
be going to

In this speaking I’m going to talk about climate change and the consequences it
will have in the future. Climate change is the changes in temperatures and
weather patterns. These changes may be natural, but since the 19th century,
human activities have been the main cause of climate change, primarily due to
the burning of fossil fuels such as carbon, oil and gas, which produce gasses that
capture heat. Climate change affects us a lot now, but in the future it is expected
to have many bad consequences.

In a few years, the temperature of the planet will have risen sharply. This will
cause more heat waves, which will lead to more droughts and more malnutrition
because you can't grow crops if there is no water. Climate change will also cause
the poles to melt, which is leading to a rise in sea levels.

The need to stop this change will be growing while the years pass, if we do not
want to pass the problem on to our children. To stop it, in the future all cars will
have to be electric or environmentally friendly.

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