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Qualification EPAS NC II
Area/Section Practical Work Area In-Charge John Dominic B. Acuña
✓ 1. Are the Electronic tools/ equipment clean from dust
and oil? Dry and properly laid-out? Secured/stable?
✓ 2. Are the Electronic booths are free from
dust/rust/gums, Mig wire/stubs, metal scraps, graffiti,
unnecessary mark/signage, stable, dry & odor-free?
Area of machine can enable the trainee to move safely?
✓ 3. Are the working tables clean and dry? Arranged
according to floor plan/layout? Stable?
✓ 4. Are floor, walls, ceilings, windows and doors clean,
neat, without obstructions or unnecessary odor? All
hinges and locks functional? With exit plans?
✓ 5. Is the workshop well-ventilated and with enough
✓ 6. Is the computer set clean and dry? Cables, plugs,
mouse, properly laid out and functional? No cuts or
splices in flexible wires?
✓ 7.Is the air conditioning equipment clean and functional?

✓ 8. Is the Tool Room free of dust, with legible and visible

labels/signage's, logbook and forms complete, in order
& updated? Tools with safety guards and in
appropriate positions/ locations?
✓ 9. Is the wash area and rest room clean, sanitized, free
from unnecessary objects such as mops, rags and no
unacceptable odor? Are all water, drainage and
electrical systems functional? Are the urinals, bowls,
washbasins, walls and partitions free from stains, dirt,
oils, graffiti and unnecessary objects? Is it equipped
with adequate dipper and pails and properly located
after use?
✓ 11. Is the workshop surroundings clean and cleared of
obstructions, no impounded water and with adequate
✓ 12. Are there available receptacles for waste? Are the
waste materials properly segregated and disposed?
Remarks: Inspection is done and there is no any record of any problem.

Inspected By: Angelica B. Canaria Date: May, 2023

Prepared By: John Dominic B. Acuña

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