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Morgan Valeri

Ms. Michko

AP Language & Composition

Perfection Argumentative Essay

While many people are known to spend long hours working to achieve perfection, no one

is ever truly able to attain it. However, perfection surrounds the concept of “no flaws”, which is

what most of us strive for. But, if people continue to chase their goals and put in the desired

work, one will come as close to the desired outcome of perfection itself.

Although the public eye tends to view athletes as perfect people, the individual themself

may not look at perfection in the same sense. For example, Gabby Douglas (Olympic Gymnast,

Gold Medalist) had worked long hours in the gym in order to make her way to the top. Even

though she is breaking all of these records, both herself and her coaches will continue to critique

specific moves that can be viewed as possible deductions. In terms of this, Gabby may not define

herself as perfect, even though she is at the top; she still recognizes that there is always room for

improvement. This can also be demonstrated for Erin Matson (best collegiate field hockey

player) who has broken numerous scoring statistics for the nation. Because she is known to be

considered as one of the “perfects”, this only motivates her to work harder because she believes

that there is no such thing as perfection.

Even though many may believe that striving for perfection can be harmful, it can be used

as a motivational mindset for success. By means of this, if you take a look at some of the top

students who were not chosen to be admitted in an Ivy League school, they still continue to study

long hours and will now strive for their own perfection. Because many Ivy League schools are

considered to teach the “perfect” education for its students, this will motivate students around the

nation to strive for achieving this certain type of academic success. But, students who still put in
Morgan Valeri

Ms. Michko

AP Language & Composition

the same amount of work and who are not in the “top schools” are striving for the same types of

perfection. Maybe the types of perfection students strive for is different; such as academics,

athletics, or just their overall mindset growth as an individual. But, every single student carries

their own perfections in a sense. For example, one student may excel in mathematics but isn’t as

strong in science, and another student is in the same situation but vice-versa. This goes to prove

that we all carry our own strengths in subjects but might just not advance or be considered

perfect in them all.

Moving in a different direction, many parents will often strive for perfection too. For

instance, parents will attain the mindset that they need to be the “perfect” parent for their

children, but all that truly matters is if they teach their kids love, affection, and will continue to

educate them right from wrong. For parents, their beliefs of perfection can mean different things.

For example, one parent’s own idea of perfection is trying to put pressure on their own child for

both sports and academics. But, another parent may believe that their idea of being a perfect

parent comes from teaching children beneficial morals, and just how they can raise their child to

become the best they can be. But, as every single parent carries their own flaws and

imperfections at some point in their parenthood journey, they will never be able to fully attain the

concept of perfection.

As almost every single one of us has tried to obtain a sense of perfection in our lives, no

one can truly ever claim that they are perfect. Whether or not you have broken multiple records,

are at the top of your class, or are even a professional athlete… no one can truly ever be perfect.

Of course, these accomplishments are all amazing in their own ways, but if these people think

and consider themselves as perfect from the get go, there will be absolutely no room for growth.
Morgan Valeri

Ms. Michko

AP Language & Composition

These people you view as perfect will most of the time explain how important it is to chase for

more, until you fulfill YOUR desired outcome… others. For instance, Einstein most likely

wanted to discover just one more method to attack a problem, and Erin Matson may have wanted

to just score one more goal in a game. But what really matters, is the fact that these individuals

are striving for their own perfections, and not others desires. That is what perfection means to


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