My First Day of OJT Started On March 8 (Carl)

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My first day of OJT started on March 8, 2023 at LTO Calamba District Office.

that day I and my co trainees are nervous and excited because we don't know
what’s going to be happen on that day but it is a challenging for us and it is a
privilege for us to be trained for the real world. Because it was the 1st day of OJT, of
course we went to the office early and we wait for our supervisor for us to be
oriented to the whole staff of LTO. After that our supervisor introduced us to the LTO
staff and explained the functions of each window inside the LTO and also introduced
us to the LTO chief. Our supervisor has also assigned us to our own designated
window assignments. And I was assigned work at the Driver’s License Releasing
under Sir. Emil Taganna’s supervision. On that moment the first thing that he said to
me that I did is to observe what process they are doing in releasing the card and
also, he teaches me how to release a driver’s license card. I was also taught the
process of printing a picture of the vehicle for registration. After that, I tried to do the
process that was being done and it was fun because I had new learnings that day
and I also tried printing pictures. When I was designated at the releasing of the
Driver's License card, I learned to entertain the people patiently even when the
situation is chaotic and also, I have improved multitasking and being able to focus
on work. Although I see that I still make mistakes but it is a privilege that I can
improve my work performance not only as an OJT but as a worker. In printing the
picture, I learned to be patient and diligent to find those pictures that need to be
printed. Almost everyday from the beginning of my OJT I always felt dizzy and had a
headache but after a while I got used to it, but special thanks to Sir. Alvin
Baricanosa because he made it a way to find the pictures easily. He put a number to
the stencil paper and also to the picture there’s a whiteboard with a number written
there. I have many things that I encountered when I enter at LTO

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