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5 Things That Happen When Your

Hobby Becomes Your Job

What happens when your hobby becomes your job? Find out!

Photo by Joseph Chan on Unsplash

Have you ever wondered what it is like to turn that passion or hobby of yours into
full-time employment? I would venture to say that almost everyone has dreamed of
that and some of us are fortunate enough to get to at some point during our
lifetime. Sometimes it comes early in life and then we move onto something else
that is more practical, either through necessity or by choice. Sometimes it takes
years to turn a dream into a reality after years at the grindstone. Often, we can
imagine what it would be like so well when we dream about it that we can literally
taste it. But do you really know what it is like?

As someone who has done just that, I will tell you a few things that are everything
you have ever dreamed about, as well as things you wouldn't expect.

1. "You Never Work a Day in Your Life"

This is very true but not in the way that you might think. A lot of times, when your
hobby is your living, you may actually put in more hours, more heart, more effort.
However, when you love the "work," happiness, fulfillment, and joy will often follow
and that makes it feel less like work because it is enjoyable. As a full-time
performer, I often work six days a week, holidays, and weekends. I get no paid sick
time or vacation pay, health insurance, or 401K. However, I make a living doing
what I love and, personally for me, it's a fair trade. So it's not that I don't work, I
very much do, but I couldn't be happier to.

2. It Can Become Mundane

A major misconception when you have a "fun" profession, is that it is exciting every
day, all the time. The truth is that anytime you do anything over and over, it can
feel mundane at times, and that is okay. As with any job, you will have good, bad,
exciting, and typical days. This is true in any line of work whether you love it or not,
whether it is a career or entry-level job. It's just a reality of anything.

3. You May Have the Desire to Find a New Hobby

After a while of doing what you love for a living, you may feel like you need to find a
new hobby or passion. In my teenage years and early 20's, I dreamed of being a
performer. After years of performing full time, I felt like I didn't have a hobby
anymore, because I really didn't. A hobby is defined as an activity that is done in
one's leisure time for pleasure. Therefore, once your hobby becomes your
profession and the way you make your living, it is technically no longer a hobby. So
I can totally understand why the desire to find a new hobby may come up. I felt a
little guilty when it happened to me, but it shouldn't be. Why shouldn't it be perfectly
awesome to not only love your career and have a hobby that you enjoy? It's a win-

4. Your Passion for It May Change Over Time

Much like a marriage, you will fall in love with it in different ways as the years go
on. Often, when we get into a line of work, we will feel one way and choose it for
certain reasons. After years, or even decades, feelings may change about what
you do. I love performing in a different way now than I did when I started, not more
or less, just different. I am happy taking a backseat to someone else, whereas,
when I started, I wanted to be a "star." I have learned over the years, I don't
want that much pressure. This will be different for everybody.

5. You'll Always Think There Is a Day When It Will End

It will be a natural fear for many of us who do what we love for a living that we will
wake up from this dream. The truth is, it may not be forever, but it can also last a
lot longer than you have ever dreamed possible. This is the price of being fortunate
enough to do your passion for a living is that it can go away a little easier than
other things, especially anything artistic. People who have steady, seemingly
"regular" jobs, sometimes won't understand that there can be such uncertainty. But
that is the price we pay.

What Are Your Thoughts?

I would love to hear from you! What are your hobbies? Have you ever earned
money or hope to someday? Do you make a small income from it or is it your full
time employment? Comment below.

This article is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge. Content is
for informational or entertainment purposes only and does not substitute for
personal counsel or professional advice in business, financial, legal, or technical

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