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Why is oxygen important?

Please do not give the JK answer, “Because

we would die without it.”

Oxygen is important because it is the most electronegative molecule active in

biology, it is a part of oxidation in which a molecule loses a hydrogen or gains an
oxygen atom. Oxygen is also important in the electron transport chain because in
order to maintain the chain of increasing electronegative proteins, the electrons
must be removed for the Cytochrome Oxidase Complex. This very electronegative
molecule can only be oxidized by an even more electronegative molecule which must
be oxygen as it is the most electronegative molecule active in biology. Oxygen
absorbs protons to make water as it oxidized Cytochrome Oxidase Complex.
Oxygen can also collect 4 protons from the matrix as it can oxidize two
Cytochrome Oxidase Complex, this increases the electrochemical gradient across
the membrane.

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