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Nama Penulis : Dr. Mirjam Anugerahwati, M.A.

Nama Penelaah : -
Status Pengembangan : Baru/Revisi*
Tahun Pengembangan : 2019

No Tugas Tutorial
1 In this second tutorial assignment, you have to choose one area of gender issues
(either gender in education, or in the workplace, or in the society), do a mini
research about that: the concept, the existence in daily life (for example, the
existence of gender stereotyping in text book), and write a short essay on the topic.
The essay must be 250-350 words in length, typed, 12 points Times New Roman,
and 1.5 spaced.

Gender stereotypes are dangerous because they can cause us to might be disoriented in our
perceptions.  When individuals don’t conform to our gender stereotypes the result can lead to
discrimination and unequal or create unequal or unfair treatment. s to a certain person who
chooses to defy people’s assumptions about his/her gender. When gender inequality occurs in the
background of gender stereotyping, this is in the most basic sense sexism. 

In general, gender discrimination occurs when an employer treats one employee differently
based on his or her sex. In many instances, the employer will rely on a stereotype as the basis for
this unequal treatment. These stereotypes can be most pernicious when decision-makers view
women negatively because of their sexual orientation, gender identity and/or gender expression.
For example, the employer may say that a woman cannot perform a certain duty because women
are not as strong as men, or because women are too emotional.

 Many employers will rely on these stereotypes when deciding whether to promote one employee
over another. Women lose ground when educators and employers make decisions based on
outdated stereotypes about the roles of women at work, at school or in regard to their perceived
role as mothers and wives. Many employers may decide to hire or promote a male candidate,
assuming that a female candidate of a certain age range will become pregnant.
 Although often people presume that gender-based stereotypes target women, stereotypes geared
toward men exist as well. For example, an employer may believe that a woman is better
equipped for a job because women are more sensitive than men, or because a woman is more
sexually appealing.

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