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MISSING (I wish it had this) ANNOYING (I don’t like that DISAPPOINTING (Good Idea
they do this…) done poorly)
- Materials such as In the field of makeup, I really It is disappointing that I
makeup and brushes hate when content creators cannot continue exploring
to use do not give honest reviews that field because of the
- Good lighting just because it was a PR Kit things missing. It became a
- A place to create a given by the brand to them. passion of mine but because
content Moreover, I hate when I lack some things I have to
- Confidence content creators do nasty stop and focus on what I
- Time things or nonsense things must do. Also, it is
just to gain followers or likes. disappointing to buy makeup
It is like it is okay to hurt the and when you try it, it does
feelings of people just for fun. not work on you because you
have a different skin type.

In continuous watching of content creators or makeup artists on different social media
platforms, we might obtain new techniques in doing makeup.
To invest in good makeup and materials for content creation, we might save money because
it would last longer than settling with cheaper but low quality.
In taking things with a grain of salt, we might stop ourselves from buying things that might
now work for us.

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