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Script for Radio Show

“This is The Talk Station, with Mo and Lucy”

Feature- Jon Finch

Questions for Jon Finch

● How do you approach teaching a topic that students typically find difficult or
challenging in maths?

● Do you find teaching difficult?

● What do you think are the most important mathematical skills that students should
have by the end of their course?

● How do you encourage students to develop a love for maths and to see its relevance
in their everyday lives?

● What resources or support do you provide to help students prepare for exams?

● What are some study techniques that you recommend for success in maths?

● What kind of feedback do you provide to students on their assessments and how do
you use it to inform your teaching?

● When and why did you start teaching?

● What do you think is the most common misconception that students have about
maths and how do you help them overcome it?

● Is it true you were in an episode of Rosie and jim?

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