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Successful career

- on the one hand job classification, position, promotion, salary increase
- on the other hand internal personal transformation

Conditions for building a successful career:

- education (not only completed, but lifelong improvement in the given field - training...)
- experience in the field - we become experts not only due to theoretical knowledge, but mainly thanks to
experience in the field (years of practice)
- communicativeness - mastering of verb., non-verbal communication, foreign languages, communication
using PC, internet, know how to communicate with other nations
- creativity - creativity, imagination, new ideas- they push us towards success, not to be satisfied only with
existing solutions to problems, but to invent the new ones
- self-believing - appropriate, healthy, self-confidence- I know my own abilities, knowledge, skills, practice..if I
do not believe in myself, others won‘t trust me either...
- ability of team work- ability to join the team, pull for one rope
- perseverance, efficiency, conscientiousness, accuracy - those decide whether we will be considered as
good, reliable employees

failing errors:

- wrong priorities in relation to work (what we consider to be the most important) - orientation towards high
income, orientation to achieve a high professional level, orientation to a leading position, orientation to
modesty, honesty...
- wrong life attitude - depression, laziness, passivity, addiction, workaholism, bad interpersonal relationships,
bad lifestyle, prejudices, aggression...
- manners - behaviour typical for a person (who may not even be aware of) which others are uncomfortable
with - entering the intimate zone of a person, spittiing during a discussion, cheeky staring
- self-deception - overestimation, exaggerated self-confidence, arrogance, not admitting weaknesses...
- bad time management - devoting more time to unimportant things, less to fulfillment of goals, problem
solving, working on personal growth...
- wrong friends - they are with you only when you are successful; addicts, with a crooked character - they lie,
they steal - they pull us down ... learn from the best
- inappropriate clothing - by clothes you show what is inside you, you make a first impression, social status,
no extravagance - it seems untrustworthy

Personal development plan:

Find out your strengths and weaknesses - Only then can we set realistic goals
- Personality type (extrovert, introvert,...)
- What I know to do well, what I can't do

Set goals
- Goal related to employment
- Goal focused on self-improvement (education, communication, self-control...)

Develop a plan to achieve the goals

- means, the way to achieve the goal, deadline.
Implement the plan.

check progress regularly

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