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WEEK 2: What is an AGM?

- business glossary- Types of Business Documents


What is an AGM?

An annual general meeting (AGM)

is a yearly gathering between the
shareholders of a company and its
board of directors. Generally, this is
the only time that the directors and
shareholders will meet throughout
the year, so it is a chance for the
directors to present the company’s
annual report.
What is a business glossary?

The business glossary is used to define the concepts in the

business domain. By creating a business glossary, you establish
a common reference for the vocabulary used throughout your
organization. In Data Catalog, you can create categories and
terms in a glossary to manage and organize business concepts.
all engineering companies have
their respective glossaries
Here, we will share the different engineering specialties in Peru :

•Administrative Engineering .
•Environmental Engineering .
•Biomedical Engineering .
•Civil Engineering .
•Commercial Engineering
•Mining Engineering
•Systems Engineering
each engineering has its own glossary

for example
Types of Business Documents
• A company uses documents to communicate, transact business
and analyze its productivity. Business documents range from brief
email messages to complex legal agreements. Some documents are
prepared by employees and business owners, while others are drafted
by professionals from outside of the company, such as accountants
and lawyers. Since documents provide proof of an organization’s
dealings and may be referred to for years to come, it is important
that they be well written.
Common Types of Documents

•Business Letters.
•Business Reports.
•Transactional Documents.
•Financial Reports and Documents.
Write an example for each type of document figure .

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