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Lesson Plan in English 4

1. Objectives:
A. Identify and use adjectives in a series
B. Construct simple sentences using the correct order
C. Shows interest in doing the activity

11. Subject Matter:

A. Content: Correct Order of Adjectives
B. Learning Resources: English Teacher’s Guide, pp. 242-244, English Learner’s Material, pp. 255-257
Pictures, task cards, power point
Values Integration: Appreciate one’s characteristic

111. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill
Good afternoon class! How are you today? We’re fine Ma’am
This afternoon, we are going to have a game. I will
divide you into four groups. What you are going
to do is to arrange the scrambled letters that
will best described its given pictures, then paste it
on the board.
Each group should have a leader to present
their work.
Given words to each group with the pictures





2 Review
What is an adjective? An adjective is a word that
describes a noun and a pronoun.

Give examples of adjective beautiful, good, happy

B. Motivational Activity
What do you see in the screen? A store

That’s right!
Can you guess, What is missing in the store? A vendor
Correct! Who wants to be a vendor to the store? ( Pupils raise their hands)
(Call a pupil)

Okay, now that the store has a vendor, the store

Is now open for buyers. Since today is the opening
day, the store is giving away 3 items for free.
Do you want to have a free item? Yes!

Great! There is only one condition. You are not

allowed to point the item with your hands.
You can only use adjectives or describing words
to let the vendor know what item you want to
buy. For example, For this item You may say, “Can
I buy one, small delicious red apple? Is it clear?

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