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Group 2 Debate Full Script

Moderator Anding: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, esteemed judges, and fellow audience
members, welcome to today's debate on the topic, "Resolved: That the pursuit of material wealth
and possessions hinders the development of true self-understanding and personal fulfillment." I
am Ms. Andrea Gonzales, your moderator of today’s debate. We have two teams here today—the
Affirmative Team, supporting the resolution, namely (state their names) and the Negative Team,
opposing the resolution (state their names).
The debate will consist of opening statements: each team typically has a set amount of time, such
as 5-7 minutes, to present their arguments, rebuttals: each team has a designated time, often 3-5
minutes, to respond to their opponent's arguments, cross-examination: usually lasts 1-2 minutes
per team, allowing each side to ask questions, and closing statements: similar to opening
statements, typically 3-5 minutes per team. Ms. Charlene Llaguno will be the one who is in charge
of keeping the time.
Let us now proceed with the opening statements. Affirmative Team, you may proceed.

Affirmative Team (Opening Statrments):

Speaker 1: Thank you, moderator. We firmly believe that the pursuit of material wealth and
possessions does hinder the development of true self-understanding and personal fulfillment. In
our consumer-driven society, the relentless pursuit of material possessions often leads individuals
to prioritize external markers of success over their own internal growth and well-being. This
pursuit often creates a never-ending cycle of desire, where individuals continuously strive for
more, only to find that their possessions bring temporary satisfaction at best.
Speaker 2: To support our stance, we present empirical evidence from a study conducted by Ryan
and Deci (2000), which found that individuals who prioritize extrinsic goals, such as wealth and
possessions, experience lower levels of psychological well-being and life satisfaction.
Furthermore, the pursuit of material wealth can lead to negative consequences such as increased
stress, anxiety, and reduced overall happiness (Kasser, 2016).
Speaker 3: Additionally, renowned psychologist Abraham Maslow developed a theory of human
motivation, known as the hierarchy of needs. According to Maslow, once our basic physiological
and safety needs are met, the pursuit of self-actualization becomes crucial for personal fulfillment.
However, the excessive focus on material wealth often hinders individuals from reaching this
higher level of self-actualization. They become trapped in a cycle of pursuing material possessions
instead of exploring their passions, values, and true potential.
We have presented empirical evidence and expert opinions that highlight the negative impact of
materialism on personal well-being and fulfillment. We urge you to consider the long-term
consequences of prioritizing material wealth over true self-understanding and personal growth.

Moderator Anding: Thank you, Affirmative Team, for your opening statements. Now, Negative
Team, it's your turn to present your arguments against the resolution.
Negative Team (Opening Statements):
Speaker 1: Thank you, moderator. We respectfully oppose the notion that the pursuit of material
wealth hinders the development of true self-understanding and personal fulfillment. While it is
true that excessive materialism can lead to negative outcomes, it is important to recognize that
material possessions can also provide opportunities for personal growth and self-expression.
Speaker 2: To counter the arguments presented by the Affirmative Team, we turn to the findings
of a meta-analysis conducted by Howell and Hill (2009), which revealed that material possessions
can contribute to happiness and well-being, particularly when they fulfill intrinsic psychological
needs such as autonomy, competence, and relatedness. Furthermore, possessing certain material
goods can enhance an individual's self-identity, facilitate social connections, and provide a sense
of security (Belk, 2018).
Speaker 3: It is crucial to acknowledge that personal fulfillment is subjective and varies among
individuals. While some may find self-understanding and fulfillment through introspection and
self-reflection, others may find it through achievements and the acquisition of material
possessions. For example, entrepreneurship and innovation, driven by the desire for material
success, have led to advancements in technology, improved living standards, and economic
Moreover, the pursuit of material wealth often provides individuals with the means to access
educational opportunities, healthcare, and other resources that contribute to their overall well-
being. These factors should not be disregarded when discussing the relationship between material
wealth and personal fulfillment.

Moderator Anding: Thank you, Negative Team, for presenting your arguments. We will now
proceed to the rebuttals. Affirmative Team, you may present your rebuttals against the arguments
made by the Negative Team.

Affirmative Team:
Speaker 1: Thank you, moderator. In response to the arguments put forth by the Negative Team,
we acknowledge that material possessions can have some positive effects on well-being when they
fulfill intrinsic psychological needs. However, we contend that the pursuit of material wealth often
overshadows the fulfillment of these intrinsic needs, leading to a skewed focus on extrinsic goals.
Speaker 2: To further support our position, we refer to a study by Sheldon and Kasser (2008),
which found that individuals who prioritize extrinsic goals, including materialism, report lower
levels of psychological well-being and vitality, and higher levels of depression and anxiety. This
demonstrates that the pursuit of material wealth can be detrimental to overall mental health and
personal fulfillment.
Speaker 3: Additionally, we would like to address the notion that material possessions provide
access to resources that contribute to personal well-being. While it is true that wealth can provide
certain advantages, a study conducted by Piff et al. (2012) revealed that individuals of higher
socioeconomic status are more likely to exhibit unethical behavior, decreased empathy, and
reduced prosocial behavior. This suggests that an excessive focus on material wealth can actually
erode ethical values and hinder interpersonal connections, thereby hindering personal growth and
Moderator: Thank you, Affirmative Team, for your rebuttals. Now, Negative Team, you have the
opportunity to present your rebuttals against the arguments made by the Affirmative Team.

Negative Team:
Speaker 1: Thank you, moderator. We appreciate the arguments presented by the Affirmative
Team, but we would like to offer a rebuttal to their points.
Regarding the study by Sheldon and Kasser (2008), while it is true that individuals who prioritize
extrinsic goals may experience lower levels of psychological well-being, it is important to note
that not all pursuits of material wealth fall under the umbrella of extrinsic goals. Many individuals
strive for financial success to provide for their families, contribute to society, or pursue their
passions. In fact, a study conducted by Oishi et al. (2019) found that individuals who viewed
wealth as a means to pursue their personal goals reported higher levels of well-being and life
satisfaction. This suggests that the pursuit of material wealth can indeed contribute to personal
fulfillment when aligned with intrinsic values and aspirations.
Speaker 2: Additionally, the study by Piff et al. (2012) highlights the negative behaviors
associated with higher socioeconomic status. However, it is crucial to recognize that these findings
do not imply causation. Other factors, such as the cultural context, individual values, and
upbringing, can influence ethical behavior and empathy. Furthermore, there are numerous
examples of individuals of high socioeconomic status who use their wealth to make positive
contributions to society through philanthropy, innovation, and social initiatives.
Speaker 3: In conclusion, while the Affirmative Team has presented valid concerns about the
negative impacts of materialism, it is essential to consider the nuanced nature of the pursuit of
material wealth. When aligned with intrinsic values, personal goals, and ethical considerations, the
pursuit of material possessions can contribute to personal fulfillment and provide opportunities for
growth, innovation, and positive societal impact.

Moderator Anding: Thank you, Negative Team, for your rebuttals.

Are there any rebuttals Affirmative Team?
Or is there anything you want to add Negative Team?

We will now proceed to the cross-examination phase. Affirmative Team, you may ask questions
to the Negative Team to gain clarification or challenge their arguments.

Affirmative Team: Speaker _: Negative Team, you mentioned that material possessions can
enhance self-identity and facilitate social connections. However, can you provide empirical
evidence or expert opinions that support this claim?
Negative Team: Speaker _: Certainly. A study conducted by Belk (2018) explored the role of
material possessions in constructing self-identity and found that possessions can serve as markers
of personal identity, helping individuals express their values, interests, and aspirations.
Additionally, social psychologist Ethan Kross noted that material possessions can serve as
conversation starters and facilitate social bonding.

Negative Team: Speaker _: In light of your arguments, Affirmative team, we would like to
inquire about the role of personal choice and individual differences in the pursuit of material
wealth. Isn't it possible that some individuals find personal fulfillment and self-understanding
through the acquisition of material possessions?
Affirmative Team: Speaker _: Thank you for your question. While it is true that individuals have
different preferences and values, we must consider the broader societal impact of the pursuit of
material wealth. The empirical evidence we have presented demonstrates that, on average, the
relentless pursuit of material possessions tends to have negative consequences on overall well-
being and personal fulfillment. While there may be isolated cases of individuals finding fulfillment
through materialism, the larger pattern suggests otherwise.

Moderator Anding: Do you still have some clarifications, affirmative and negative team? (wala
na daw). Now, it's time for the closing statements. Affirmative Team, please summarize your main
points and make a final appeal to the audience.

Affirmative Team (Closing Statements):

Speaker 1: In conclusion, we have presented compelling empirical evidence that supports the
resolution. The pursuit of material wealth often leads to a neglect of intrinsic needs, resulting in
lower levels of psychological well-being, reduced self-actualization, and diminished personal
fulfillment. Our arguments have highlighted the negative consequences of materialism on long-
term happiness and the importance of prioritizing internal growth over external markers of success.
We urge you to consider the long-term impact of materialism and the value of cultivating true self-
understanding and personal growth.
Speaker 2: True personal fulfillment lies not in the accumulation of material possessions, but in
the exploration of one's passions, values, and unique potential. By prioritizing internal growth and
self-reflection, individuals can achieve a deeper sense of fulfillment and a more genuine
understanding of themselves. We have presented evidence that shows the detrimental effects of
excessive materialism on psychological well-being and the potential for material possessions to
serve as distractions from personal growth. Embracing self-awareness and focusing on intrinsic
goals can lead to a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

Moderator Anding: Thank you, Affirmative Team, for your closing statements. Now, Negative
Team, please present your closing statements by summarizing your main points and making a final
appeal to the audience.

Negative Team (Closing Statements):

Speaker 1: In conclusion, we have presented evidence that highlights the potential benefits of
material possessions for personal well-being and self-identity. While we acknowledge the pitfalls
of excessive materialism, it is essential to recognize that the pursuit of material wealth can provide
opportunities for growth, self-expression, and access to resources that contribute to overall well-
being. We have emphasized the importance of personal choice and individual differences in the
pursuit of personal fulfillment. Our arguments have shown that material possessions can enhance
self-identity, facilitate social connections, and provide a sense of security. Personal fulfillment
should be subjective and tailored to individual preferences and values.
Speaker 2: We urge you to consider the broader societal impact of the pursuit of material wealth.
While the Affirmative Team has presented evidence of the negative consequences of materialism,
it is crucial to recognize the positive outcomes that can arise from the acquisition of material
possessions. Material wealth can provide individuals with the means to access educational
opportunities, healthcare, and other resources that contribute to their overall well-being. The
pursuit of material wealth is not inherently detrimental to personal fulfillment; rather, it can
provide avenues for personal growth, social mobility, and the pursuit of one's passions. Personal
fulfillment can be achieved through a combination of intrinsic and extrinsic sources, and it is
important to consider the diverse perspectives and contexts when evaluating the relationship
between material possessions and personal growth.

Moderator Anding: Thank you, Negative Team, for your closing statements. We have witnessed
a thought-provoking debate on whether the pursuit of material wealth and possessions hinders the
development of true self-understanding and personal fulfillment. Now, I would like to invite the
audience to participate by asking questions or providing feedback during the designated period.
Audience Member 1: (Asking the Affirmative Team) You mentioned that materialism leads to
increased stress and reduced life satisfaction. Can you provide specific examples or studies that
support this claim?
Affirmative Team: Speaker 1: Thank you for your question. One study conducted by Kasser
(2016) examined the relationship between materialism and subjective well-being and found that
individuals who prioritize materialistic values experience higher levels of stress, anxiety, and
overall dissatisfaction with life. Additionally, another study by Diener and Biswas-Diener (2008)
revealed that individuals who value material wealth over other aspects of life tend to have lower
life satisfaction and happiness levels.
Audience Member 2: (Asking the Negative Team) How can the pursuit of material wealth
contribute to personal growth and self-expression without becoming excessively materialistic?
Negative Team: Speaker 2: Thank you for your question. It is important to distinguish between
healthy pursuit and excessive materialism. The pursuit of material wealth can contribute to
personal growth and self-expression when individuals use their resources to develop their skills,
pursue education, support their passions, or contribute to meaningful causes. It becomes excessive
materialism when individuals prioritize possessions above all else, neglecting their personal
values, relationships, and overall well-being. Striking a balance and maintaining a perspective that
encompasses various aspects of life is key to avoiding the negative consequences of excessive
Moderator Anding: Thank you, Audience Members, for your questions. We appreciate your
engagement in the debate. Before we conclude, I would like to remind the audience of the
objectives of this debate: engaging in reflection, appreciating one's uniqueness, applying critical
thinking skills, gaining a clearer idea of self-concept, appreciating the value of psychology and
related disciplines, and collaborating with team members.
I encourage all audience members to continue exploring this topic further, conducting their own
research, and engaging in thoughtful discussions. Remember to respect diverse perspectives and
maintain a spirit of open-mindedness.
Thank you to both teams for your well-researched arguments supported by empirical evidence,
data, statistics, and expert opinions. Your contributions have made this debate informative and
Thank you all for your participation, and may you continue to seek personal growth and fulfillment
in your own unique ways.

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