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Wi-Fi setup on your Android device

Please note that some options may vary depending on your make, model, android version, as well as any theme and/or settings
that you may have applied to personalize the device for yourself.

1. Navigate to the settings option of your device and click on Connections or whichever option is applicable to you for
setting up Wi-Fi on your device. Click on Connections, turn on Wi-Fi and go into Wi-Fi settings.
2. Click on NMMU_Student or NMMU_Staff. Whichever option is applicable to you.
3. Enter your details as stipulated below. STAFF AND STUDENT DETAILS VARY!
a. STUDENTS SHOULD CONFIRM that EAP method is PEAP and Phase 2 Authentication is MSCHAPV2
i. Your Identity should be
ii. Enter your university password
a. STAFF SHOULD CONFIRM that EAP method is PEAP and Phase 2 Authentication is MSCHAPV2
i. Your Identity should be USERNAME@NMMU.AC.ZA
ii. Enter your university password
6. Once you have entered your details correctly, click CONNECT.
7. It should show you that you are connected to NMMU_Student or NMMU_Staff, whichever option you chose initially.

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